Sponsors & Supporters

Our heartfelt thank you to all our sponsors to make this event successful:

Art & Art Education Program at Teachers College, Columbia University


Davis Publications

Henry Street Settlement & Abrons Art Center

Myers Foundation

National Art Education Association

New-York Historical Society

Office of Alumni Relations at Teachers College, Columbia University

Office of Enrollment Services at Teachers College, Columbia University

Provosts Office at Teachers College, Columbia University

Teachers College Press

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Museum of Modern Art

The Whitney Museum of American Art

The Guggenheim Museum


This conference would not be possible without the generous support of the following individuals for their willingness to serve as panel discussants:

Doug Blandy, University of Oregon

Paul Bolin, The University of Texas at Austin

Doug Boughton, Northern Illinois University

Judith Burton, Teachers College, Columbia University

Ansley Erickson, Teachers College, Columbia University

Kerry Freedman, Northern Illinois University

Mary Hafeli, Teachers College, Columbia University

Grace Hampton, The Pennsylvania State University

John Howell White, Kutztown University

Judith Kafka, Baruch College

Ami Kantawala, Teachers College, Columbia University

Dónal O’Donoghue, University of British Columbia

Mary Ann Stankiewicz, The Pennsylvania State University

Graeme Sullivan, The Pennsylvania State University

The following individuals from Teachers College Faculty, Gottesman Library, Art & Art Education Program Students, and the College’s Senior Staff made this conference a reality and their support at every stage has been invaluable:

Steve Ackerman, Marketing and Continuing Professional Studies

Ama Acquah, Program Secretary, Art & Art Education Program

Paul Acquaro, Director, Office of Web Development

Ravi Ahmad Haque, Director of Academic Administration, Department of Arts & Humanities

Beatriz Albuquerque-Mendes, Doctoral Student

Vanessa Arnold, Masters Student

Maurie Brooks, Art & Art Education Program

Brian Bulfer, Doctoral Student

Heather Donohue, Manager, Business Operations and Marketing Initiatives

Katherine Embree, Vice Provost

David Estrella, Director of Admissions

Rosella Garcia, Director of Alumni Relations

James Gardner, Associate Vice President, Development and External Affairs

Jennifer Govan, Senior Librarian, Gottesman Library

Mary Hafeli, Professor Art & Art Education

Brian Hughes, Director of Design, EdLab, Gottesman Library

Keith Layton, Marketing

Yadi Liu, Doctoral Student

Nicole Marenbach, Business Operations and Marketing Initiatives

Ashley Mask, Macy Gallery Fellow, Art & Art Education Program

Barri Roberson, Director of Marketing

Geneva Robinson, Conference Manager

Tom Rock, Associate Vice Provost

Kristine Roome, Associate Vice Provost

Laura Scherling, Doctoral Student and Designer, Art & Art Education Program

Diane Shumway, Doctoral Student

Anita Sidler, Masters Student

Georgette Thompson, Program Associate, Art & Art Education Program

Matt Vincent, Web Developer, Office of Web Development

Erik Zakrzewski, Department Secretary, Department of Art & Humanities

and all other volunteers and helpers for their support...

The following individuals with generous support of time and resources provided various opportunities for the conference participants:

William Crow, Managing Museum Educator, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY

Jim Daichendt, Dean of the Arts and Humanities and Professor of Art History at Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego, CA

Sharon Dunn, Vice President of Education, New-York Historical Society, New York, NY

Daniel De Santis, Manager of Visual Arts Programs, New-York Historical Society, New York, NY

Lauren Gould, Instructional Designer, Boston, MA

Marlene Graham, Senior Manager of the Ruth and Harold D. Uris Center for Education

Heather Maxson, Director of School, Youth, and Family Programs, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY

Lisa Mazzola, Assistant Director School and Teacher Programs, MOMA, New York, NY

Deborah Reeves, Executive Director, National Art Education Association, Alexandria, VA

Carolyn Sickles, Director of Engagement, Henry Street Settlement & Aborns Art Center, New York, NY

Sreenath Sreenivasan, Chief Digital Officer, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY

Sharon Vatsky, Director of Education, Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY

Wendy Woon, Director of Education, MOMA, New York, NY

Wyatt Wade, President, Davis Publications, Worcester, MA

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