Registration Details


Participants in the Institute can either earn:

Professional Development Credits 
(CEUs or CTLEs)*


 3 Graduate Course Credits

C&T 5199: #ASeatAtTheTable: Exploring Black Girls’ Literacies

  Dr. Detra Price-Dennis, Dr. Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz

This course is designed in conjunction with Teachers College’s new Summer Institute, Reimagining Education: Teaching and Learning in Racially Diverse Schools. The four-day Institute brings together educators from across the country to rethink policy, pedagogy and practice for a more racially, ethnically and socioeconomically diverse student body. As a complement to the Summer Institute, this course will explore the metaphorical “seat at the table” that is often reserved for those who wield power in a society and are considered to have the influence to make decisions and effect change. In effect, the “table” becomes a symbol of power, negotiation, and credibility through which one can improve their life chances and the lives of others. Having a seat at the table means the opportunity to share power, make change, and make a difference.

EDP 4023: Reimagining Education: Policies for Effective Teaching and Learning in Racially Diverse Schools

  Dr. Amy Stuart Wells

This course provides graduate students studying education policy a unique opportunity to listen to and engage the Summer Institute speakers and participants. The course will meet as part of the regularly-scheduled programming of the institute from Monday, July 16th to Thursday, July 19th, 9 am to 5 pm. Students will also meet once for a pre-institute meeting (June 21 or 25) and once for a post-institute meeting (July 24) to discuss their class-specific readings and assignments related to the central themes of the Institute but tailored to a graduate course in the multidisciplinary field of education policy. This is a 3-credit course with variable credit options. This course fulfills M.A. requirements for Educational Policy and Sociology and Education Programs. 

C&T 4505: Reimagining Education: Equity, Race, and Pedagogical Practice

  Michelle Knight-Manuel

This course will give graduate students a unique opportunity to engage with and listen to their peers, major speakers in this field, student performers and facilitators committed to addressing equity, race, and pedagogy.  In addition to participating in the Institute, students will meet once before the Institute begins to discuss their class-specific readings and assignments.  The course seeks to connect students’ understanding of their racial autobiography to current/future pedagogies and/or research within culturally, economically, and linguistically diverse PreK-12 contexts

*Participants can earn three continuing education units (CEUs), or 30 New York State continuing teacher and leader education hours (CTLEs), or three graduate course credits. Single-day passes are also available.

To register for the Summer Institute and receive CEU or CTLE credit, or for a single-day pass, visit the Continuing Professional Studies Summer Institute Page.

For a 10 percent discount on groups of two or more, or special pricing for New York City public school teachers and returning participants, please contact

In development: a 12-credit advanced certificate program based on the Reimagining Education curriculum, incorporating distance (online) learning throughout the year. We will send out details in early 2018.

For more information, contact: Dianne Delima and Ann LoBue at; Amy Deiner at



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