RO-MAN 2016 Best Paper Awards

Design Category

Winner - Design

Look Where You're Going: Visual Interfaces for Robot Teleoperation

Jim Vaughan, Sven Kratz, and Don Kimber

Nominee - Design 

Design User Interfaces for Different User Groups: A Three-Way Teleconference System for Doctors, Patients and Assistants Using a Remote Medical Robot

Gerald Stollnberger, Manuel Giuliani, Nicole Mirnig, Manfred Tscheligi, Krzysztof Arent, Bogdan Kreczmer, Filip Grzeszczak, Dorota Szczesniak-Stanczyk, Radoslaw Zarczuk, and Andrzej Wysokinski 

Theoretical Category

Winner - Theoretical

How Violinists Alter Sound Volume and Tempo When Expressing Bright and Dark 

Timbres Koji Shibuya and Natsumi Hasegawa 

Empirical Category

Winner - Empirical

Exploring Elicitation Frequency of Learning-Sensitive Information by a Robotic Tutor for Interactive Personalization 

Caitlyn Clabaugh and Maja J. Mataric

Nominee - Empirical

Evaluating Intent-Expressive Robot Arm Motion

Christopher Bodden, Daniel Rakita, Bilge Mutlu, and Michael Gleicher 

Technology Category

Winner - Technology

Imitating Human Movement with Teleoperated Robotic Head 

Priyanshu Agarwal, Samer Al Moubayed, Alexander Alspach, Joohyung Kim, Elizabeth J. Carter, Jill Fain Lehman, and Katsu Yamane

Nominees - Technology

Modeling the Dynamics of Individual Behaviors for Group Detection in Crowds Using Low-Level Features 

Omar Adair Islas Ramírez, Giovanna Varni, Mihai Andries, Mohamed Chetouani, and Raja Chatila

Maintaining Awareness of the Focus of Attention of a Conversation: A Robot-Centric Reinforcement Learning Approach 

Marynel Vázquez, Aaron Steinfeld, and Scott E. Hudson

Whats in a Primitive? Identifying Reusable Motion Trajectories in Narrated Demonstrations

Anahita Mohseni-Kabir, Victoria Wu, Sonia Chernova, and Charles Rich


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