Tutorials and Workshops
Proposals for Special Sessions, Workshops & Tutorials
Proposal Submission Deadline: January 15, 2016
Notification of Acceptance: January 29, 2016
WWW Site Link for Workshops/Tutorials Due: February 12, 2016
Camera-Ready Deadline: May 27, 2016
Tutorials should target established fields of research, in order to provide descriptions on its state of the art, by individuals who are recognized researchers of the field. Workshops should focus on areas of active research, in order to provide an informal forum for participants to exchange developing research results and ideas. We encourage state of the art programs with high level of interest, impact, creativity and innovation that will attract a broad audience. Workshops and tutorials focusing on academia-industry partnership and technology transfer of robotics research are welcome. The primary criteria for selection are anticipated level of interest, impact, novelty or creativity, and technical background of presenters.
The submission of a tutorial or workshop contribution must be accompanied with the following information:
- Title;
- Format (indicate full or half day, tutorial or workshop);
- Main Organizer (one person only, complete address, phone, and email);
- Co-organizers (complete address, and email);
- Statement of objectives; - Intended audience;
- List of speakers;
- List of topics;
Suggested template can be downloaded here:
*The proposal must be submitted via the Papercept submission site.*
If you have any questions about the Tutorials and Workshops submissions, please contact workshoptutorial(at)ro-man2016.org
Upon approval the organizers will be asked to produce and maintain a dedicated tutorial/workshop webpage, which shall be used to disseminate updated information on the tutorial/workshop and also to raise interest from potential additional presenters and participants. The organizers will also be required to collect and integrate tutorial/workshop abstract (Letter size, 1page) before the workshop, and to make these materials available to the conference organization in due time for the production of the RO-MAN 2016 handout.