Session 1

Friday, November 18th

Art as Critique

Theme: Art as Critique

If artists are not just makers of artifacts but also makers of culture, what broader social issues do they address?What does artistry mean in light of expanded practice, pervasive technology, and diminishing boundaries between art and public design? What are the values that guide their practice? In which way can art be understood as a critical practice? This session encourages artists to reflect on the role of their work as it contributes to culture, society, and education.


8:00 am: Registration and Breakfast 

9:00 am - 10:00 am: Opening Plenary Session, Opening Remarks, and Keynote Address

9:00 am: Opening Remarks Judith M. Burton, Richard Jochum

9:20 am: Luis Camnitzer, Keynote

10:00 am - 11:00 am: Short Presentations and Breakout Groups

Barbara Putz-Plecko, "Provocative" Communities

Gregory Sholette, Artisitic Critique, Pedagogy and Judgement After the Social Turn

Michelle Fornabai, Making 5 Critical Mistakes in Critiquing My (Own) Work

Saul Ostrow, Self-Criticality and Self-Reflectivity

Maureen Connor, Tough Love: Uses/Misuses

11:30 am - 11:45 am: Coffee Break 

11:45 am - 1:00 pm: Short Presentations with Q&A in Parallel Sessions

Group A: 

Ellen K. Levy, Art as Proof of Concept: Beyond Semantics

James Moyer, What Can Philosophy Do for Critique?

Joseph Basile, The Critique as Research Strategy

Joyce Yu-Jean Lee, FIREWALL: International Internet Critique 

Group B: 

Judith Leeman, Pragmatics of Studio Critique

Susan Waters-Eller, Critique and the Brain-Giving Students the Tools for Self-Assessment

Pooneh Maghazehe, Art and Design Education: What's Your Issue?

Dimitry Tetin, Reflection and Prayer: Memory of Sojourner Truth

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm: Break for Lunch

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