
About Teachers College

Creating a Smarter, Healthier & More Equitable World

Our name notwithstanding, Teachers College was founded on the proposition that education alone can’t correct our society’s inequalities — that to maximize the life chances of all people, we must also support poorer communities’ physical and nutritional health and psychological wellbeing. Thus, fields such as education psychology, nursing education, nutrition education, special education, conflict resolution and spirituality and education were created at TC, and for more than a century we have prepared psychologists, nutritionists, health educators, speech pathologists and other professionals, as well as teachers and school leaders.

Today, more than a third of our tenure track faculty are psychologists and health educators, and we continue to take a multidisciplinary approach, combining our strengths across fields to tackle the world’s most challenging problems. We offer more than 100 programs in our four core areas of expertise — education, health, psychology and leadership — and conduct research on topics that range from the impact of poverty on the brain to the legal basis for a Constitutional right to education; from hip-hop pedagogy to the revival of Inca languages in Latin American schools; from the study of motherhood as a developmental stage to the exploration of resilience in military veterans; from the impact of microaggressions on mental and physical wellbeing to language development in children on the autism spectrum; and so much more.

When we speak of education, we mean education writ large — the study of how people learn, and how they should be taught, in all fields. And that, ultimately, is why we continue to proudly call ourselves…Teachers College.

Iron Gate with the TC Shield

At A Glance


The Place for Visionary Thinkers

Since our founding in the late 19th Century, Teachers College has drawn together visionaries who aspire to make the world a better place for all. Today our alumni network is 90,000 strong. These innovators span the globe, leading in every field at every level. As a student at TC, you will be inspired — and prepared — to follow their lead.

Read our Annual Report to see our faculty and students making an impact at TC and beyond.


The Birthplace of Big Ideas

Teachers College started in 1880 when philanthropist, Grace Dodge, created a school in Greenwich Village to teach sewing, cooking, and other practical arts to underserved immigrant women. Through her work, Dodge had realized that a new kind of pedagogy was in order—teaching that reflected an understanding of learners’ backgrounds and of how to present material in relevant, meaningful ways.

By 1887, with the help of the Columbia University philosopher Nicholas Murray Butler, and with a site at West 120th Street donated by the industrialist George Vanderbilt, Dodge’s school had evolved into an entirely new kind of school devoted to teacher education.

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Railing outside of the Teachers College library.

College Leadership

Teachers College Plaque

Department Chairs

Iron Gate with the TC Shield

Faculty Executive Committee

Wooden carving on a Teachers College door.

President's Advisory Council

TC Building in Spring

Alumni Council

Sunny day in the TC courtyard.

Discover Our Community

Strengthening Families, Schools, & Communities

Two students having a discussion inside a lounge

Teachers College strives to develop and maintain a respectful and vibrant community, which encourages and supports each individual in the achievement of their full potential.

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Teachers College

TC’s Advancing Community Together (ACT) is a new initiative designed to support the health and strength of the Teachers College community through a range of strategies and actions in two broad categories: community engagement and infrastructureThroughout the year, this site will provide ACT information, and highlight opportunities and resources for TC students, faculty and staff members to join together in cultivating a healthy and vibrant community.

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Students sitting on a bench on the Columbia University campus laughing and chatting

Our multicultural, urban environment impacts almost everything we do and provides unique educational and social opportunities found nowhere else. We also have deep ties with the local community. Many of our projects and offices work to directly impact our city, students, and educators.

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Teachers College Columbia University

Visit our campus to sample the learning and social environments we have designed for our students, faculty and staff. Each day brings new special lectures, colloquia, and workshops, which augment the multitude of academic offerings at Teachers College. The campus, and the great city of New York, provide opportunities for extraordinary experiences.

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