Dean Hope Center Commitment to Diversity
The Dean Hope Center for Educational and Psychological Services (DHCEPS) supports and upholds the Teachers College Mission of Diversity and Non-Discrimination Policy as stated below. Additionally, our Program supports and maintains all civility policies as governed by The Office of the Vice President for Diversity and Community Affairs. In the Dean Hope Center TC’s Mission of Diversity, Non-Discrimination Policy, and Civility Policies are extended to include our clients and their families and caregivers.
Teachers College Diversity Mission Statement:
To establish Teachers College as an institution that actively attracts support, and retains diverse students, faculty, and staff at all levels demonstrated through its commitment to social justice, its respectful and vibrant community, and its encouragement and support of each individual in the achievement of his or her full potential.
Teachers College Non-Discrimination Policy:
Continuing its long-standing policy to support active equality for all persons, Teachers College does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, citizenship status, veteran status, disability, pregnancy, gender expression or any other criterion specified by federal, state or local laws, in the administration of its admissions, employment and educational policies or scholarship, loan, athletic and other school-administered programs. Rather, Teachers College affirms that it admits students and selects employees regardless of their race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, citizenship status, veteran status, disability, pregnancy, gender expression or any other criterion specified by federal, state or local laws and thereafter accords them all the rights and privileges generally made available to students or employees at the school.
For further information related to non-academic, university-wide policies please go to
For additional information related to diversity please go to the Diversity and Community Affairs section on the TC webpage in the dashboard.