Nancy Kuy

Nancy Kuy

Nancy Kuy

Ed.D. Student, Health Education

Research Discipline/Bio

I am a third year Ed.D student in Health Promotion and Education in the Department of Health Studies and Applied Educational Psychology. With over 15 years of dental hygiene experience, my research focus uses a qualitative approach exploring the challenges and strategies among parents of children with ASD in providing dental health care. I am also a graduate research assistant in a federally funded nationwide study by the CDC investigating exposure to school violence as an adverse childhood experience and its impact on mental health under Principal Investigators Dr. Sonali Rajan and Dr. Charles Branas. I am also a co-founder and co-president of the Doctoral Student Association at Teachers College, Columbia University.

Educational Background

Associate of Science, Dental Hygiene, San Joaquin Valley College, 2009
Master of Science, Health Promotion, King’s College London, 2006
Bachelor of Science, Biological Sciences, University of California, Irvine, 2003


Kuy, N. (2024). Guest editorial: Supporting the oral health of America’s newest residents. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene, 22(5), 10-13.

Kuy, N. (2023). Continuing Education: Strategies for managing patients with special needs and disabilities. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene, 21(10), 32-35.

Kuy, N. (2023). Guest editorial: Bridging the gap. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene, 21(5), 14-15.

Health Studies & Applied Educational Psychology First-Generation College Student

Last Updated: Oct 28, 2024

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