

Anna Neumann is President Elect of the Association for the Study of Higher Education and is joining the board of that organization. ASHE is the primary professional organization for researchers in the field of higher education.

Carol Garber was nominated for Vice President (Education and Allied Health) of the American College of Sports Medicine.

Tom Hatch was selected for inclusion in The Best of Educational Leadership 2009-2010 for this article “The Outside-Inside Connection.” Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Hank Levin was the Keynote Speaker at the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Economics of Education Society in Zaragoza, Spain, July 8, 2010 on “Quantifying the Economic Payoff to High School Completion.”

Lisa Miller has just been awarded the Virginia Sexton Mentoring Award from APA Division 36, awarded only every three years. The Sexton Award was in part based upon the large number of her students over the past five years to have published in peer review journals.

Francisco Rivera-Batiz received the 2010 Outstanding Teaching Award of the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). The award is determined on the basis of student evaluations and by popular voting among the School's students. It represents the highest honor provided by the School for quality of teaching. Prof. Rivera-Batiz, who is an affiliate professor at SIPA, received notice of the award at the SIPA graduation ceremony on May 17, 2010.

Mariana Souto-Manning was selected as Mentor in NCTE's Cultivating New Voices Program, 2008-2010.

Derald Wing Sue was awarded the 2010 Global Diversity and National Inclusion Book of the Year Award by UnityFirst.com and Forbes/Diversity for his new book: Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation published by John Wiley and Sons.

Mun Tsang received an award for "International Scholar for Excellent Contributions to Chinese Educational Development," from the Chinese Society of Education, China, to recognize close to 30 years of professional work on Chinese education.

Helena Verdeli is the Editorial Board Member of Current Psychiatry Reviews. She is also the co-chair, International recruitment subcommittee, APA, division 5 (International Psychology)


Parlamis, J., Allred, K., & Block, C.J. (2010). Letting off steam or just steaming? The influence of target and status on attributions and anger. International Journal of Conflict Management, 21, 260-280.

Broughton, J. (2010). Culutral studies and schools. In C. Clauss-Ehlers (Ed.), Handbook of Cross-Culutral School Psychology.

Calkins, et al. (2010). Units of Study for Teaching Reading, Grades 3-5: A Curriculum for the Reading Workshop. Portsmouth: Heinemann firsthand.

Coleman, P. T., Vallacher, R., Nowak, A., Bui-Wrzosinska, L., & Bartoli, A. (2010). Navigating the landscape of conflict: Applications of dynamical systems theory to protracted social conflict. In Ropers, N. (Ed.), Systemic Thinking and Conflict Transformation. Berlin, Germany: Berghof Foundation for Peace Support.

Liebovitch, L. S., Vallacher, R. R., Nowak, A., Coleman, P. T., Bartoli, A., & Bui- Wrzosinska, L. (2010). Mathematical models of the dynamics of conflict. In A. W. Davidson & M. A. Ray (Eds.), Nursing, caring and complexity science: for human-environment well-being. New York: Springer.

Vallacher, R., Coleman, P. T., Nowak, A., Bui-Wrzosinska, L. (2010). Rethinking intractable conflict: The perspective of dynamical systems. American Psychologist, 65 (4), 262-278.

Vallacher, R., Coleman, P. Nowak, A., Bui-Wrzosinska, L. (2010). Dynamical foundations of intractable conflict: Introduction to the special issue. Peace and Conflict: The Journal of Peace Psychology, 16(2), 113-125.

Praszkier, R., Nowak, A., and Coleman, P. T. (2010). Social entrepreneurs and constructive change: The wisdom of circumventing conflict. Peace and Conflict: The Journal of Peace Psychology, 16(2), 153-174.

Musallam, N., Coleman, P.T., and Nowak, A. (2010). Understanding the spread of malignant conflict: A dynamical-systems perspective. Peace and Conflict: The Journal of Peace Psychology 16(2), 127-151.

Nowak, A., Bui-Wrzosinska, L., Coleman, P. T., Vallacher, R., Borkovsky, W., and Jochemczyk, L. (2010). Seeking sustainable solutions: Using an attractor simulation platform for teaching multi-stakeholder negotiation. Negotiation Journal, 26(1), 49-68.

DeCarlo, L. T. (2010). On the statistical and theoretical basis of signal detection theory and extensions: Unequal variance, random coefficient, and mixture models. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 54(3), 304-313.

Drago-Severson, E., & Blum, J. (May 2010). Library leadership for mature adult learners in a changing world: The importance of attending to developmental diversity. In P. Rothstein and D. Dow Schull (Eds.), Boomers and beyond: Reconsidering the role of libraries (pp. 43-56). Chicago: American Library Association.

Dubin, S. (2010). Joburg's World Cup Art Extravaganza. Art South Africa, 9(1), 72-76. Gaudelli, W. & Hewitt, R. (2010). The aesthetic potential of global issues curriculum.

Journal of Aesthetic Education. 44(1), 83-99.
Greer, R. D., & Longano, J. (2010). Naming a rose: How we may learn to do it. The

Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 26, 73-106.
Han, Z.H. & Cadierno, T. (Eds.) (2010) Linguistic Relativity in Second Language

Acquisition: Thinking for Speaking. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Kieffer, M.J. (2010). English proficiency, socioeconomic status, and late-emerging

reading difficulties. Educational Researcher, 39, 484-486.

Kieffer, M.J. & Lesaux, N.K. (2010). Morphing into adolescents: Active word learning for English language learners and their classmates in middle school. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 54, 47-56.

Lesaux, N.K. & Kieffer, M.J. (2010). Exploring sources of reading comprehension difficulties among language minority learners and their classmates in early adolescence. American Educational Research Journal, 47, 596-632.

Kelley, J.G., Lesaux, N.K., Kieffer, M.J., & Faller, S.E. (2010). Effective academic vocabulary instruction in the urban middle school. The Reading Teacher, 64, 5- 14.

Levy, E. S. & Law II, F. F. (2010). Production of French vowels by American-English learners of French: Language experience, consonantal context, and the perception-production relationship. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128(3), 1290-1305.

Mensah, F.M. (2010). Who do I look like? Diversity in self, family, and others. Science Activities, 47, 125-132. Special Issue on Multicultural Science Teaching

Brotman, J.S., Mensah, F.M., & Lesko, N. (2010). Exploring identities to deepen understanding of urban high school students’ decision-making about HIV/AIDS. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(6), 742-762.

Geelan, D., Mensah, F.M., Rahm, J., & Maulucci, M.R. (2010). Forum: Roles, caring and learning to teach science. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5(4), 649- 663.

Naraian, S. (2010). Disentangling the social threads in a communicative environment: A cacophonous tale of alternative and augmentative communication (AAC). European Journal of Special Needs Education, 25 (3), 253-267.

Naraian, S. (2010). General, special ... and inclusive: Refiguring professional identities in a collaboratively taught classroom. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 1677- 1686.

Jennings, L., Jewett, P., Laman, T., Souto-Manning, M., and Wilson, J. (Eds.). (2010). Sites of possibility: Critical dialogue across educational settings. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Souto-Manning, M. (2010). Critical narrative analysis of classroom discourse: Culture circles as a framework for empowerment and social action. In L. Jennings, P. Jewett, T. Laman, M. Souto-Manning, and J. Wilson (Eds.), Sites of possibility: Critical dialogue across educational settings. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Jennings, L., Jewett, P., Laman, T., Souto-Manning, M., and Wilson, J. (2010). Introduction: Critical dialogue. In L. Jennings, P. Jewett, T. Laman, M. Souto- Manning, and J. Wilson (Eds.), Sites of possibility: Critical dialogue across educational settings. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Jewett, P., Laman, T., Souto-Manning, M., Wilson, J., and Jennings, L. (2010). Critical dialogue across educational contexts. In L. Jennings, P. Jewett, T. Laman, M. Souto-Manning, and J. Wilson (Eds.), Sites of possibility: Critical dialogue across educational settings. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Souto-Manning, M. (2010). Teaching English learners: Building on cultural and linguistic strengths. English Education, 42(3), 249-263.

Souto-Manning, M. (2010). Family involvement: Considering challenges, building on strengths. Young Children, 65(2), 82-88.

Souto-Manning, M., & Mitchell, C. H. (2010). The role of action research in fostering culturally-responsive practices in a preschool classroom. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37(4), 269-277.

Sue, D. W., Rivera, D. P., Capodilupo, C. M., Lin, A. I., & Torino, G. C. (2010). Racial Dialogues and White Trainee Fears: Implications for Education and Training. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16, 206-214.

Sue, D. W. (2010). Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender & Sexual Orientation. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley

Sue, D. W. (Ed.) (2010). Microaggressions and Marginality: Manifestation, Dynamics and Impact. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Verdeli, H., Vidair, H.B., Neugebauer, R., & Singla, D.R. (2010). Sustainable treatments for depression in developing countries. US Psychiatry, 3, 25-27.

Verdeli, H. & Weissman, M.M . (2010). Interpersonal Psychotherapy. In Current Psychotherapies (Corsini, R. J. & Wedding, D. Eds). Cengage Learning.

Vogeli, B. R. & Karp. A. (2010). Russian mathematics education: History and world significance. World Scientific Publishing Company.

Kasl, E. & Yorks, L. (2010). “Whose Inquiry Is This Anyway?” Money, Power, Reports, and Collaborative Inquiry. Adult Education Quarterly, 60(4), 315-338.

Suniya. S. Luthar Invited Plenary: Fostering Resilience: Who Tends the Caregivers? Who Mothers Mommies? American Psychological Association Convention. August 14, 2010. San Diego.


John Allegrante

Columbia Curriculum Development Center, National Institutes of Health ($204,307)

John Allegrante

Health Education Journal, Society for Public Health Education ($5405)

George Bonanno

Emotional and Emotional Regulation as a Marker of Treatment Success for, Columbia University ($23,040)

Jeanne Brooks Gunn

Neighborhood Context and Adolescent Psychological and Behavioral Health, Ohio State University ($103,791)

Margaret Crocco

New York City Department of Education Social Studies Professional Development Program, City of New York Department of Education ($500,000)

Margaret Crocco

Let Freedom sing, The Documentary


Group ($10,000)

Carol Ewing Garber

Columbia SMA Project: A Randomized Control Trial of the Effects of Exercise on Motor Function and Strength in Patients with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Columbia University ($20,700)

Herbert Ginsburg

MathAntics Preschool-3, United States Department of Education ($1,340, 629)

Sharon Lynn Kagan

Georgia Alignment Analysis, State of Georgia – ARRA ($199,976)

Sharon Lynn Kagan

Administration for Children’s Services Performance Measurement System, City of New York Administration for Children’s Services ($49, 998)

Sandra Okita

Learning with Kids III, Honda Research Institute ($86,250)

Gita Steiner-Khamsi

Mongolia Project, Ministry of Education Culture and Science ($507,594)

Gita Steiner-Khamsi

Mongolia: Education for the Poor, Financial Crisis Response Project, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science ($507,594)

Ruth Vinz

Student Press Initiative Afterschool Literacy, James and Judith K. Dimon Foundation ($40,825)


Thomas Bailey

Achieving the Dream, University of Texas at Austin ($30,000)

Thomas Bailey

KCTCS Evaluation, Kentucky Community and Technical College System ($115,500)

Jeanne Brooks-Gunn

Fragile Families and Child Well-Being in Middle Childhood, Princeton University ($56,523)

Lucy Calkins

Mentor Principal Collaboration, Emily Davie and Joseph S. Kornfeld Foundation ($150,000)

Robert Carter

Paternal Criminal Justice Involvement and Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents, Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene ($88,802)

Peter Coleman

Projected Social Conflicts as Complex Systems, The Community Foundation



David Hansen

Philosophy in the Schools, The Squire Family Foundation ($13,000)

Matthew S. Johnson

Emerging Empirical Research: Development and Application of Multi- level Multiple Group CDM- A Comparison of Cognitive Attribute Distributions Based on Eighth Grade TIMSS Mathematics ($382,378)

Michael Rebell

National Access Network, The Norman and Rosita Winston Foundation ($50,000)

Elaine Rigolosi

Advanced Education Nursing Traineeships, United States Department of Health and Human Services ($18,328)

Anne Rivet

Collaboration Research: Bridging between Tabletop Models and the Earth System, National Science Foundation ($215,655)

Helena Verdeli

Prevention for Symptomatic Offspring of Bipolar Parents, National Institute of Mental Health ($116,699)

Melanie Williams

The Jewish Foundation for Education of Women Scholarships, Jewish Foundation for Education of Women ($263,862)


Thomas Bailey

MDRC Evaluation of the Achieving the Dream Initiative, MDRC ($838,901)

Isobel Contento

Earth Friends Project, Various ($5,836)

Isobel Contento

Food and Fitness, City Harvest ($22,000)

Isobel Contento

Earth Friends, St. Luke’s Hospital ($4,552)

Linda Hickson

Center for Opportunities and Outcomes, Fairfield SEPTA ($1,250)

Victoria Marsick

Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, Booz Allan Hamilton Inc. ($15,000)

Victoria Marsick

Newmount Coaching Certification, Newmount Mining Corporation ($30,000)

Ellen Meier

Center for Technology and School Change, Westchester County BOCES ($13,750)

Ellen Meier

Center for Technology and School Change, City of New York Department of Education and Westchester County BOCES ($75,500)

Ellen Meier

Center for Technology and School Change, City of New York Department of Education ($22,220)

Barbara Tversky

HCC: Medium: Collaborative Research: Generating Effective Dynamic Explanations in Augmented Reality, National Science Foundation ($103, 205)

Ruth Vinz

Secondary Literacy Institute, City of New York Department of Education ($5,000)

Ruth Vinz

Secondary Literacy Institute, City of New York Department of Education ($31,500)

Ruth Vinz

Secondary Literacy Institute, City of New York Department of Education ($68,900)

Ruth Vinz

Secondary Literacy Institute, City of New York Department of Education ($20,600)


W. Warner Burke received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Linkage Organization for his “Leadership in the Field of Organization Development.”

Sharon Lynn Kagan was awarded the Visionary Leadership award and McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership award in TNationalT-TLouis UniversityT Campus Annex, Wheeling, IL. Additionally, she was appointed member of the First 5 L.A. Research Advisory Committee (RAC). Finally, she was appointed member of the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education Panel on Increasing the Application of Child and Adolescent Development Knowledge in Educator Preparations Programs.

Lalitha Vasudevan was awarded the Strage Junior Faculty Prize for her paper, “Performing New Geographies of Literacy Teaching and Learning.”

Brooks-Gunn, J., Han, W.-J., Waldfogel, J. (2010). First-year maternal employment and

child development in the first seven years. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 75(2).

Graber, J. A., Nichols, T. R., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2010). Putting pubertal timing in developmental context: Implications for prevention. Developmental Psychobiology, 52, 254–262.

Dubin, S. (2010). What is African art? Art in America, 57-60.

Han, Z.-H., & Chen, C. L. (2010). Repeated-reading-based instructional strategy and vocabulary acquisition: A case study of a heritage speaker of Chinese. Reading in a Foreign Language, 22(2), 242-262.

Bulkley, K. E., Henig, J. R., & Levin, H. M. (Eds.). (2010). Between public and private: Politics, governance, and the new portfolio models for urban school reform, Harvard Education Press.

Henig, J. R. (2010). Portfolio management and diverse provider models as contracting regimes. In K. E. Bulkley & H. M. Levin (Eds.), Between public and private: Politics, governance, and the new portfolio models for urban school reform, Harvard Education Press.

Gyurko, J. & Henig, J. R. (2010). NYC: Strong vision, learning by doing, or the politics of muddling through? In K. E. Bulkley & H. M. Levin (Eds.), Between public and

private: Politics, governance, and the new portfolio models for urban school reform, Harvard Education Press.

Henig, J. R. & Bulkley, K. (2010). Where public meets private: Looking forward. In K. E. Bulkley & H. M. Levin (Eds.), Between public and private: Politics, governance, and the new portfolio models for urban school reform, Harvard Education Press.

Henig, J. R. (2010). The contemporary context of public engagement: The new political grid.” In M. Orr & J. Rogers (Eds.), Public Engagement for Public Education, Stanford University Press.

Henig, J. R., Bulkley, K., & Levin, H. M. (2010). “Saving Urban Schools through ‘Portfolio Management Models’?” Education Week.

Gold, E., Henig, J. R., Simon, E., Silander, M., & Good, D. (2010). The campaign for better schools: Outcomes of the mayoral control debate—changes to NYC school governance legislation and long-term effects, May 2009-May 2010: Year 2 Report. Research for Action, Philadelphia, PA.

Henig, J. R. (2010). The Charter School Idea. In C. Lubienski & P. Weitzel (Eds.), The Charter school experiment: Expectations, advocacy and evidence. Harvard Education Press.

Kagan, S.L., & Tarrant, K. (2010). Transitions for young children: Creating connections across early childhood systems. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing.

Kagan, S.L. (2010). Seeing transition through a new prism: Pedagogical, programmatic, and policy alignment. In S.L. Kagan & K. Tarrant (Eds.), Transitions for young children: Creating connections across early childhood systems (pp. 3-17). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing.

Kagan, S.L., & Britto, P. (2010). Global status of early learning and development standards. In P. Peterson, E. Baker, & B. McGaw (Eds.), International encyclopedia of education: Volume II (pp. 138-143). Oxford: Elsevier.

Kagan, S.L., & Kauerz, K. (2010). Governance and transition. In S.L. Kagan & K. Tarrant (Eds.), Transitions for young children: Creating connections across early childhood systems (pp. 243-265). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing.

Kagan, S.L., & Tarrant, K. (2010). Integrating pedagogy, practice, and policy: A transitions agenda. In S.L. Kagan & K. Tarrant (Eds.), Transitions for young children: Creating connections across early childhood systems (pp. 313-326). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing.

Kinzer, C. K. (2010). Considering literacy and policy in the context of digital environments. Language Arts, 88, 51-61.

Garcia, O. & Kleifgen, J. (2010). Educating emergent bilinguals: Policies, programs, and practices for English language learners. New York: Teachers College Press.

Miller, J. L. (2010). Nostalgia for the future: Imagining histories of JCT and the Bergamo Curriculum Conferences. JCT: The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 26(2), 7-23.

Miller, J. L. (2010). Epilogue: Coming together to act on the possibility of repair. In R. Lake (Ed.), Dear Maxine: Letters from the unfinished conversation with Maxine Greene (pp. 158-163). New York: Teachers College Press.

Vasudevan, L., Schultz, K., & Bateman, J. (2010). Rethinking Composing in a Digital Age: Authoring Literate Identities. Written Communication, 27(4), 442-468.

Vasudevan, L. (2010). Literacies in a participatory, multimodal world: The arts and aesthetics of Web 2.0. Language Arts, 88(1), 43-50.

Vasudevan, L., Stageman, D., Rodriguez, K., Fernandez, E., Dattatreyan, E.G. (2010). Authoring new narratives with youth at the intersection of the arts and justice. Perspectives on Urban Education, 7(1), 54-65.

Vasudevan, L. (2010). Education remixed: New media, literacies, and emerging digital geographies. Digital Culture and Education. 2(1), 62-82.


Thomas Bailey

Promoting Research for Post Secondary Student Success, Spencer Foundation ($7,500)

Jeanne Brooks-Gunn

Measuring the Effects of In-Place Subsidized Housing: A Randomized Experiment for NYC Children and Families, National Institutes of Health ($421,681)

Jeanne Brooks-Gunn

The Health of Low-Income Adults in New York City Subsidized Housing: A Randomized Experiment, National Institutes of Health ($450,008)

Charles Harrington

Ethnographic Perspectives on the Mental Health of Female Youth in Court-Ordered Residential Treatment, National Science Foundation ($7,206)

Judith Scott-Clayton

Does Work Study Improve Student Outcomes? New Evidence from a Quasi- Experimental Analysis, Spencer Foundation ($24,998)


James Corter

Virtual Environments for Collaborative Learning, Stevens Institute ($20,153)

Joanne Kleifgen

Steps to Literacy: An Integrated Digital Writing Space for English Language Learners, United States Department of Education ($999,882)

Janice Robinson

African Diaspora Film Festival, New York Council on the Arts ($10,700)

Randi Wolf

Bio-Behavioral Chronic Disease Management by Families of Young Minority Children, National Institutes ($16,070)


Isobel Contento

Earth Friends Project, City Harvest ($500)

Margaret Crocco

Let Freedom Swing, The Documentary Group ($30,000)

Victoria Marsick/Martha Gephardt

Newmont Coaching Certification, Newmont Mining Corporation ($23,000)

Ellen Meier

Center for Technology and School Change, City of Yonkers ($54,000)


James Borland and Lisa Wright’s article titled “Identifying young, potentially gifted, economically disadvantaged students.”was recently listed in The Gifted Child Quarterly’s as the number one most cited article in the past 54 years of publication.

Tara McIssac’s poster entitled “Dual task attentional demands on control of the upper and lower limb in Parkinson disease” was selected to be highlighted by the Scientific Program Committee during the 7th International Congress on Mental dysfunctions & other non-motor features in Parkinson’s disease and related disorders in Barcelona, December 10, 2010.

Anna Neuman gave the first annual invited honorary Barbara K.Townsend lecture “Beyond tenure: Professors‚ scholarly learning and professional growth in early midcareer,” sponsored by the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Minnesota. Council for the Advancement of Higher Education Programs of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 18, 2010.

Anderson, O. R. (2010). An analysis of respiratory activity, Q10, and microbial

community composition of soils from high and low Tussock sites at Toolik, Alaska. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol, 57, 218-219.

Anderson, O. R. & Contino, J. (2010). A study of teacher-mediated enhancement of students’ organization of Earth Science knowledge using web diagrams as a teaching device. Journal of Research in Science Teacher Education, 21, 683-701.

Anderson, O. R. (2010). Field and laboratory studies of encysted and trophic stages of naked amoebae: Including a perspective on population life cycle dynamics. Acta Protozoologica, 49, 1-8.

Chiou, G-Li & Anderson, O. R. (2010). A study of undergraduate physics students’ understanding of heat conduction based on mental model theory and an ontology- process Analysis. Science Education, 94, 825-854.

Lesen, A. E., Juhl, A. R. & Anderson, O. R. (2010). Abundance and biomass of heterotrophic microplankton in the lower Hudson River Estuary, USA: Potential importance of naked, planktonic amebas for bacterivory and carbon flux. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 61, 45-56.

Hart, S. N., Brassard, M. R., Davidson, H. A., Rivelis, E., Diaz-Thompson, V., & Binggelli, N. (2010). Psychological maltreatment. In Myers, J., E. B., & APSAC.

(Eds.), The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment (3rd Ed.) (pp. 125-144). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Waldfogel, J., Craigie, T.-A., Brooks-Gunn, J. (2010). Fragile families and child well- being. Future of Children, 20(2), 87-112.

Woods, R. E., Buka, S. L., Martin, C. R., Salganik, M., Howard, M. B., Gueguen, J. A., Brooks-Gunn, J., & McCormick, M. C. (2010). Assessing youth risk behavior in a clinical trial setting: Lessons from the Infant Health and Development Program. Journal of Adolescent Health, 46, 429-436.

Chen, J. J., Hetzner, N. P. & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2010). Growing up in poverty in developed countries. In G. Bremner & T. Wachs (Eds.), Blackwell handbook of infant development (2nd Edition), Volume 2: Applied and policy issues (pp115- 139). Malden, MA: Wiley.

Cortina, R. (2010). Gender equality in education: GTZ and indigenous communities in Peru. Development, 53(4), 529-534. [The GTZ is the agency of the German government that provides international aid for developing countries.]

Dubin, S. (2010). Exiles’ Return. Art in America, 69-76.
Emdin, C. (2010) Dimensions of communication in urban science education: Interactions

and transactions. Science Education (10), 1–20
Emdin, C. (2010). Affiliation and alienation: hip-hop, rap, and urban science

education. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 42(1), 1-25.
Emdin, C. (2010). What is urban science education? In S. Steinberg (Ed.), 19 Urban

questions: Teaching in the city, (2nd Edition.). New York: Peter Lang.

Friedrich, D. (2010). Historical consciousness as a pedagogical device in the production of the responsible citizen. Discourse: Studies in the cultural politics of education, 31(5), 649-664.

Friedrich, D., Jaastad, B., & Popkewitz, T. S. (2010). Democratic education: An (Im)possibility that yet remains to come. Educational philosophy and theory, 42(5-6), 571-587.

Mancilla-Martinez, J. & Kieffer, M.J. (2010). Language minority learners’ home language use is dynamic. Educational Researcher, 39, 545-546.

Mensah, F.M. (2010). Toward the mark of empowering policies in elementary school science programs and teacher professional development. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5(4), 977-983.

Ready, D.D. (2010). Socio-economic disadvantage, school attendance, and early cognitive development: The differential effects of school exposure. Sociology of Education, 83(4), 271-286.

Thomas, J.R., Nelson, J.A., & Silverman, S.J. (2011). Research methods in physical activity (6th Ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Vinz, R. (2010). Sit tight: The uneasy alliance between freedom and control. In K. Malu (Ed.), Voices from the middle: Narrative inquiry by, for, and about the middle level community. North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Vinz, R. (2010). Learning and longing. In M. Reilly, J. Gangi, & R. Cohen (Eds.), Deepening literacy learning. North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, Inc.



Thomas Bailey

Achieving the Dream, The University of Texas at Austin ($30,000)

Thomas Bailey

Structuring the Student Experience for Success, The Kresge Foundation ($850,000)

Michael Kieffer

Student Transitions in the Middle Grades, New York University ($33,529)

Jeanne Brooks-Gunn

Child Care Subsidies: Who Uses Them and What Do They Buy Low-Income Families and Children, United States Department of Health and Human Services ($19,898)

Jeanne Brooks-Gunn

Young Children's Self-Regulation in an Urban Context: A Multi-Level Analysis, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development ($180,671)

A. Lin Goodwin

Teaching Residents, United States Department of Education ($1,145,531)

Henry Levin

Productivity in Education, Maastricht University ($41,200)

Lisa Miller

Post-Newtonian Psychology, Jill Hankey ($12,000)


Linda Hickson

Center for Opportunities and Outcomes, Louise and Arde Bulova Fund ($5,000)

Ruth Vinz

Secondary Literacy Institute, City of New York Department of Education ($19,200)


David Hansen was selected to become a 2011 AERA Fellow by the Committee and AERA Council.

Anna Neumann was selected to become a 2011 AERA Fellow by the Committee and AERA Council.

Michael Rebell has been appointed to the USDOE Equity and Excellence Commission

Mariana Souto-Manning is the recipient of the Division K 2011 Innovations in Research on Diversity in Teacher Education Award. Her contributions have been selected on the basis of impact, relevance to diversity, and contribution to teacher education. Her work demonstrates exemplary innovations in research on diversity.

Maria Torres-Guzman is the recipient of the AERA Bilingual Education SIG Lifetime Achievement Award. The committee recognized her long-standing excellence in scholarship related to bilingual education, her commitment and service to schools and educators, and her mentoring and encouragement of young and emerging scholars


Allsup, R. E. (2010). On pluralism, inclusion, and musical citizenship. Nordic Research in Music Education, Yearbook 12, 135-155

Gaudelli, W. & Siegel, B. (2010). Seeking knowledge through global media. Curriculum Inquiry. 40 (5), 582-599.

Mancilla-Martinez, J., Kieffer, M.J., Biancarosa, G., Christodoulou, J., & Snow, C.E. (2011). Investigating English reading comprehension growth in adolescent language minority learners: Some insights from the simple view. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 24, 339-354.

Michael-Luna, S., & Marri, A. (2011). Rethinking diversity in re-segregated schools: Lessons from a case study of urban K-8 pre-service teachers. Fully co-authored. Urban Education, 46 (2), 178-201.

Marri, A. (2010). Using law-related education to engage marginalized urban high school students. Action in Teacher Education, 32 (3), 40-54.

Naraian, S. (2011). Teacher discourse, peer relations and significant disability: Unraveling one friendship story. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 24(1), 97-115.

O’Connell, K. A., Shiffman, S., & DeCarlo, L.T. (2011). Does extinction of responses to

cigarette cues occur during smoking cessation? Addiction, 106, 410-417.

Purpura, J. E. (2011). Quantitative research methods in assessment and testing. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning. (Vol 2) (pp. 731-751). New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Rebell, M.A. (2011). Judicial activism and public policy. The Judges Journal, 50(1).

Singer-Dudek, J., Speckman, J., and Nuzzolo, R. (2010). A comparative analysis of the CABAS® model of education at the Fred S. Keller School: A twenty-year review. The Behavior Analyst Today, 11(4), 253-265.

Souto-Manning, M. (2011). A different kind of teaching: Culture circles as professional development. In V. Kinloch (Ed.), Critical perspectives on education in urban

settings (pp. 95-110). New York: Teachers College Press.

Torres-Guzmán, M. E. & Tran, T. (2011). Crisálida: A Metaphor for Bilingual Teacher Preparation Programs. In Flores, B. B., Hernandez Sheets, R & Clarke, E. R.(Eds.) Educar para Transformar: Teacher Preparation for Bilingual Student Populations. NY: Routledge.

Torres-Guzmán, M. with R. Madrigal (2011). Ya no Tengo Pena. Reflections on the Life of a Bilingual Teacher. In Saleh, I. M. & Khine, M. S. Teaching Teachers: Approaches in Improving Quality Education. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Torres-Guzman, M. E. (2011). Bilingual Education. In Kenneth T. Jackson. The Encyclopedia of New York City. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.


Thomas Bailey

Data Analysis, North Carolina Community College System ($30,000)

Victoria Marsick/Martha Gephart

HBO Coaching Leadership, HBO ($25,000)

Lalitha Vasudevan

Re-Imaging Futures Digital Arts and Literacies Project, The Robert Bowne Foundation ($10,000)

John Saxman

SLP DOE Student Tuition, City of New York ($2,250,000)



Mun Tsang

Seminar for K-12 Education Leaders from China, Center on Education Development, Chinese Society of Education ($32,000)

Victoria Marsick

Huber Institute, Healthcare Chaplaincy ($5,500)

Peter Coleman

Projected Social Conflicts as Complex Systems, The Community Foundation ($9,000)

Ruth Vinz

Secondary Literacy Institute, City of New York Department of Education ($41,000)

Faculty News and Notes

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Faculty Awards and Honors

Roger Anderson has received the Association for Science Teacher Education (AETS) and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) award for outstanding published article in science education (2010). The article “A Study of Teacher-mediated Enhancement of Students’ Organization of Earth Science Knowledge using Web Diagrams as a Teaching Device” by O. R. Anderson and J. Contino. Published in the Journal of Research in Science Teacher Education. 21:683-701 was highlighted as one of the top 10 science education articles published in 2010.

Jeanne Brooks-Gunn has been elected to membership in the National Academy of Education (NAEd).

Alan E. Guttmacher, Director of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development, recently commended Jeanne Brooks-Gunn on the integral role she has played in the Institute’s crafting its Scientific Vision plan for the next ten years.

Barry Farber will be Editor of The Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Carol Garber has been elected Vice President of the American College of Sports Medicine,

the foremost international scientific organization in the field of Sports Medicine.
Bill Gaudelli was elected to the Board of Education for South Orange-Maplewood (NJ).

Carolyn Riehl was recognized as an Outstanding Reviewer for the American Educational Research Journal, Section on Social and Institutional Analysis, for 2010.

Steve Silverman delivered the Alliance Scholar Lecture at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance convention.

The Counseling Psychologist has recently published a 42-page profile of Derald Wing Sue under their “Legacies and Traditions” section titled “Derald Wing Sue: From All of the Places We've Been” by Thomas A. Parham. [Parham, T.A. (2011) The Counseling Psychologist, 39, 601-641].

Recent Faculty Publications of Books and Refereed Journal Articles

Faculty News & Notes, May 2011

Anderson, O. R., Wang, W. Faucher, S. P., Bi, K. and Shuman H. A. (2011) A New Heterolobosean Amoeba Solumitrus palustris n. gen., n. sp. Isolated from Freshwater Marsh Soil. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 58:60-67.

Anderson, O. R. (2011) Particle-associated Planktonic Naked Amoebae in the Hudson Estuary: Size-fraction Related Densities, Cell Sizes and Estimated Carbon Content. Acta Protozoologica, 50:15-22.

Anderson, O. R. (2010) Protozoan Ecology. In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0001929.pub2.

Dhindsa, H. S., Kasim M. and Anderson O. R. (2011) Constructivist-visual mind map teaching approach and the quality of students’ cognitive structures. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20:186-200.

Bajaj, M. (2011). Human Rights Education: Ideology, Location, and Approaches. Human Rights Quarterly. 33, 481-508.

Bajaj, M. (2011). Teaching to Transform, Transforming to Teach: Exploring the Role of Teachers in Human Rights Education in India. Educational Research. 53(2), 207-221.

Bartlett, L., López, D. (TC doctoral candidate), Vasudevan, L. and Warriner, D. (2011) The Anthropology of Literacy. In Levinson, B., and Pollock, M. (Eds.), A Companion to the Anthropology of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell. Pp. 154-176.

Koyama, Jill and Bartlett, Lesley. (2011). Bilingual Education as Political Spectacle. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 14, 2: 171-185.

Black, J.B. (2010) An embodied/grounded cognition perspective on educational technology. In M.S. Khine and I. Saleh (Ed.) New science of learning: Cognition, computers and collaboration in education. New York: Springer.

Black, J.B., Segal, A., Vitale, J. and Fadjo, C. (2011). Embodied cognition and learning environment design. In D. Jonassen and S. Lamb (Eds.) Theoretical foundations of student-centered learning environments. New York: Routledge.

Bai, X. and Black, J.B. (2011) Enhancing intelligent tutoring systems with the agent paradigm. In S. Stankov, M. Rosov, and V. Glavinic (Eds.) Intelligent tutoring systems in eLearning environments: Design, implementation and evaluation. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Genishi, C., & Souto-Manning, M. (2011, April). Parent and child face-to-face: On the Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. http://www.tcrecord.org/content.asp?contentid=16375

Ghiso, M. P. (2011). Writing that matters: Collaborative inquiry and authoring practices in a first grade class. Language Arts, 88(5), 346-355.


Faculty News & Notes, May 2011

Campano, G. & Ghiso, M. P. (2011). Immigrant students as cosmopolitan intellectuals. In P. Coates, P. Enciso, C. Jenkins, & S. Wolf (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Children?s and Young Adult Literature (pp. 164-176). NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Spencer, T. G., Falchi, L., & Ghiso, M. P. (March, 2011). Linguistically diverse children and educators (re)forming early literacy policy. Early Childhood Education Journal. Online first.

Ghiso, M. P. (2010). Peer and teacher talk in a first grade writing community: Constructing multiple possibilities for authorship. National Reading Conference Yearbook, 55, 382-394.

Goldman, R., Black, J.B., Maxwell, J. and Keitges, M. (2011) Computers, the Internet and new media for learning. In W. M. Reynolds, G. E. Miller and I.B. Weiner (Eds.), Handbook of Psychology, Educational Psychology. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Block, C.J., Koch, S.M., Liberman, B.E., Merriweather, T.J., & Roberson, L. (2011). Contending with stereotype threat at work: A model of long-term responses. The Counseling Psychologist, 39(4), 570-600.

Razza, R. A., Martin, A., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2010). Associations among family environment, sustained attention, and school readiness for low-income children. Developmental Psychology, 46, 1528–1542.

Roth, J. L., Malone, L. M., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2010). Does the amount of participation in afterschool programs relate to developmental outcomes? A review of the literature. American Journal of Community Psychology, 45, 310–324.

Nichols, T. R., Birnel, S., Graber, J. A., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Botvin, G. J. (2010). Refusal skill ability: An examination of adolescent perceptions of effectiveness. Journal of Primary Prevention, 31, 127–137.

Emmons, R.R., Garber, C.E., Cirnigliaro, C.M., Kirshblum, S.C., Spungen, A.M., Bauman, W.A. Assessment of measures for abdominal adiposity in persons with spinal cord injury. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2011 May: 37(5): 734-41. Epub 2011 Mar 25. PMID: 21439716.

Fennimore, B., & Goodwin, A. L. (Eds.). (2011). Promoting Social Justice for Young Children. New York: Springer.

Henig, J.R., Gold, E., Orr, M., Silander, M. (TC doctoral candidate), Simon. E. Parent and Community Engagement in NYC and the Sustainability Challenge for Urban Education Reform. In Education Reform in New York City: Ambitious Change in the Nation's Most Complex School System, edited by J. O’Day, C. Bitter, & L. Gomez,

L. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press 2011.


Faculty News & Notes, May 2011

Kuhn, D., & Crowell, A. (2011). Dialogic argumentation as a vehicle for developing young adolescents’ thinking. Psychological Science, 22,545-552.

Kuhn, D., Wang, Y., & Li, H. (2011). Why argue? Developing understanding of the purposes and value of argumentive discourse. Discourse Processes, 48, 26-49.

Kuhn, D. (2010). Teaching and learning science as argument. Science Education, 94, 810-824. Malandraki G.A., Perlman AL, Karampinos D, Sutton B. (2011). Reduced somatosensory

activations in swallowing with age. Human Brain Mapping, 32 (5), 730-743, May 2011.

Paine TL, Conway CA, Malandraki G.A., Sutton BP (2011 online). Simultaneous dynamic and functional MRI scanning (SimulScan) of natural swallows. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 65(5), 1247-1252, May 2011.

Quinn, M. (2011). Commiting (to) Ignorance: On Method, Myth and Pedagogy with Jacques Ranciére. In E. Malewski & N. Jaramillo (Eds.), Epistemologies of in Education.

Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Quinn, M. (2011). “On the Verge” of Possibility. In R. Lake (Ed.), Dear Maxine: Letters

from the unfinished conversation. New York: Teachers College Press.

Rivera-Batiz, F., Gang, I. N., & Yun, M.-S. (2011). Changes in Attitudes Towards Immigrants in Europe: Before and After the Fall of the Berlin Wall. In G. S. Epstein & I. N. Gang (Eds.), Migration and Culture (pp. 649-675). Bingley: Emerald Publishers.

Kugelmass, H., & Ready, D.D. (2011). Racial/ethnic disparities in collegiate cognitive gains: A multilevel analysis of institutional influences on learning and its equitable distribution. Research in Higher Education, 52(4), 323-348.

Souto-Manning, M. (2011). Challenging the text and context of (re)naming immigrant children: Children’s literature as tools. In B. S. Fennimore & A. L. Goodwin
(Eds.), Promoting social justice for young children: Facing critical challenges to early learning and development (pp. 111-124). New York: Springer.

Torres-Guzman, M. E., Exteberria, F., & Intxausti Intxausti, N. ( 2011). A Study of Immigrant Parental Attitudes in the Basque Country, Spain. The New Teacher, 7 (1):44-65.

Vogeli, B. (2011). Russian Mathematics Education, Volume 5. (A. Karp & B. Vogeli, Eds.) (Vol. 5). Singapore.

Faculty achievement in grant monies received as reported by the Office of Grants and Contracts (March 2011)


New grant monies

Joanna Williams

Renewed grant monies

Isobel Contento Jeanne Brooks-Gunn Suniya Luthar

Supplement grant monies

Ellen Meier Ruth Vinz

Embedded Text Structure Instruction ($393,455)

Food and Fitness ($40,000)
Child Well-Being, Fragile Families Study ($94,742)

Substance Abuse Among Suburban Youth: A Prospective Study ($327,452)

Center for Technology and School Change ($27,229) Secondary Literacy Institute ($30,000)

Faculty News & Notes, May 2011


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