
Faculty News & Notes

May 2015



Faculty Awards & Honors:


Ryan Baker was awarded Best Technical Paper at the 5th International Learning Analytics and Knowledgeable Conference, and also received Honorable Mention for Best Paper at the 2015 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces.


Peter Coleman has been named the 2015 recipient of the Morton Deutsch Conflict Resolution Award by the American Psychological Association.


Steven Dubin has been awarded a residency at the Rockefeller Foundation's Study Center in Bellagio, Italy.


Carol Ewing Garber has been elected as an Active Fellow in the National Academy of Kinesiology.


Sonali Rajan received the Strage Junior Faculty Prize for 2015.


Faculty Publications of Books and Refereed Journal Articles:


Gobert, J.D., Baker, Ryan.S., Wixon, M.B. (2015). Operationalizing and detecting disengagement within online science microworlds. Educational Psychologist, 50(1), 43-57. 


Wang, Y. Baker, Ryan. (2015) Content or platform: why do students

complete MOOCs? MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 11(1), 17-30.


Wang, Y.E., Paquette, L., Baker, Ryan. (2014) A longitudinal study on learner career advancement in MOOCs. Journal of Learning Analytics,1(3), 203-206.


San Pedro, M.O., Baker, Ryan., Heffernan, N., Ocumpaugh, J. (2015, March). Exploring college major choice and middle school student behavior, affect and learning: what happens to students who game the system? Proceedings of the 5th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 36-40.


Miller, W.L., Baker, Ryan., Labrum, M., Petsche, K., Liu, Y-H., Wagner, A. (2015, March) Automated detection of proactive remediation by teachers in reasoning mind classrooms. Proceedings of the 5th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 290-294.

Cooper, Carey. E., Beck, A. N., Högnäs, R. S., Swanson, J. (2015). Mothers' partnership instability and coparenting among fragile families. Social Science Quarterly. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1111/ssqu.12161 


Dougherty, Kevin., & Natow, R.S. (2015). The politics of performance funding for higher education: origins, discontinuations, and transformations. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.


Greer, R. Douglas., & Du, L. (2015). Experience and the onset of the capability to learn the names of things by exclusion. The Psychological Record. DOI 10.1007/s40732-014-0111-2.


Kuhn, Deanna., & Moore, W. (2015).  Argument as core curriculum.  Learning: Research and Practice, 1, 66-78.


Kuhn, Deanna., Ramsey, S., & Arvidsson, T.S. (2015).  Developing multivariable thinkers. Cognitive Development, 35, 92-110.


Kuhn, Deanna. (2015). Thinking together and alone. Educational Researcher, 44, 46-53.


Wu, J. S. & Lee, Joey. J. (2015). Climate change games as tools for education and engagement. Nature Climate Change, 5(1), 413-418.


Lena, Jennifer, C. (2015).  Culture, production of: prospects for the twenty-first century. In J. Wright (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences (2nd ed, pp. 608-613). Amsterdam: Elsevier.


Lena, Jennifer C., & Johnston, E. (2015). U.S. cultural engagement with global Muslim communities: contours and connections in an emerging field. Grantmakers in the Arts Reader. 26(1), 9-13.


Leone, D., & Levy, Erika. S. (2015). Children's perception of conversational and clear American-English vowels in noise. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 58, 213-226.


Neumann, Anna., & Pallas, Aaron. (2015). Critical policy analysis, the craft of qualitative research, and analysis of data on the Texas top 10% law.  In A. Martinez Aleman., B. Pusser & E. M. Bensimon. (Eds.), Critical approaches to the study of higher education (pp. 153-173). Baltimore, MD:  Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015,


Purpura, James., E., Brown, J. D., & Schoonen, R. (2015). Improving the validity of quantitative measures in applied language research. Language Learning, 65(1), pp. 36-73.







Public Communication:


Jennifer Lena participated on the program committee at the 2015 Experience Music Project Pop Music Conference.


Faculty Achievement in Grant Monies Received as reported by the Office of Grants and Contracts:


New grant monies

Project Director

Project Title



A.Lin Goodwin

Independent Sector Faculty and Staff Development

Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities

$ 15,000

Ellen Meier

Tactile Text and Graphics Printer

ELIA Life Technology, Inc.

$ 75,000

Ellen Meier

Peer-led Team Learning

City College of New York

$ 19,398

Douglas Ready

Teach to One: Math

New Classrooms Innovation Partners

$ 349,707


Elizabeth Willen


Research on Education


The Spencer Foundation


$ 75,000

Renewal grant monies

Project Director

Project Title



Joseph Ciccolo

Efficacy of Resistance Training as an Aid to Smoking Cessation Treatment

National Institutes of Health

$ 504,468



Supplement grant monies

Project Director

Project Title



Jeffrey Henig

Collective Impact Initiatives

The Wallace Foundation

$ 121,000

Helena Verdeli

Integrated Innovations in Global Mental Health

Partners in Health

$ 8,000

Priscilla Wohlstetter

Survey Research Initiative


$ 1,840


Faculty News & Notes

April 2015 __________________________________________________________

Faculty Awards & Honors:

John Allegrante has been elected a Fellow of the Society of Behavioral Medicine in recognition

of outstanding contributions to the advancement of the science and practice of behavioral


Kevin Dougherty has been selected for a Fulbright U.S. Scholar grant to do research at

Birkbeck College, University of London, in spring 2016.

A. Lin Goodwin has been selected as the 2015 recipient of the Distinguished Scholar Award by

the Research on the Education of Asian Pacific Americans SIG of the American Educational

Research Association.

Matthew Johnson has been selected as co-Program Chair of the 2016 National Council on

Measurement in Education (NCME) annual meeting.

Janet Miller will receive the Mary Anne Raywid Award from the Society of Professors of

Education, an affiliate of AERA and founded by John Dewey.

Ernest Morrell delivered the Harvard Graduate School of Education Dean’s Distinguished Lecture entitled “Critical media pedagogy: teaching for achievement in city schools” at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

Douglas Ready has been chosen as an Outstanding Reviewer for 2014 for Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (EEPA)

Derald Wing Sue was awarded the American Psychological Foundation APF 2015 Gold Medal for Life Achievement in Psychology in the Public Interest at the American Psychological Association Convention in Toronto, Canada.

Faculty Publications of Books and Refereed Journal Articles:

Shapiro, M. Lai, S., & Anderson, O. Roger. (2014). Assessment of a novel training module for child abuse reporting and recognition in dental education. Journal of Dental Education. 78, 1167-1175.

Anderson, O. Roger. (2014). Microbial communities in terrestrial moss (Bryophyta): structure, function and ecological significance. In J. Mohamed Moss (Ed.). Classification, development and growth and functional role in ecosystems (pp. 1-24, 278). New York: Nova Publishers. Anderson, O. Roger. (2014) The role of soil microbial communities in soil carbon processes and the biogeochemical carbon cycle. In A. Margit (Ed.). Soil Carbon: Types, Management Practices and Environmental Benefits. New York.: Nova Publishers.

Anderson, O. Roger. (2014). Microbial communities associated with tree bark foliose lichens: A perspective on their microecology. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 61, 364–370.

Tekle, Y., Anderson. O. Roger., & Lecky. A. F. (2014). Evidence of parasexual activity in "asexual amoebae" Cochliopodium spp. (Amoebozoa): extensive cellular and nuclear fusion.

Protist. (165), 676-87. DOI: 10.1016/j.protis.2014.07.008

Juhl. A, & Anderson, O. Roger. (2014). Geographic variability in amoeboid protists and other microbial groups in the water column of the lower Hudson River Estuary (New York,
USA). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 151, 45-53.

Bailey, Thomas. R., Smith Jaggars, S., & Jenkins, D. (2015). Redesigning America’s community colleges: A clearer path to student success. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

Baker, Ryan.S., Siemens, G. (2014). Educational data mining and learning analytics. In K. Sawyer (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences, pp. 253-274.

Bowers, Alex. J. (2015). Voter’s role in deciding school facility issues. UCEA Review, 56(1) 20- 2.

Burke, Warner., & Noumair, Debra. (2015). Organization development: A process of learning and changing (3rd ed.).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Gray, H.L, Contento, Isobel, R., Koch, Pamela.A. (2015). Linking implementation process to intervention outcomes in a middle school obesity prevention curriculum, choice, control and change. Health Educ. Res. 30(2), 248-261.

Cortina, Regina., Makar, C. & Mount-Cors, M. F. (2015). Dual language as a social movement: putting languages on a level playing field. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 17(1), 5- 16.

Bleyenheuft Y, Gordon, Andrew. M. (2014). Hand-arm bimanual intensive therapy including lower extremities (HABIT-ILE) for children with cerebral palsy. Physical Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics. 34(4), 390-403.

Ferre, C.L., Brandão, M., Hung, YC., Carmel, JB., Gordon, Andrew. M. (2015). Feasibility of caregiver-directed home-based hand-arm bimanual intensive training: A brief report. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 18, 69-74.

Gelkop, N, Gol Burshtein, D, Lahav, A, Brezner, A, AL-Oraibi, S, Ferre,CL, Gordon, Andrew. M. (2015). Efficacy of constraint-induced movement therapy and bimanual training in
children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy in an educational setting. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 35, 24-39.

Jochum, Richard. (Ed.). (2015). Doing and undergoing. Annandale, NJ: Ragged Sky Press. Jochum, Richard. (2015). The blanket project, Exhibition Catalog. New York.
Jochum, Richard. (2015). Artists as educators, Exhibition E-Catalog. New York.

Lena, Jennifer C., Johnston, E. (2015). U.S. cultural engagement with global Muslim communities: contours and connections in an emerging field. Grantmakers in the Arts Reader. 26(1), 9-13.

Levin, Henry., Belfield, C. (2015). Guiding the development and use of cost-effectiveness in education. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 0, 1-19.

Levin, Henry. (2015, March). The importance of adaptability for the 21st century, Society, 52(2)

Martínez-Roldán, Carmen. M. (2015). Translanguaging practices as mobilization of linguistic

resources in a Spanish/English bilingual after-school program: an analysis of

contradictions. International Multilingual Research Journal, 9, 43-58. DOI:


Varelas, M., Settlage, J., & Mensah, Felicia. M. (2015). Explorations of the structure–agency dialectic as a tool for framing equity in science education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 52(4), 439-447.

Miles, R. L., Slagter Van Tryon, P., & Mensah, Felicia. M. (2015). Mathematics and science teachers’ professional development with local businesses to introduce middle and high school students to opportunities in STEM careers. The Science Educator, 24(1), 1-11.

Miller, Lisa. (2015). The spiritual child: The new science of parenting for health and lifelong

thriving. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.

Morrell, Ernest., & Scherff, L. (Eds.). (2015). New directions in teaching English:

reimagining teaching, teacher Education, and research. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

Morrell, Ernest. (2015). Powerful English at NCTE yesterday, today, and tomorrow: Toward

the next movement. Research in the Teaching of English, 49 (3), 307-327.

de los Rios, C., Lopez, J., & Morrell, Ernest. (2015). Toward a critical pedagogy of race: ethnic studies and literacies of power in high school classrooms. Race and Social Problems, 7(1), 84- 96.

Purpura, James., E., Brown, J. D., & Schoonen, R. (2015). Improving the validity of

quantitative measures in applied language research. Language Learning, 65(1), pp. 36-73.

Purpura, James. (2014). Cognition and language assessment. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.),

Companion to Language Assessment (pp. 1452-1476). Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Schmidt, Sandra. J. (2015). A queer arrangement of school: using spatiality to understand inequity. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 47(2), 253-273.

Schmidt, Sandra. J. (2015). Decelerating and demystifying the path toward global social studies education. Theory and Research in Social Education, 43(1), 140-146.

Sealey-Ruiz, Yolanda., & Greene, P. (2015). Popular visual images and the (mis)reading of

Black male youth: A case for racial literacy in urban preservice teacher education. The

International Journal of Teaching Education. 26(1). DOI: 10.1080/10476210.2014997702.

Sealey-Ruiz, Yolanda. & Johnson-Bailey, J. (2015). Mentoring while black and female: The

gendered literacy phenomenon of black women mentors. In Ntiri, D. (Ed.), Literacy as gendered

discourse. New York: Information Age Publishing.

Sue, Derald. W. (2015). Race talk and the conspiracy of silence: understanding and facilitating difficult dialogues on race. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishers

Sue, Derald. W. (2015). Therapeutic harm and cultural oppression. The Counseling Psychologist, 43, 359-369.

Reddington, E., & Waring, Hansun. Zhang. (2015). Understanding the sequential resources for

doing humor in the language classroom. Humor: International Journal of Humor

Research, 28(1), 1-23. [with TC doctoral student].

Waring. Hansun. Zhang. (2015). Promoting self-discovery in the language

classroom. International Review of Applied Linguistics (IRAL), 53(1), 61-85.

Yorks, Lyle., & Barto, J. (2015). Workplace, organizational, and societal: three domains of

learning for 21st-century cities. In L. Scott (Ed.), Learning Cities for Adult Learners. New

Directions for Adult and Continuing Education (pp. 35-44). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Pubic Communication:

Bowers, Alex. J. (2015). Voter’s role in deciding school facility issues. UCEA Review, 56(1) 20- 21. http://3fl71l2qoj4l3y6ep2tqpwra.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp- content/uploads/2013/11/UCEAReviewWinter_Web011615.pdf

Koch, Pamela. (2015, March). Don't let food industry stir the pot. HuffPost, Politics. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/pam-koch/dont-let-food-industry-stir-the- pot_b_6924808.html

Koch, Pamela. Uno C, Graziose M. (2015, March). Just say yes to sustainability in the dietary guidelines. HuffPost, Politics. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/pam-koch/just- say-yes-to-sustainability-in-the-dietary-guidelines_b_6909428.html

Faculty Achievement in Grant Monies Received as reported by the Office of Grants and Contracts:

New grant monies

Project Director Thomas Bailey

Thomas Bailey

Peter Bergman

Alex Bowers

Herbert Ginsburg

Project Title
City Colleges of Chicago Pathway Analytics: Charting Student Pathways to Improve College and Career Outcomes

Kentucky EPIC Learning on Demand Consortium TAACCCT Project Evaluation

Improving School Choice through Informed Residential Choice: Evidence from a Large-Scale Randomized Trial

EAGER: Elaborating Data Intensive Research Methods through Researcher- Practitioner Partnerships

Development and Research in Early Mathematics Education

Grantor The Kresge Foundation

Hazard Community and Technical College

The Walton Family Foundation, Inc.

SRI International

Stanford University

Grant $ 350,000

$ 267,312

$ 5,077

$ 80,000

$ 250,511

Andrew Gordon Anand Marri

Patricia Martinez- Alvarez

Ellen Meier

Ellen Meier Ellen Meier

Oren Pizmony- Levy

Gita Steiner- Khamsi

Nancy Streim

Ruth Vinz

Neural Predictors of Hand Therapy Efficacy in Children with Cerebral Palsy

The New Public

Clinically-rich Intensive Teacher Institute in Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language

Math for All: Accessing the Efficacy of a Professional Development Program for Elementary Schools

LightSail Evaluation
New Haven Professional Development

Global Survey of NGOs Serving LGBT Y outh

SDC Evaluation of Basic Education

Attendance Improvement and Drop-out Prevention at PS 154

Student Achievement in Literacy

Burke Medical Research Institute

Poses Family Foundation

State of New York Department of Education

Education Development Center

LightSail Inc.

New Haven Board of Education

Arcus Foundation

Swiss Confederation, the Federal Dept of Foreign Affairs

United Way of New York City

Yonkers School District

$ 105,818 $ 15,000 $ 108,280

$ 41,680

$ 31,673 $ 42,900

$ 50,000

$ 191,448

$ 266,144 $ 15,000

Renewal grant monies

Project Director

Catherine Crowley

Anand Marri Ellen Meier

Project Title

Work in Bolivia and Ghana with Disabled Children

Understanding Fiscal Responsibility

Center for Technology and School Change

Grantor Grant

The Wyncote Foundation
Peter G. Peterson Foundation

City of Yonkers

$ 135,000 $ 30,000 $ 15,000

Mariana Souto- Manning

Project Director

Jeanne Brooks- Gunn

Lisa Miller

Combined Priority for Personnel Development

Project Title

Evaluating the Impact of Rental Assistance Demonstration on Public Housing Communities

Spirituality in Adolescence

United States Department of Education


Columbia University

The Binyan Olam Trust

$ 249,842

Grant $ 27,178

$ 140,000

Supplement grant monies

Faculty News & Notes

February 2015



Faculty Awards & Honors:


Judith Burton has been selected by theNational Art Education Association to receive the Eisner Lifetime Achievement Award.


Michelle Knight has been selected as a Senior Research Fellow for the Massachusetts Institute for College and Career Readiness (MICCR).


Ernest Morrell received the 2014 "Outstanding Academic Title" award by Choice Magazine, a publication of the American Library Association for his book Critical Media Pedagogy.  


Faculty Publications of Books and Refereed Journal Articles:


Basch, Charles. E., Basch, C.H., Ruggles, K.V., Rajan, Sonali. (2014). Prevalence of sleep duration on an average school night among four nationally representative successive samples of American high school students, 2007 - 2013. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11:E216. PMID: 25496556.


Brassard, Marla. R., & Fiorvanti, C. M. (2015). School-based child abuse prevention programs. Psychology in the Schools, 52(1), 40-60. DOI:10.1002/pits.21811


Fiorvanti, C. M., & Brassard, Marla. R. (2014). Advancing child protection through respecting children’s rights: A shifting emphasis for school psychology. School Psychology Review, 43(4), 349-366.


Campbell, Corbin. M. (2015). Serving A Different Master: Assessing College Educational Quality for the Public. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, 30, 525-579.


O'Meara, KA, Lounder, A. & Campbell, Corbin. M. (2014). To Heaven or Hell: Sensemaking about why faculty leave. Journal of Higher Education, 85(5), 603-632.


Campbell, Corbin. M. & Cabrera, A. (2014). Making the Mark: Are Deep Learning and GPA Related? Research in Higher Education55, 494-507.


Terosky, A., O’Meara, KA, & Campbell, Corbin. M. (2014). Advancing Together: Associate Professors’ Sense of Agency in Career. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 7(1), 58-76.


Gao, J., & Corter, James. E. (2015).  Striving for perfection and falling short: The influence of goals in probability matching.  Memory & Cognition, DOI 10.3758/s13421-014-0500-4.


Edmonds, Lisa.A., Obermeyer, J., & Kernan, B. (2014). Investigation of pretreatment sentence production impairments in individuals with aphasia: Towards understanding the linguistic variables that impact generalisation in Verb Network Strengthening Treatment. Aphasiology, 

DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2014.975180


Cahill, C. S. & Greer, R. Douglas. (2014). Actions vs. words: How we can learn both. Acta Investigacion Psichologia, 4, 1716-1745.


Greer, R. Douglas., & Du, L. (2014). Experience and the onset of the capability to learn the names of things by exclusion. The Psychological Record. DOI 10.1007/s40732-014-0111-2


Broto,J. & Greer, R. Douglas. (2014). The effects of functional writing contingencies on second graders’ writing and responding accurately to mathematical algorithms. The Behavioral Development Bulletin, 19 (1), 7- 23.


Hafeli, Mary. (2014). Servant leadership in the creative academy. Visual Inquiry: Learning and Teaching Art, 3(3).


Maulucci Rivera, M.S., & Mensah, Felicia. M. (2015).  Naming ourselves and others.  Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 52(1), 1-5.


Nadelstern, Eric. (2014). Inquiry learning at the international high school at LaGuardia Community College.  In  Paul Jablon, (Ed.), The synergy of inquiry: Engaging students in deep learning across the content areas. Huntington Beach, CA: Shell Publishers.


Sue, Derald. W. (2015).  Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence. Understanding and Facilitating Difficult Dialogues on Race. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.


Sue, D., Sue, Derald. W., Sue, D. M., & Sue, S. (2016). Understanding abnormal behavior (11th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage.


Wasserman, Nicholas., & Rossi, D. (2015). Mathematics and science teachers’ use of and confidence in empirical reasoning: Implications for STEM teacher preparation. School Science and Mathematics Journal, 115(1), pp. 22-34.


Karp, A., & Wasserman, Nicholas. (2014). Mathematics in middle and secondary schools: A problem solving approach. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.








Faculty Achievement in Grant Monies Received as reported by the Office of Grants and Contracts:


New grant monies

Project Director

Project Title



Ryan Baker

Collaborative Research: Modeling Social Interaction and Performance in STEM Learning

Educational Testing Services

$ 185,320

Alex Bowers


Developing a Longitudinal School District Effectiveness Identification System in Idaho

Education Northwest




$ 73,930




Judith Scott-Clayton


Financial Aid, Debt Management and Socio-Economic Outcomes

Spencer Foundation

$ 50,000



Supplement grant monies

Project Director

Project Title



Ryan Baker

Automated Detectors Learning

United States Army

$ 117,338

Jeffrey Henig

Understanding Collective Impact: A Comparative Study of Collaboration for Change

The Wallace Foundation

$ 46,000


Faculty News & Notes

January 2014 __________________________________________________________

Faculty Awards & Honors:

Lesley Bartlett was named to the Advisory Board for Anthropology and Education Quarterly.

Mary Hafeli has been appointed associate chair of the Research Commission of the National Art Education Association. Her two-year term will begin in March 2014, followed by another two-

year appointment as chair.

Joey Lee’s NSF-funded Greenify project was selected as one of the winners of the Columbia Business School Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

James Purpura is currently the editor of Language Assessment Quarterly.

The Mariana Souto-Manning Teacher Scholarship was established by the Early Childhood Education Assembly of NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English). This yearly scholarship will be awarded to an early childhood teacher who is committed to honoring diversities and engages in equitable practices.

Faculty Publications of Books and Refereed Journal Articles:

Porayska-Pomsta, K., Mavrikis, M., D'Mello, S., Conati, C., Baker, Ryan. (2013.). Knowledge elicitation methods for affect modeling in education. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 22(3), 107-140.

Rodrigo, M.M.T., Baker, Ryan., Rossi, L. (2013.). Student off-task behavior in computer-based learning in the Philippines: Comparison to prior research in the USA. Teachers College Record, 115(10), 1-27.

Baker, Ryan. (2013). Learning, schooling, and data analytics. In Murphy, M., Redding, S., & Twyman, J. (Eds.), Handbook on innovations in learning for states, districts, and schools. (pp.179-190). Philadelphia, PA: Center on Innovations in Learning.

Gowda, S.M., Baker, Ryan, Corbett, A.T., & Rossi, L.M. (2013). Towards automatically detecting whether student learning is shallow. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in

Education, 23(1), 50-70.

Gobert, J.D., Sao Pedro, M., Raziuddin, J., & Baker, Ryan. (2013). From log files to assessment metrics: Measuring students' science inquiry skills using educational data mining. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 22(4), 521-563.

Baker, Ryan, Hershkovitz, A., Rossi, L.M., Goldstein, A.B., & Gowda, S.M. (2013). Predicting robust learning with the visual form of the moment-by-moment learning curve. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 22(4), 639-666.

Basch, Charles H., & Rajan, Sonali. (2013). Marketing strategies and warning labels on children’s toothpaste. In press at Journal of Dental Hygiene.

Basch, Charles H., Ethan, D., Rajan, Sonali., Kozlowsky, S., & Basch, C.E. (2013). Helmet use among riders using the Citi Bike bicycle-sharing program: A pilot study in New York City. In press at Journal of Community Health.

Ethan, D., Basch, Charles H., Rajan, Sonali., Samuels, L., & Hammond, R. (2013). Nutrition content analysis of grocery store circulars in low- versus high-income neighborhoods in New York City. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(1), 537-547.

Castro, M., Block, Caryn., Ferraris, D. & Roberson, Loriann. (2013). Was my social identity just threatened? Making meaning of gendered cues in STEM academe. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings,1. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2013.119

Borland, James. (2014). Miriam L. Goldberg: A scholar of the first rank. In A. Robinson & J. Jolly (Eds.), A century of contributions to gifted education: Illuminating lives (pp. 202-219). New York: Routledge.

Barnett, B.G., Shoho, A.R., & Bowers, Alex. (Eds.). (2013). School and district leadership in an era of accountability (International research on school leadership). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Bowers, Alex., & Lee, J. (2013). Carried or defeated? Examining the factors that predict school district bond elections in Texas, 1998-2009. Educational Administration Quarterly, 49(5), 732-

767. doi: 10.1177/0013161X13486278
Cortina, Regina. (2014). The education of indigenous citizens in Latin America. Bristol, UK:

Multilingual Matters.

Drago-Severson, Eleanor., Maslin-Ostrowski, P., & Hoffman, A. (2013). In one voice: Aspiring and practicing school leaders embrace the need for a more integrated approach to leadership preparation and development. International Journal for Adult Vocational Education and Technology, 4, 1-35.

Maslin-Ostrowski, P., & Drago-Severson, Eleanor. (2013). Learning to lead: A window into the nature of leaders’ work challenges. In V.C. X. Wang (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching and learning in K-20 education, (chapter 3, pp. 33-49). IGI Global.

Erickson, Ansley. (2013). Historical research and the problem of categories: Reflections on 10,000 digital notecards. In J. Dougherty & K. Nawrotzki (Eds.), Writing history: How historians research, write, and publish in the digital age. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Retrieved from http://www.digitalculture.org/books/writing-history-in-the-digital-age/

Friedrich, Daniel. (2013). Democratic education as a curricular problem. Historical consciousness and the moralizing limits of the present. New York: Routledge.

Friedrich, Daniel. (2014). “We brought it upon ourselves”: University-based teacher education

and the emergence of boot-camp-style routes to teacher certification. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 22(2). Retrieved fromhttp://epaa.asu.edu/ojs/article/view/1193

Goulding, C., Walter, M., & Friedrich, Daniel. (2013). Pedagogy, torture, exhibition: A curricular palimpsest. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 10(2), 158-176.

Gaudelli, William. (2013). Critically theorizing the global. Theory and Research in Social Education, 41(4), 552-565.

Crajé, C, Santello, M, & Gordon, Andrew. (2013). Effects of visual cues of object density on perception and anticipatory control of dexterous manipulation. PLoS One 8(10).
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076855

Gordon, Andrew, Bleyenheuft,Y,& Steenbergen, B (2013). Pathophysiology of impaired hand function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 55(4), 32-37.

Steenbergen, B, Jongbloed-Pereboom, M, Spruijt, S, Gordon, Andrew. (2013). Impaired motor planning and motor imagery in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy: Challenges for
the future of pediatric rehabilitation. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55(4), 43-6. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.1230

Andersen, J, Majnemer, A, O’Grady, K, & Gordon, Andrew. (2013) Intensive upper extremity training for children with hemiplegia: From science to practice. Seminars in Pediatrics 20, 100- 105.

Hafeli, Mary. (2013). Art-based methodology: Alternative forms for research on educational practice. In M. L. Buffington and S. W. McKay (Eds.), Practice Theory: Seeing the Power of Teacher Researchers. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.


ZhaoHong . & Liu, J. (2013). Recasting the story of recasts. In L. R. Yang et al.

(Eds.), SLA Research in China (pp. 359-385). Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Henig, Jeffrey. (2013). The politics of testing when measures ‘go public’. Teachers College Record, 115(9).

Knight, Michelle. (2013). Living the legacies and continuing the struggle: Immigration, PreK- 16 education, and transnationalism. Texas Education Review, 1, 225-233.

Kuhn, Deanna., Hemberger, L., & Khait, V. (2014). Argue with me: Argument as a path to developing students’ thinking and writing. Baltimore, MD: Wessex Press.

Kuhn, Deanna., Zillmer, N., Crowell, A., & Zavala, J. (2013). Developing norms of argumentation: Metacognitive, epistemological, and social dimensions of developing argumentive competence. Cognition & Instruction, 31, 456-496.

Crowell, A., & Kuhn, Deanna. (2014). Developing dialogic argumentation skills: A three-year intervention study. Journal of Cognition and Development, 15(1).

Lee, Joey. (2013). Game mechanics to promote new understandings of identity and ethnic

minority stereotypes. Digital Culture & Education, 5(2), 127-150. Retrieved from


Levin, Henry. (2013). The importance of educational adaptability. In The harmony of

civilization and prosperity for all (Selected papers of Beijing forum 2012) (pp. 94-116). Peking:

Peking University Press.

Neumann, Anna. (2014). Staking a claim on learning: What we should know about learning in

higher education, and why. Review of Higher Education, 37,(2), 249-267.

Purpura, James. (2013). Cognition and language assessment. In A. Kunnan (Ed.), Companion to language assessment. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Purpura, James. (2013). Assessment of grammar. In A. Kunnan (Ed.), Companion to language assessment. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Purpura, James. (2013). Language learner styles and strategies. In M. Celce-Murcia, D. Brinton

& A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language (4th ed., pp. 532-549).

Boston, MA: National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning.

Melnick, G., Wexler, H., & Rajan, Sonali. (2014). Measuring team members’ satisfaction in drug courts: An instrument to gauge the component disciplines in drug courts. In press at Drug Court Review.

Souto-Manning, Mariana. (2014). Critical narrative analysis: The interplay of critical discourse and narrative analyses. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 27(2), 159- 180.

Souto-Manning, Mariana. (2014). Family involvement: Challenges to consider, strengths to build on. In C. Copple, S. Bredekamp, D. Koralek, & K. Charner (Eds.), Developmentally appropriate practice: Focus on kindergartners. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

Laman, T., Jewell, P. Jennings, L., Wilson, J., & Souto-Manning, Mariana. (2014). Supporting critical dialogue across educational contexts. In X. Zuniga, G. Lopez, & K. A. Ford (Eds.), Intergroup dialogue: Engaging difference, social identities and social justice. New York: Routledge.

Sue, Derald. W. (2013). Race talk: The psychology of racial dialogues. American Psychologist, 68, 663-672.

Waring, Hansun. Zhang. (2014). Turn allocation and context: Broadening participation in the

second language classroom. In J. Flowerdew (Ed.), Discourse in context: Contemporary applied linguistics Volume 3 (pp. 301-320). London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Waring, Hansun. Zhang., Creider, S., & Box, C. (2013). Explaining vocabulary in the language classroom. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 2, 249-264. [with TC doctoral students]

Box, C., Creider, S., & Waring, Hansun. Zhang. (2013). Talk in the second and foreign language classroom: A review of the literature. Contemporary Foreign Language Studies, 396/12, 82-93. [with TC doctoral students]

Wasserman, Nicholas., & Stockton, J. (2013). Horizon content knowledge in the work of teaching: A focus on planning. For the Learning of Mathematics, 33(3), pp. 20-22.

Wasserman, Nicholas., & Ham, E. (2013). Beginning teachers’ perspectives on attributes for teaching secondary mathematics: Reflections on teacher education. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 15(2), pp. 70-96.

Wasserman, Nicholas. (2013). Introducing algebraic structures through solving equations: Vertical content knowledge for K-12 mathematics teachers. PRIMUS. (Online first) doi: 10.1080/10511970.2013.857374.

Faculty Achievement in Grant Monies Received as reported by the Office of Grants and Contracts:

New grant monies

Project Director Project Title

Thomas Bailey Finish Faster: Guided Pathways to Completion

Grantor Grant

Complete College $ 997,100 America

Karen Froud

William Gaudelli

Herbert Ginsburg

Thomas Hatch

Sharon Lynn Kagan

Sharon Lynn Kagan

Oren Pizmony- Levy

Neural Correlates of Speech-Sound Representation in Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Global Competency Certification Program

Development and Evaluation of a Suite of Interactive Mathematics Storybooks for Young Children, Their Teachers, Their Parents

Documenting Instructional Uses of Performance Assessments Used as part of the Teacher Evaluation System in New York City

Setting the Stage for Common Standards: A Plan for Analysis of Selected States

Institutional Framework of Early Childhood Development Policies and Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean

Sensitization, Protection and Adjudication Training on Refugees Fleeing Persecution Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association

World Savvy Inc.

Heising-Simons Foundation

City of New York

Build, Third Sector

The Inter-American Development Bank

United States Department of State

$ 50,000

$ 19,499

$ 335,050

$ 75,000

$ 122,500

$ 144,890

$ 41,400

Celia Oyler

Nancy Streim

Helena Verdeli

Exploratory Intersections of Language, Culture and Society in Education through a Case Study of Kenya and Tanzania

21st Century Community Learning Centers

Evaluation a Comprehensive Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services for Vulnerable Refugees

United States Department of Education

State of New York Education Department

United States Department of State


City University of New York

Columbia University

United States Department of Education

The Rockefeller Foundation

Peter G. Peterson Foundation

State of New York Education Department


$ 70,000


$ 52,681

$ 63,000

$ 16,725


$ 114,378

$ 123,000

$ 199,990


Renewal grant monies

Project Director

Thomas Bailey

Charles Basch

A. Lin Goodwin

Nancy Lesko

Anand Marri

Ellen Meier

Project Title

Bronx Community College Seminar Evaluation

Text Messaging to Reduce Early Discontinuation of Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy in Breast Cancer: Randomized Trial

Teaching Residents

Development of an Effective Innovation Toolkit through Curriculum Design

Understanding Fiscal Responsibility

Teacher Leader Quality Partnerships Program

Supplemental grant monies

Project Director Project Title

Catherine Crowley

Victoria Marsick

Ellen Meier

Eastern Suffolk Schools

Newmont Coaching Certification

Center for Technology and School Change

Eastern Suffolk BOCES


City of Yonkers

$ 9,600

$ 17,900

$ 125,567

Faculty News & Notes

December 2014 __________________________________________________________

Faculty Awards & Honors:

Joseph Ciccolo was recently honored to become a new member of the Editorial Board for

American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.

Luciana de-Oliveira delivered two plenary presentations focused on the Common Core State

Standards and English language learners at the California TESOL and Louisiana TESOL annual

conventions in October and November.

Janet L. Miller delivered a Keynote Address, "Expanding Possibilities: Honoring Maxine Greene's Influences on Curriculum Theorizing," at the 35th Annual Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, October 2014.

Anna Neumann has been appointed to a two-year term on the Midcareer Grant Program Review

Panel of the Spencer Foundation.

Faculty Publications of Books and Refereed Journal Articles:

Roll, I., Baker, Ryan, S.J.d., Aleven, V., Koedinger, K.R. (2014, November). On the benefits of

seeking (and avoiding) help in online problem-solving environments. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 23(4), 537-560.

Block Caryn. J. (2014). The impact of color-blind racial ideology on maintaining racial disparities in organizations. In H.A. Neville, M.E. Gallardo & Derald Wing Sue (Eds.), What Does it Mean to be Color-Blind? Manifestation, Dynamics, and Impact (pp.263-286). American Psychological Association.

Drago-Severson, Eleanor., Roy, P., & von Frank, V. (2014). Reach the highest standard in professional learning: Learning designs. Thousand Oaks: Corwin/Sage Press and Learning Forward.

Drago-Severson, Eleanor. (2014, October-December). “My turn”: Women’s goals and motivations in a diploma program—A constructive-developmental approach. International Journal for Adult Vocational Education and Technology (IJAVET), 5(4), 1-19.

Drago-Severson, Eleanor., & Blum-DeStefano, J. (2014, December). Tell me so I can hear: A developmental approach to feedback and collaboration. Journal of Staff Development, 35(6), 16- 12.

Maffei-Lewis, J., Singer-Dudek, Jessica., & Keohane, D. D. (2014). The effects of the establishment of adult faces and/or voices as conditioned reinforcers for children with ASD and related disorders. Acta de Investigacion Psicologica (Psychological Research
Records), 4(3), 1621-1641.

Goodwin, A. Lin., Smith, L., Souto-Manning, Mariana., Cheruvu, R., Reed, R., Tan, M., & Traveras, L. (2014). What should teacher educators know and be able to do?: Perspectives from practicing teacher educators. Journal of Teacher Education, 65(4), 284–302.

Hafeli, Mary. (2014). Exploring studio materials: Teaching creative art making to children. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Turkay, S., & Kinzer, Charles. K. (2014). The effects of avatar-based customization on identification and empathy. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 6(1), 1-26.

Weishaar, T. & Rajan, Sonali. (2014, November). Importance of body weight and skin color in determining appropriate vitamin D3 supplement doses for children and adolescents. Pediatric Research, 76. doi: 10.1038/pr.2014.190.

Rebell, Michael. (2014). Poverty, educational achievement, and the role of the courts. New England Journal of Public Policy. 26(1), 1-11.

Silverman, Stephen. (2014). Case studies. In D.C. Phillips (Ed.), Encyclopedia of educational theory and philosophy (Vol. 1, pp. 104-106). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Mercier, K., & Silverman, Stephen. (2014). High school students’ attitudes toward fitness testing. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33, 269-281.

Silverman, Stephen., Kulinna, P.H., & Phillips, S.R. (2014). Physical education pedagogy faculty perceptions of journal quality. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33, 134-154.

Marttinen, R., Novak, D., & Silverman, Stephen. (2014). A review of research on teaching in physical education pedagogy 2012-2013. International Journal of Physical Education, 51(1), 2- 11.

Mercier, K., & Silverman, Stephen. (2014). Validation of an instrument to measure high school students’ attitudes toward fitness testing. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85, 81-89.

Rasmussen, J., Scrabis-Fletcher, K., & Silverman, Stephen. (2014). Relationships among tasks, time and practice in elementary physical education. The Physical Educator, 71, 156-173.

Souto-Manning, Mariana. (Ed.). (2014). Diverse learners in diverse times. Contemporary

Issues in Early Childhood, 15(2). 88-93.
Souto-Manning, Mariana. (2014). Making a stink about the “ideal” classroom: Theorizing and

storying conflict in early childhood education. Urban Education, 49(6), 607–634. Souto-Manning, Mariana. (2014). Situating diverse learners in diverse times. Contemporary

Issues in Early Childhood, 15(2), 88-93.
Kang, S., Tversky, Barbara., & Black, John. (2014). Coordinating Gesture, word and diagram:

Explanations for experts and novices. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 15, 1-26 Nakamura, Y.T., Barton, J., & Yorks, Lyle. (2014). Building social capital for leaders: The

importance of trusting and diverse networks. Developing Leaders Quarterly, 17, 40-47.

Public Communications:

Nadelstern, Eric. (2014, October, 9). How to effectively participate in parent-teacher conferences. Noodle.com. Retrieved from http://www.noodle.com/u/usLnF/eric-nadelstern

Nadelstern, Eric. (2014, October, 19). Leadership matters. Noodle.com. Retrieved from http://www.noodle.com/u/usLnF/eric-nadelstern

Nadelstern, Eric. (2014, October, 30). Are charter schools public
schools? Noodle.com. Retrieved from http://www.noodle.com/u/usLnF/eric-nadelstern

Faculty Achievement in Grant Monies Received as reported by the Office of Grants and Contracts:

New grant monies

Project Director A. Lin Goodwin

Alex Bowers

Project Title
Teacher Residents at Teachers College 2

Collaborative Proposal: A Data-Intensive Exploration of the Links Between SES and STEM Learning Outcomes


United States Department of Education

Duke University

Grant $1,000,516

$ 25,162

Edmund Gordon A Study Group on Diversity, Equity and Excellence in Achievement and

Assessment in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education

Supplement grant monies

Project Director Project Title

Andrew Gordon Collaborative Research: Sensory Integration and Sensorimotor

Transformation for Dexterous Manipulation

National Science Foundation


National Science Foundation

$ 300,000

Grant $ 106,605

Faculty News & Notes

November 2014 __________________________________________________________

Faculty Awards & Honors:

Ansley Erickson

has been appointed to the editorial board of the History of Education Quarterly

beginning January 2015.

Andrew Gordon delivered an invited talk on State-of-the-Science and Treatment Decisions in

Cerebral Palsy, directing research priorities at the National Institutes of Health, November 12,


Jennifer Lena will be one of the series editors of Culture and Economic Life published by

Stanford University Press.

Detra Price-Dennis is the recipient of the 2014 Janet Emig Award for Exemplary Scholarship

for her article, “Urban Fiction and Multicultural Literature as Transformative Tools for Preparing

English Teachers for Diverse Classrooms,” co-authored with Marcelle Haddix, Syracuse

University, Syracuse, New York, and published in English Education (April 2013).

Faculty Publications of Books and Refereed Journal Articles:

Baker, Ryan.S., Corbett, A.T. (2014, November). Assessment of robust learning with

educational data mining. Research & Practice in Assessment, 9, 38-50.
Segal, A. , Tversky, B., & Black, John. (2014). Conceptually congruent actions can

promote thought. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 3,124-130.

Bowers, Alex. J., Shoho, A. R., & Barnett, B. G. (2014). Considering the use of data by school leaders for decision making. In Alex. J. Bowers, A. R. Shoho & B. G. Barnett (Eds.), Using Data in Schools to Inform Leadership and Decision Making (Vol. 5, pp.1-16). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Bowers, Alex. J. (2014). Bonds in school financing. In Brewer, D.J., Picus, & L.O.
(Eds.), Encyclopedia of Education Economics and Finance (pp.83-86). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Bowers, Alex. J. (2014). Student risk factors. In Brewer, D.J., & Picus, L.O.
(Eds.), Encyclopedia of Education Economics and Finance (pp. 624-627). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

de Oliveira, Luciana. C., & Iddings, J. (2014). (Eds). Genre pedagogy across the curriculum:

Theory and application in U.S. classrooms and contexts. London: Equinox Publishing. Dubin, Steven, (Winter 2014). Impersonations and revelations: Mysteries of a South African

photography studio. African Arts 47(4), 26-35.

Edmonds, Lisa. A. (2014). Tutorial for verb network strengthening treatment (VNeST): Detailed description of the treatment protocol with corresponding theoretical rationale. SIG 2 Perspectives on Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders, 24, 78-88.

Bleyenheuft, Y1, Gordon Andrew. M. (2014, November). Hand-arm bimanual intensive therapy including lower extremities (HABIT-ILE) for children with cerebral palsy. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr, 34(4), 390-403.

Rogeman R., Knight Michelle., Taylor A. & Watson, V. (2014). From microscope to mirror: Doctoral students’ evolving positionalities through engagement with culturally sensitive research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, doi: 10.1080/09518398.2014.974717

Lena, Jennifer. C. (2014). Making it work: The education and employment of recent arts graduates. Annual Report on the 2013 Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP). Retrieved from http://snaap.indiana.edu/pdf/2014/SNAAP_AR_2014.pdf

Martínez-Álvarez, Patricia. (2014). Reconceptualizing what counts as language and learning in bilingual children with disabilities. The NYS TESOL Journal, 1(2), 39-58.

Martínez-Álvarez, Patricia., Bannan, B. (2014). An exploration of hybrid spaces for place- based geomorphology with Latino bilingual children. Journal of Geoscience Education, 62, 104- 117.

Torres-Guzmán, M. E., & Martínez-Álvarez, Patricia. (2014). NNS imagining a future self as teachers in bilingual education. In J. dD. Martínez Agudo, (Ed.). English as a Foreign Language: Teacher Education. The Netherlands: Editions Rodopi.

Ruggles KV, Rajan Sonali. (2014, November, 5). Gun possession among American youth: A discovery-based approach to understand gun violence. PLoS ONE 9(11): e111893. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111893

Proctor, L. A. & Wang, Ye. (2014). Using iPads and mobile technology for children with developmental disabilities: Facilitate the language and literacy development. In N. Silton (Ed.), Recent Advances in Assistive Technology to Support Children with Developmental Disorders. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Wang, Ye. & Andrews, J. (2014). Reading and deaf individuals: Perspectives on the qualitative similarity hypothesis. American Annals of the Deaf, 159(4), pp. 319-322.

Wang, Ye. & Williams, C. (2014). Are we hammering square pegs into round holes? An investigation of the meta-analyses of reading research with students who are DHH and students who are hearing. American Annals of the Deaf, 159(4), pp. 323-345.

Wasserman, Nicholas., & Walkington, C. (2014). Exploring links between beginning UTeacher’s beliefs and observed classroom practices. Teacher Education and Practice, 27(2/3), pp. 376-401.

Wasserman, Nicholas. (2014). Bringing dynamic geometry to three dimensions: The use of SketchUp in mathematics education. In D. Polly (Ed.) Cases on Technology and Common Core Mathematics Standards (pp. 68-99). Hershey, PA: IGI-Global.

Faculty Achievement in Grant Monies Received as reported by the Office of Grants and Contracts:

New grant monies

Project Director Thomas Bailey

Thomas Bailey

Alex Bowers

Project Title

Non-credit Vocational Education in Community Colleges: Students, Enrollment Patterns and Academic Outcomes

Driving College Completion and Enhancing Equity via Transfer Pathways

Collaborative Proposal: A Data- Intensive Exploration of the Links Between SES and STEM Learning Outcomes


Association for Institutional Research

The Aspen Institute

Duke University


New York University through The National Institute of Health

Grant $ 39,997

$ 380,315

$ 25,162

Grant $ 13,400

Supplement grant monies

Project Director Project Title

John Allegrante Tailored Sleep Health Education: A Community Based Approach

Thomas Bailey

Priscilla Wolhstetter

Priscilla Wolhstetter

Improving Student Performance Charter School Diversity

Survey Research Institute

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Various Various

$ 328,955 $ 1,500

$ 850

Faculty News & Notes

September 2014 __________________________________________________________

Faculty Awards & Honors:

Ryan Baker
William Gaudelli was named a Research Fellow of the Centre for Governance and Citizenship

at The Hong Kong Institute of Education.

received the Attendee Choice Award for Most Original Research at the 10th



Conference Poster Session, 2014.

Gordon, Andrew was the keynote speaker at the September 2014 American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, San Diego, CA.

Gordon, Andrew was the keynote speaker at the July 2014 Early Detection and Early Neurorehabilitation in Cerebral Palsy Workshop, Vienna, Austria.

Jennifer C. Lena was appointed to the editorial board of Contemporary Sociology.

Xiaodong Lin became Zi Jiang Endowed Chair Professor and Scholar at the Shanghai Zi Jiang Corporate Foundation, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.

Xiaodong Lin became Yellow River Endowed Professor and Scholar at Henan Province and Henan University, Kaifeng, China.

Faculty Publications of Books and Refereed Journal Articles:

Pardos, Z.A., Baker, Ryan. S., San Pedro, M.O.C.Z., Gowda, S.M., Gowda, S.M. (2014). Affective states and state tests: Investigating how affect and engagement during the school year predict end of year learning outcomes. Journal of Learning Analytics, 1 (1), 107-128.

Kathleen O’Connell received the Outstanding Career Achievement Award at the College of

Mount St. Joseph Alumni Association on June 7, 2014.

Priscilla Wohlstetter became the co-chair of the newly formed AERA SIG, Charters & School


Allsup, Randall. E. (2014). A place for music education in the humanities. Music Educators

Journal, 100: 71-75.

Baker, Ryan.S. (2014) Educational data mining: An advance for intelligent systems in education. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 29 (3), 78-82.

DeFalco, J.A., Baker, Ryan. S., D'Mello, S.K (2014). Addressing behavioral disengagement in online learning. In Sottilare, R., Graesser, A., Hu, X., and Goldberg, B. (Eds.). Design Recommendations for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Volume 2 - Instructional Management (Vol. 2, pp. 49-56). Orlando, Florida: U.S. Army Research Laborator.

D'Mello, S., Blanchard, N., Baker, Ryan., Ocumpaugh, J., Brawner, K. (2014). I feel your pain: A selective review of affect-sensitive instructional strategies. In Sottilare, R., Graesser, A., Hu, X., and Goldberg, B. (Eds.). Design recommendations for intelligent tutoring
systems: Volume 2 - Instructional Management (pp. 35-48). Orlando, FL: U.S. Army Research Laboratory.


, M.V., MacDonald,, W.A. Eisman, H.O. & Black, John. (2013). Reinforcing
outpatient medical student learning using brief computer tutorials: The Patient-Teacher-Tutorial sequence. BMC Medical Education. 12, 70-79.

Lu, M.T.P., Hallman, G.L. & Black John. (2013). Chinese character learning: Using embodied animation in initial stages. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, (4), 1-24.

Kang, S., Hallman, G.L., Son, L.K. & Black, John. (2013). The different benefits from different gestures in understanding a concept. Journal of Science Education and Technology, (22), 825- 837.

Black, John., Khan, S.A. & Huang, S.C.D.(2014). Video games as grounding experiences for learning. In F. C. Blumberg (Ed.). Learning by playing: Frontiers of videogaming in education. New York: Oxford University Press.

Vitale, J.M., Black, John., & Swart, M.I. (2014). Applying grounded coordination challenges to concrete learning materials: A study of number line estimation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109, 403-418.

Vitale, J., Swart, M. & Black, John. (2014). Promoting the development of embodied and Integrated geometry concepts: Gestural depictions in a computer game environment. Computers and Education., 72, 231-248.

Bergeron, D.M., Ostroff, C., Schroeder, & Block, Caryn .J. (2014). The dual effects of organizational citizenship behavior: Relationships to research productivity and career outcomes in academe. Human Performance, 27, 99-128.

Bowers, Alex. J., & White, B. R. (2014). Do principal preparation and teacher qualifications influence different types of school growth trajectories in Illinois? A growth mixture model analysis. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(5), 705-736. doi: 10.1108/JEA-12-2012- 0134

Ingle, W.K., Bowers, Alex. J., Davis, T. (2014). Which school districts qualified for federal

school facility funding under ARRA? Evidence from Ohio. Journal of Education Finance, 40(1), 17-37.

Urick, A., Bowers, Alex. J. (2014) How does principal perception of academic climate measure up? The impact of principal perceptions on student academic climate and achievement in high school. Journal of School Leadership, 24(2), 386-414.

Drago-Severson, Eleanor., & Blum-DeStephano, J. (August 2014). Change no to yes: Leaders find creative ways to overcome obstacles to adult learning. The Journal of Staff Development, 35 (4), 26—29.

Drago-Severson, Eleanor., & Maslin-Ostrowski, P. (April, 2014). New mindsets: The promise of employing adult learning and developmental theories for educational leaders’ learning. In V. C. X. Wang and V. C. Bryant (Ed.). Androgogical & Pedagogical Methods for Curriculum and Program Development (pp. 195—217). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Maslin-Ostrowski. P., & Drago-Severson, Eleanor. (May 2014). Leading and learning in the digital age: Framing and understanding school leader challenges. In V. C. X. Wang
(Ed.), Encyclopedia of Education and Technology in a Changing Society. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Erickson, Ansley. (2014, May 30). Slavery and the American college: Historical entanglements that matter for understanding inequality today. Teachers College Record, www.tcrecord.org/PrintContent.asp?ContentID=17554

Bleyenheuft, Y, Gordon, Andrew. (2014). Precision grip in congenital and acquired hemiparesis: Similarities in impairments and implications for Neurorehabilitation. Frontiers in Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00459

Friel, KM, Kuo, HC, Carmel, JB, Gordon, Andrew. (2014). Improvements in hand function after intensive Bimanual training are not associated with corticospinal tract dysgenesis in childrenwith hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Experimental Brain Research, 232, 2001-2009.

Kolobe, TH, Christy, JB, Gannotti, ME, Heathcock, JC, Damiano, DL, Taub, E, Majsak, MJ, Gordon, Andrew, Fuchs, RK, O’Neil, ME, Caiozzo VJ. (2014). Research Summit III proceedings on dosing in children with an injured brain or cerebral palsy. Physical Therapy, 94, 907-920.

Sakzewski, L, Gordon, Andrew, Eliasson, AC (2014) The state of the evidence for intensive upper limb therapy approaches for children with unilateral cerebral palsy. Journal of Child Neurology, 11(29), 1077-1090.

Brandao, M, Ferre, CL, Kuo, H-C, Rameckers, E, Bleyenheuft, Y, Hung, Y-C, Friel, K, Gordon, Andrew. (2014). Comparison of structured skill and unstructured practice during intensive

bimanual training in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy. Neural Rehabilitation and Neural Repair, 28, 452-461.

Eliasson, AC, Krumlinde-Sundholm, L, Gordon, Andrew, Feys, H, Klingels, K, Aarts, P, Rameckers, E, Autti-Rämö, I, Hoare B (2014). Guidelines for future research in Constraint- induced movement therapy for children with unilateral cerebral palsy: An expert consensus. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 56(2), 125-137.

Broto, J. & Greer, R. Douglas. (2014). The Effects of Functional Writing Contingencies on Second Graders’ Writing and Responding Accurately to Mathematical Algorithms. The Behavioral Development Bulletin, 19(1), 7- 23.

Du, L. & Greer, R. Douglas. (2014). Validation of adult generalized imitation topographies and the emergence of generalized imitation in young children with autism as a function of mirror training. The Psychological Record. doi: 10. 107/s40732-0050-y

Han, ZhaoHong. (Ed.) (2014). Studies in Second Language Acquisition of Chinese. Clevedon,

UK: Multilingual Matters.

Han, ZhaoHong. & Tarone, E. (Eds.) (2014). Interlanguage: Forty Years Later. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Jahromi, Laudan. B., Guimond, A. B., Umaña-Taylor, A. J., Updegraff, K. A., & Toomey, R. B. (2014). Family context, Mexican-origin adolescent mothers’ parenting knowledge, and children’s subsequent developmental outcomes. Child Development, 85(2), 593-609.

Derlan, C. L., Umaña-Taylor, A. J., Toomey, R. B., Updegraff, K. A., Jahromi, Laudan. B., & Flores, L. I. (2014). Perceived discrimination and ethnic affirmation: Anglo culture orientation as a moderator among Mexican-origin adolescent mothers. Child Development, 8(4), 1357-1365.

Toomey, R. B., Umaña-Taylor, A. J., Williams, D., Harvey-Mendoza, E. C., Jahromi, Laudan. B., & Updegraff, K. A. (2014). The impact of Arizona's S.B. 1070 immigration law on utilization of health care and public assistance among Mexican-origin teen mothers and their mother figures. American Journal of Public Health, 104 (s1), S28 – S34.

Jochum, Richard & Zamoyta, R. (2014). Blanket Stories. Annandale. Ragged Sky Press,

Berg, A., & Mensah, Felicia. M. (2014). De-marginalizing science in the elementary classroom by coaching teachers to address perceived dilemmas. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 22(57), 1-35. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14507/epaa.v22n57.2014

Graham, R., Zubiaurre Bitzer, L., Mensah, Felicia. M., & Anderson, Roger. (2014). Dental student perceptions of the educational value of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary
OSCE. Journal of Dental Education, 78(5), 694-702.

Mensah, Felicia. M. (2014). Using observation prompts in the urban elementary school field placement. In Yolanda. Sealey-Ruiz, C.W. Lewis, & I. Toldson (Eds.), Teacher education and black communities: Implications for access, equity and achievement, (pp. 273-279). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Miller, Janet L. (2014). Curriculum theorizing in the throes of the audit culture. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 16, (1 & 2), 13–30.

Neumann, Anna., & Bolitzer, L. (2014). Finding and fostering learning: What college and university leaders need to know and what they can do. In New Directions for Higher Education, special issue on “Connecting Learning across the Institution (165th ed., Vol. 2014). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

O'Connell, Kathleen. A., Torstrick, A., & Victor, E. (2014). Cues to urinary urgency incontinence and urinary urgency: How those diagnosed with overactive bladder syndrome differ from undiagnosed persons. Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, 41, 259-267. doi:10.1097/WON.0000000000000023

Rajan, Sonali., Namdar, R., & Ruggles, K.V. (2014). Aggressive and violent behaviors in the school environment among a nationally representative sample of adolescent youth. On-line at Journal of School Health.

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Aronson, I.D., Marsch, L.A., Rajan, Sonali., Koken, J., & Bania, T.C. (2014). Computer-based video to increase HIV testing among emergency department patients who decline. On-line at AIDS and Behavior.

Watson, W., Sealey-Ruiz, Yolanda., & Jackson, I. (2014). Daring to care: The role of culturally relevant care in mentoring Black and Latino male high school students. Race, Ethnicity, and Education, 1-23. doi: 10.1080/13613324.2014.911169

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Understanding the variation in charter management scale-up. Journal of Educational Change,

15, 77-97.

Faculty Achievement in Grant Monies Received as reported by the Office of Grants and Contracts:

New grant monies

Project Director Thomas Bailey

Thomas Bailey

Peter Coleman

Carey Cooper

Project Title
CAPSEE Public Conference

National Research and Development Center on Developmental Education Assessment and Instruction

The Tatweer-Teachers College Literacy Project

School Attainment Among Mayan Adolescents in Rural Guatemala

Spencer Foundation

United States Department of Education

United States Institute of Peace

Society for Research on Adolescence

Grant $ 36,000


$ 129,800

$ 7,000

Jeffrey Henig

Ellen Meier

Understanding Collective Impact: A Comparative Study of Collaboration for Change

International Program for the Development of High School Learners

MetroCiti: A Multi-Campus Institute for Improving Teaching Students' Liberal Learning in Urban Colleges and Universities

Veterans' Administration Psychometric Analysis

Media Engagement and Adolescents

Garden Curriculum Staff Development

The Wallace Foundation

Instituto de Investigacion Innovacion y Estudios de Posgrado para l Educacion

The Teagle Foundation

Veterans' Administration Medical Center

The Robert Bowne Foundation

PS 8 Parent Teacher Association


United States Department of Health

$ 799,000

$ 304,730

Anna Neumann

$ 155,000

Sonali Rajan

V asudevan

Randi Wolf

$ 22,701

$ 25,000

$ 2,038

Grant $ 504,161

Renewal grant monies

Project Director Project Title

Joseph Ciccolo

Smoking Cessation Treatment

A. Lin Goodwin Teacher Opportunity Corps

Supplement grant monies

Project Director Project Title
Anand Marri Understanding Fiscal Responsibility

and Human Services

State of New York Education Department


Peter G. Peterson Foundation

$ 6,117

Grant $ 67,000

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