Box, Catherine M. (cmb2150)

Catherine Marie Box

Adjunct Assistant Professor (AL&TESOL)

TC Affiliations:

Educational Background

Ed.D. student in Applied Linguistics, Columbia University.

Ed.M. in Applied Linguistics, Columbia University.

M.A. in English Literature, West Chester University.

A.B. in English/French, Muhlenberg College.

Teaching and Professional Experience

Faculty in TESOL & Applied Linguistics Programs
Columbia University Teachers College, Fall 2010 – Present
Phonetics & Phonology Laboratory Sessions
Academic Speaking
Discourse Analysis
TESOL Classroom Practices
ESL Teaching Practicum I: Integrated Skills

Faculty in Post-Baccalaureate TESOL Certificate Program

Columbia University Teachers College, Summers 2009-2013
Intercultural Communication
Pedagogical Linguistics
Resumé Writing

Student Teaching Mentor in TESOL Certificate Program
Columbia University Teachers College, Summers 2010-2012
Mentored and evaluated students teachers instructing adult ESL learners.

French Instructor
Community Language Program, Columbia University Teachers College
Taught Beginner, Advanced Beginner, and Intermediate French courses for adults (multiple sections).

ESL Instructor
Community Language Program, Columbia University Teachers College
Taught Advanced English courses for L2 learners integrating reading, writing, speaking, listening,  grammar, and pragmatics.

Instructor in English Department
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Effective Writing I

Writing Consultant
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Guided individual students in writing course papers and Master’s theses.

K-12 Experience

Student Teaching Supervisor
Columbia University Teachers College 2012-present
Supervise and evaluate M.A. students receiving K-12 certification in TESOL in New York.

Assistante de Langue, Département d’anglais
Lycée Simone Weill, Paris, France 2004-2006
Instructor of English conversation for students in 2nde, 1ère, terminale, and BTS.

Student Teacher and Theme Reader
Great Valley High School of Pennsylvania 2001-2002
Instructor of English Language and Literature for 12th grade students.
• Columbia University Teachers College supplemental scholarship, 2007-2013.

• Travel grants for conferences, Department of Arts & Humantities at Columbia University Teachers College.

• Phi Beta Kappa.

• Omicron Delta Kappa.

• Phi Sigma Iota award for excellence in foreign languages, Muhlenberg College.

• Howard Stengher award for graduate study in literature, Muhlenberg College.

• Paul C. Scherr award for best essay written by a graduating student, Muhlenberg College.
Jacknick, C.M., Box, C., & Waring, H.Z., Eds. (2014). Talk in Institutional Settings: A LANSI Volume. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press.

Box, C.D., Creider, S.C., & Waring, H.Z. (2013). Talk in the second and foreign language classroom: A review of the literature. Journal of Contemporary Foreign Language Studies, 396(12), 86-97.

Waring, H.Z., Creider, S.C., & Box, C.D. (2013). Explaining vocabulary in the second language classroom: A conversation analytic account. Learning, Culture, & Social Interaction.

Kieffer, M.J., & Box, C.D. (2013). Derivational morphological awareness, academic vocabulary, and reading comprehension in linguistically diverse sixth graders. Learning & Individual Differences, 24, 168-175.

Box, C.D. (2012). Embodied (non)participation in a tutoring session. Special Issue of Language and Information Society, 16. 79-108.

Box, C.D. (2011). Microanalyzing discourse in the second and foreign language classrooms: A review of the literature. Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, 11(2), 1-14.

Box, C.D. (2011). [Review of Wong, J., & Waring, H.Z. (2010). Conversation analysis and second language pedagogy.] Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, 11(1), 67-71.

Box, C.D. (2009). [Review of Duff, P.A. (2008). Case Study Research in Applied Linguistics.] Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, 9(1), 1-5.

Box, C.D. & Boblett, N. (2012). Guest Editor of Forum on Applying conversation analysis to real-world concerns. In Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, 12(1).

Box, C.D. & Creider, S.C. (2008) Guest Editor of Forum on Festschrift in honor of Professor Leslie M. Beebe. In Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, 8(2).

Box, C.D. (2010). Contributor to Forum on Text and context: The role of Context in Discourse Analysis, Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, 10(1), 46-48.
• Executive Board Member of New York State TESOL Association. 2013-present

• Editor of Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, web journal of the TESOL & Applied Linguistics Program at Columbia University Teachers College. 2012-present.

• Co-chair of The 2nd Annual Meeting of the Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI) at Columbia University Teachers College. Fall 2012.

• Book Review Editor, Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics. 2011-2012.

• Student representative for search committee for Assistant Professor of Linguistics & Education at Columbia University Teachers College. 2009-2010.

• Proposal reviewer for International TESOL Conventions, 2010-2011.

• Examiner and evaluator for the baccalaureat blanc. Lycée Simone Weil, Paris, France. 2005.

• Textbook selection committee for composition classes, West Chester University, 1999.
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