Abeles, Harold F. (hfa2)

Harold F Abeles

Professor Emeritus of Music Education

Office Location:

516 HMann

TC Affiliations:

Educational Background

B.S., M.S. in Music Education, University of Connecticut; Ph.D. in Education, University of Maryland

Scholarly Interests

Professor Abeles' research has focused on a variety of topics including, the evaluation of community-based arts organizations, the assessment of instrumental instruction, the sex-stereotyping of music instruments, the evaluation of applied music instructors, the evaluation of ensemble directors, technology-based music instruction, and verbal communication in studio instruction.

Selected Publications

Selected Publications:

Abeles, H. F. &  Custodero, L. A., eds. (2010).  Critical Issues in Music Education:  From Theory to Practice, New York: Oxford University Press.

Abeles, H. F.  Hoffer, C., & Klotman, R. (1994).  Foundations of Music Education: Second Edition . New York: Schirmer Books.

Abeles, H., Hafeli, M., Horowitz, R., & Burton J. (2002). The Evaluation of Arts Partnerships and Learning in and Through the Arts. In R. Colwell (Ed.), New Handbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning.  New York: Oxford University Press.

Burton, J., Horowitz, R., & Abeles, H. (2000). Learning in and through the arts. In Champions of Change: The Impact of the Arts on Learning. Washington: President's Commission on the Arts and Humanities.

Abeles, H. F. & Chung, J. W. (1995). Responses to music. In D. Hodges (Ed.), Handbook of music psychology: Second edition. Omaha, Nebraska: Kendall‑Hunt.

Abeles, H. F. (1992). Guide to Interpreting research in music education. In R. Colwell (Ed.), Handbook for Research in Music Teaching and Learning New York: Schirmer Books.

Abeles, H. F. (2004). The effect of three orchestra/school partnerships on students’ interest in instrumental music instruction.  Journal of Research in Music Education, 44 (3)

Burton, J., Horowitz, R. & Abeles, H.(2000). Learning in and through the arts: Curriculum implications. NAEA, Studies in Art Education, 41,2.

Abeles, H. F. (1992). Different criteria for evaluating Applied Music Instruction. The Quarterly. III.(with S. Levausseur & J. Goffi)

Abeles, H. F. (1986). Student Responses to Artists-in-the School Performances.  New York State Music Research Journal, I

Abeles, H. F. (1986). Action research: A model for academic alliances in music education. Southeastern Music Education Journal. (with R. H. Stephens)

Abeles, H. F. (1982). The future directions of research methodology and measurement techniques in the field of psychology and acoustics of music. Psychology and Acoustics of Music. Lawrence, Kansas.

Abeles, H. F. (1975). Characteristics of effective applied instructors as perceived by their students. Journal of Research in Music Education, XXIII(2)

Abeles, H. F. (1973). Development and validation of a clarinet performance adjudication scale. Journal of Research in Music Education, XXI(3).

Abeles, H. F. (1973). A facet-factorial approach to the construction of rating scales to measure complex behavior. Journal of Educational Measurement, 10(2).


Unpublished Research and Assessment Reports:

Abeles, H. F. (2005).  Evaluation Report:  Performing Arts Curriculum, Edgemont Public Schools.

Abeles, H. F. (2004).  Evaluation Report:  Music Curriculum, Pleasantville, New York.

Abeles, H. F. (2001, 2004)  Assessment Reports:  The Hartford Symphony Orchestras’ Symphony in the Schools Program Evaluation Project.  Report to the Hartford Symphony Board of Trustees.

Abeles, H. F. (2002-2007).  Annual Assessment Reports:  The New Jersey Symphony Orchestras’ Newark Early Strings Program Evaluation Project.  Report to the NJSO Board of Trustees.

Abeles, H. F. (1997 -2002).  Annual Assessment Reports: The Cleveland Orchestra Learning Through Music Evaluation Project.  Report to the Cleveland Orchestra, Board of Trustees.(with M. Hafeli) 

Abeles, H. F. (1996-2000).  Annual Assessment Reports: The Baltimore Symphony, Arts Excel Evaluation Project.  Report to the Baltimore Symphony Board of Trustees. (with M. Hafeli) 

Abeles, H. F. (1996 -2001).  Annual Assessment Reports: The Detroit Arts Centered Education Program Evaluation Project.  Report to ACE Board of Trustees.  (with M. Hafeli) 

Abeles, H. F. (1995 -1999).  Annual Assessment Reports: The Bushnell, Partners in Arts and Education Revitalizing the Schools Evaluation Project.  Report to Bushnell Performing Arts Center, Board of Trustees.  (with M. Hafeli)  

Abeles, H. F. (1996). Final Report of the Lincoln Center Institute Project at Teachers College.  Report to the Board of Trustees of the Lincoln Center Institute.

Dr. Harold Abeles, Professor of Music and Music Education, has been at Teachers College for 28 years. Prior to coming to Teachers College, he served on the faculties of the School of Music at Indiana University, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and Oklahoma State University. He also served as a general and instrumental music teacher in Ashford, Connecticut, and in Prince Georges County, Maryland. At Teachers College, Professor Abeles has previously served as the Chair of the Arts and Humanities Department and the Director of the Division of Instruction.

He received his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Music Education from the University of Connecticut and his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland.

Dr. Abeles has contributed numerous articles, chapters and books to the field of music education. He is the co-author of the Foundations of Music Education and the co-editor, with Professor Lori Custodero, of Critical Issues in Music Education: Contemporary Theory and Practice.  Recent chapters by him have appeared in the Handbook of Music Psychology and the New Handbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning. He was the founding editor of The Music Researchers Exchange, an international music research newsletter begun in 1974. He served as a member of the Executive Committee of the Society for Research in Music Education and has served on the editorial boards of several journals including the Journal of Research in Music Education, Psychomusicology, Dialogue in Instrumental Music Education, and Update.

His research has focused on a variety of topics including, the evaluation of community-based arts organizations, the assessment of instrumental instruction, the sex-stereotyping of music instruments, the evaluation of applied music instructors, the evaluation of ensemble directors, technology-based music instruction, and verbal communication in studio instruction.

Dr. Harold Abeles, Professor of Music and Music Education, has been at Teachers College for 28 years. Prior to coming to Teachers College, he served on the faculties of the School of Music at Indiana University, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and Oklahoma State University. He also served as a general and instrumental music teacher in Ashford, Connecticut, and in Prince Georges County, Maryland. At Teachers College, Professor Abeles has previously served as the Chair of the Arts and Humanities Department and the Director of the Division of Instruction.

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