Miller, Janet (jm1397)

Janet Miller

Professor Emerita of English Education

Office Location:

327 HMann

Office Hours:

SPRING 2015 Tuesday and Wednesday: 2:45pm-4:15pm and by appointment.

Educational Background

 A.B., Grove City College; M.A., University of Rochester; Ph.D., Ohio State University

Scholarly Interests

Feminist curriculum theorizing. Constructions of teachers' identities in collaboration and school reform efforts. Issues of representation, especially in autogiographical and biographical forms.

Selected Publications

Creating Spaces and Finding Voices: Teachers Collaborating for Empowerment (SUNY Press). 

(Co-ed.) A Light in Dark Times: Maxine Greene and the Unfinished Conversation (Teachers College Press). 

"What's Left in the Field.... A Curriculum Memoir" (Journal of Curriculum Studies).

"English education in the making" (English Education).

Sounds of Silence Breaking: Women, Autobiography, Curriculum (2005.  Peter Lang Publishing).

Elected Officer -President, American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies. National election. Term: 2001-2004. Re-elected President for Second Term.
Elected Officer - Vice President of American Educational Research Association for Division B(Curriculum Studies). International election. Term: 1997-1999.
Elected Officer - Secretary of Division B (Curriculum Studies) of American Educational Research Association. International election. Term: 1990-1992.
Elected Chairperson - Special Interest Group - Critical Issues in Curriculum, American Educational Research Association, 1988-1989 and 1989-1990.
Invited Chair - Nominating Committee, Division B, American Educational Research Association, 1999-2000
Invited Chair - Dissertation Award Committee, Division B, American Educational Research Association, 1994.
Elected Member - Executive Committee of the Conference on English Education, National Council of Teachers of English. National Election. Term: 1990-1994.
Elected Member - Professors of Curriculum.
Member - Board of Examiners, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).
Term: 1988-1991.
Invited Member - Standing Committee on Teacher Preparation and Certification. National Council of Teachers of English. Term: 1986-1989.
Selected Member - Hofstra University's Center for Excellence in Teaching. Term: 1990-1992.

Proposal Reviewer, AERA, Division B, Annual Meetings, 1980-present.
Manuscript Reviewer: American Educational Research Journal
Curriculum Inquiry
Educational Researcher
English Education
English Journal
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing
Journal of Curriculum and Supervision
Peter Lang
State University of New York Press
Teachers College Press
Teaching and Teacher Education

Janet L. Miller earned her M.A. in English Education from the University of Rochester, New York, and her Ph.D. in Humanities Education and Curriculum Theory from The Ohio State University. She taught high school English for seven years and has been teaching at the university level since 1979. She currently is Professor and Coordinator of Programs in English Education/The Teaching of English at Teachers College and Co-Chair of the Teacher Education Policy Committee.
Active in the American Educational Research Association (AERA) for many years, she was elected Vice President of AERA for Division B-Curriculum Studies for the 1997-1999 term, and elected AERA Secretary of Division B for the 1990-1992 term. She was 1994 Chair of the Division's Dissertation Award Committee, and served as a Program Section Chair (for Curriculum Theorizing) for the Division's 1996 Annual Meeting Program. She also served as Chair of the Nominating Committee for Division B for the 1999-2000 term. In addition, she was elected Chair of the AERA Critical Issues in Curriculum Special Interest Group from 1988 through 1990.
Janet was elected President of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies for the 2001-2004 term, and re-elected President for a second term. In 1991, Janet received Hofstra University's Stessin Prize for Outstanding Scholarly Publication for her book, Creating Spaces and Finding Voices: Teachers Collaborating for Empowerment. In 1992, she received the James N. Britton Award from the National Council of Teachers of English for that same book. In 1998, she was awarded National-Louis University's University-wide Faculty Excellence in Research Award, and in 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 she received an Excellence in Teaching Award from Teachers College, Columbia University.
As Managing Editor of JCT: The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing since its inception in 1978 through 1998, Janet also served for many years as Program Chair of the JCT-sponsored Bergamo Annual Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice. Her research and teaching interests focus on intersections of curriculum and feminist theories, constructions of teacher subjectivities in collaborative school reform and research efforts, and biography and autobiography as postmodern forms of qualitative inquiry. Her work has been published in a number of international refereed journals, including Curriculum Inquiry, Educational Theory, Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, Educational Foundations, English Journal, Journal of Curriculum Studies, English Education, and JCT, among others. As well, she has authored over twenty-five book chapters. Janet is the author of Creating Spaces and Finding Voices: Teachers Collaborating for Empowerment (State University of New York Press, 1990) and Co-Editor, with William C. Ayers, of A Light in Dark Times: Maxine Greene and the Unfinished Conversation (Teachers College Press, 1998). A collection of her writing from 1978 through 2004, Sounds of Silence Breaking: Women, Autobiography, Curriculum (Peter Lang Publishing), was published in 2005. She recently received one of two Teachers College Tenured Faculty Research Awards for the 2003-2004 academic year for her current research, tentatively entitled "Convergences: A Collaborative Biography of Maxine Greene."

*Tenured Faculty Research Award, 2003, Teachers College;
  • 2000 through 2004, Excellence in Teaching Award, Teachers College
  • 1998 The University-Wide Faculty Excellence in Research Award, National-Louis University
  • 1998 Achievement Award for Scholarly and Service Contributions to the Field of Curriculum Studies, presented by JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing and the Bergamo Conference
  • 1992 The James N. Britton Award for Inquiry in English Language Arts for Creating Spaces and Finding Voices: Teachers Collaborating for Empowerment, presented by the National Council of Teachers of English
  • 1991 The Stessin Prize for Outstanding Scholarly Publication, Hofstra University, for Creating Spaces and Finding Voices: Teachers Collaborating for Empowerment

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327-A Horace Mann
Miller, J. L. (2005). Sounds of Silence Breaking: Women, Autobiography, Curriculum. New York: Peter Lang.
Miller, J. L. (1990). Creating spaces and finding voices: Teachers collaborating for empowerment. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Ayers, W. C., & Miller, J. L. (Eds.) (1998). A light in dark times: Maxine Greene and the unfinished conversation, Teachers College Press.
Miller, J. L. (1999). Curriculum reconceptualized: A personal and partial history. In W. F. Pinar (Ed.), Contemporary curriculum discourses: Twenty years of JCT (pp. 498-508). New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
Miller, J. L. (1998). Biography, education, and questions of the private voice. In C. Kridel (Ed.), Writing educational biography: Explorations in qualitative research (pp. 225-234). New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.
Miller, J. L. (1998). Autobiography and the necessary incompleteness of teachers' stories. In W. C. Ayers and J. L. Miller (Eds.), A light in dark times: Maxine Greene and the unfinished conversation, Teachers College Press.
Miller, J. L. (1998). Autobiography as a queer curriculum practice. In W. F. Pinar (Ed.), Queer Theory in Education (pp. 365-373). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, Publishers.
Miller, J. L. (1997). Disruptions in the field: An academic's lived practice with classroom teachers. In T. R. Carson & D. Sumara (Eds.), Action research as a living practice, (pp. 199-213). New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Hollingsworth, S., Dadds, M., & Miller, J. L. (1997). The examined experience of action research:. The person within the process. In S. Hollingsworth, (Ed.), International action research: A casebook for educational reform (pp. 49-59). London: The Falmer Press.
Miller, J. L. (1995). Women and Education: In what ways does gender affect the educational process? In J. L. Kincheloe & S. R. Steinberg (Eds.), Thirteen questions: Reframing education's conversation, 2nd Edition (pp. 149-156). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
Hollingsworth, S., & Miller, J. L. (1994). Rewriting ‘gender equity' in teacher research. In S. Hollingsworth & H. Sockett (Eds.), Teacher research and educational reform (pp. 121-140). Chicago: National Society for the Study of Education.
Miller, J. L. (1993). Solitary Spaces: Women, curriculum, and teaching. In D. Wear (Ed.), The center of the web: Women and solitude (pp. 245-252). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Reprinted in R. Martusewicz & W. Reynolds (Eds.), Inside/Out: Critical perspectives in education (pp.201-208). New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994.
Miller, J. L. (1993). Constructions of gender and curriculum. In S. K. Biklen & D. Pollard (Eds.), Gender and education (pp. 43-63). Chicago: National Society for the Study of Education.
Miller, J. L. (1992). Gender and teachers. In B. Appleby & N. McCracken (Eds.), Gender issues in the teaching of English (pp. 174-190). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann - Boynton/Cook Publishers.
Miller, J. L. (1992). Teachers, autobiography, and curriculum: Critical and feminist perspectives. In S. Kessler & B. B. Swadener (Eds.), Reconceptualizing early childhood education (pp. 103-122). New York: Teachers College Press.
Miller, J. L. (1992). Teachers' spaces: A personal evolution of teacher lore. In W. Schubert & W. C. Ayers (Eds.), Teacher lore: Learning from our own experience (pp 11-24). New York: Longman.
Miller, J. L. (1991) Seeing Guernica. In W. Schubert & G. Willis (Eds.), Reflections from the heart of educational inquiry: Understanding curriculum and teaching through the arts (pp. 239-243). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Miller, J. L. (1990). The Teacher as curriculum creator. In J. D. Marshall & J. T. Sears (Eds.), Teaching and thinking about curriculum: Critical inquiries (pp.85-96). New York: Teachers College Press.
Miller, J. L. (1989). Gender studies: Impact on school curriculum. In T. Husen & T. N. Postlethwaite (Eds.), International encyclopedia of education: Research and studies (pp. 371-374). Oxford, England: Pergamon Press.
Miller, J. L. (1989). Academic repositionings: Issues of imposition and community in collaborative research. In T. R. Carson & D. J. Sumara (Eds.), Exploring collaborative action research: Proceedings of the ninth invitational conference of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (pp. 89-102). Edmonton: Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies.
Miller, J. L. (1989). Reflections on interpretive inquiry: Possibilities and challenges. In F. Hultgren & D. Coomer (Eds.), Alternative modes of inquiry in home economics research: Yearbook 9, American Home Economics Association (pp. 159-164). Peoria, IL: Glencoe Publishers.
Miller, J. L. (1988). The resistance of women academics: An autobiographical account. In Contemporary Curriculum Discourses, W. F. Pinar, (Ed.), (pp. 486-494). Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick Publishers.
Miller, J. L. (1987). Teachers' emerging texts: The empowering potential of writing inservice. In J. Smyth (Ed.), Educating teachers: Changing the nature of pedagogical knowledge (pp. 193205). London: The Falmer Press.
Miller, J. L. (2000). English education in-the-making. English Education, 33,(1) 34-50.
Miller, J. L. (2000). What's left in the field .... A curriculum memoir. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 32, (2), 253-266.
Miller, J. L. (1999). Putting cultural studies to use: "Translating the curriculum." Journal of Curriculum Studies, 31 (1), 107-110.
Ellsworth, E. & Miller, J. L. (1996). Working difference in education. Curriculum Inquiry, 26(3), 245-264.
Miller, J. L. (1996). Teachers, researchers and situated school reform: Circulations of power. Theory Into Practice, 35(2), 86-92.
Miller, J. L. (1996). Curriculum and the reconceptualization: Another brief history. JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 12(1), 6-8.
Orner, M., Miller, J. L., & Ellsworth, E. (1996). Excessive moments and educational discourses that try to contain them. Educational Theory, 46(1), 71-91.
Miller, J. L. (1996). `The human histories . . . JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 12 (4), 42-43.
Miller, J. L. (1994). ‘The surprise of a recognizable person' as troubling presence in educational research and writing. Curriculum Inquiry, 24(4), 503-512.
Hollingsworth, S., & Miller, J. L. (1992). Issues of gender equity in teacher-research. Institute for Research on Teaching Occasional Papers Series #143. East Lansing: Michigan State University.
Miller, J. L. (1992). The politics of teacher-research. The Council Chronicle, National Council of Teachers of English, 2(1).
Miller, J. L. (1992). Shifting the boundaries: Teachers challenge contemporary curriculum thought. Theory Into Practice, 31(3), 245-251.
Miller, J. L. (1992). Exploring power and authority issues in a collaborative research project. Theory Into Practice, 31(2), 165-172.
Miller, J. L., & Martens, M. L. (1990). Hierarchy and imposition in collaborative inquiry: Teacher-researchers' reflections on recurrent dilemmas. Educational Foundations, 4(4), 41-59.
Miller, J. L. (1989). Long Island and literature: Teachers' notes. Long Island and Literature 5, 5-10.
Miller, J. L. (1987). Women as teacher/researchers: Gaining a sense of ourselves. Teacher Education Quarterly, 14(2), 52-58.
Miller, J. L. (1987). Folded memories and future dialogues: The teaching of language arts. Teaching Education, 1(1), 16-18.
Miller, J. L. (1986). Marking papers and marking time: Issues of self-concept in women and men who teach. Teaching and Learning: The Journal of Natural Inquiry, 1(1), 26-38.
Miller, J. L. (1986). Woman as teachers: Enlarging conversations on gender and self-concept. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 1(2), 111-121.
Wolff, R. J., & Miller, J. L. (1984). The humanities, social justice and reconceptualization: Jacques Maritian revisited. The Journal of General Education, 36(3), 216-231.
Miller, J. L. (1984). Holistic education and 23-30.
Miller, J. L. (1983). Guest Editor. Issues in in-service education. Impact: The Journal of New York State Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 18, 1-10.
Miller, J. L. (1983). A search for congruence: The influence of past and present in preparing future teachers of writing. English Education,15(1), 5-16.
Miller, J. L. (1983). The resistance of women academics: An autobiographical account. The Journal of Educational Equity and Leadership,3(2),101-109.
Miller, J. L. (1982). The breaking of attachments: Feminism and curriculum theory. The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 4(2), 10-20.
Pinar, W. F., & Miller, J. L. (1982). Feminist curriculum theory: Notes on the American field. The Journal of Educational Thought, 16(3), 217-224.
Miller, J. L. (1982). Reflections and reciprocal 25(1), 194-204.
Miller, J. L. (198,2). Writing and the teaching of writing: Case studies of self-concept and the composing processes. Writing Processes of College Students, 2, 37-47.
Miller, J. L. (1981). The sound of silence breaking: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 4(1), 5-11.
Miller, J. L. (1981). Three language-arts curriculum models and a guide for developing an English curriculum for the Eighties. English Journal, 70 (5), 70-71.
Miller, J. L. (1980). Interdisciplinary student/teacher materials in energy, the environment and the economy. Project for an Energy-Enriched Curriculum, 6, 20-30.
Miller, J. L. (1979). Women: The evolving educational consciousness. The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 2(1), 238-246.
Miller, J. L. (1979). Greene As artist: The challenge to see anew. Curriculum Inquiry,9(4), 333-337.
Miller, J. L. (1979). Women and education: A self Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 14 (3), 24-28.
Miller, J. L. (1979). Potentials and perils: Interactive cable television as an instructional medium. Media Adult Learning, 49, 49-55.
Miller, J. L. (1978). Curriculum theory: The recent history. The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 1(1), 28-43.


  • 2000-Present: Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University; Program Coordinator for English Education/The Teaching of English Programs; Faculty Advisor: "In-Step" Cohort M.A. Program For Inservice Teachers; Co-Chair - Teacher Education Policy Committee
  • 1992-2000 Professor, National-Louis University, National College of Education: Department of Research & Foundations, Wisconsin Center Faculty-Madison
  • 1996-2000: Co-Director, Curriculum & Social Inquiry Doctoral Program
  • 1992-1999: Professor in M.Ed. Cohort Field-Based Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) Program in Curriculum and Instruction for K-12 Teachers
  • 1999-2002: Elected Member, Faculty Senate
  • 2000: Elected Member, Dean's Search Committee, National College of Education
  • 1996-2000: Invited Member, NCATE Leadership Team, National College of Education
  • 1988-1992 Associate Professor, Hofstra University, Hempstead, Long Island, New York. Department of Curriculum and Teaching, School of Education.
    Director, Proposed Ph.D. Program in Education.
    Mentored 4 doctoral dissertations; served on 13 doctoral dissertation committees.
  • 1985-1988 Associate Professor, St. John's University, Jamaica, Queens, New York.
  • 1982-1985 Assistant Professor, St. John's University
  • 1982-1988 Core Doctoral Faculty, Ed.D. Program in Instructional Leadership
    Mentored 9 doctoral dissertations; served on 21 doctoral dissertation committees.
  • 1979-1982 Assistant Professor, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, Darden School of Education.


  • 1974-1977 Graduate Teaching Associate and Student Teacher Supervisor. The Ohio State University, Columbus
  • 1974 English Teacher (Grades 9, 11, and 12) Wayne Central High School, Ontario Center, New York
  • 1973 English Teacher (Grades 9, 11 and 12) Honeoye Central School, Honeoye, New York
  • 1966-1972 English Teacher (Grades 11 and 12) Massena Central High School, Massena, New York


  • 2001-2004 President, American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies
  • 1997-1999 Vice President, American Educational Research Association, for Division B (Curriculum Studies) and Member, Association Council
  • 1978-1998 Managing Editor, JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing
  • 1991-1997 Co-Editor, with Deborah P. Britzman, of a Book Series, "Identities in the Classroom," for State University of New York Press
  • 1977-1979 Research Scientist-The Center for Improved Education, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio
  • American Educational Research Association
  • American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies
  • National Council of Teachers of English
  • Phi Delta Kappa
2005 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association: Symposium: "Feminisms, Democracies, Curriculums in the (R)Age of Accountability" - "Accounting for Collaboration"; Symposium: "Whatever Happened to the Curriculum Field?"; Performative Symposium: "Generative Possibilities of Performative Exchange in Qualitative Research"; 2005 Annual Meeting of American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies: "Generative Possibilties of Performative Exchange in Curriculum Inquiries";

2002 Presidential Address: "The Worldliness of American Curriculum Studies"
First Annual Conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, March 29, Loyola University, New Orleans.
2002 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, April 1-5, New Orleans:
*Symposium Discussant: "Bringing Postcolonial Feminist Perspectives to a Dialogue on Teacher Education"
2001 Reconceptualized Early Childhood Education Conference, October, New York City:
*Symposium Presentation: "The Curriculum Field Reconceptualized: Past and Future
2001 Invited Address to Doctoral Students in Curriculum Theory, Harvard Graduate School of Education (teleconference). April 2, Cambridge, MA:
*"Reconceptualized Curriculum Studies"
2001 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, April, Seattle:
*Minicourse Workshop Co-Director: "An Introduction to Biographical Research"
*Fireside Chat: "Telling Women's Lives" (with Kathleen Weiler)
*Symposium Participant: "Small Gatherings, Shifting Coalitions, and Communities of Discourse: Ongoing Renovations to Contemporary Curriculum Studies"
2000 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, April, New Orleans:
*Minicourse Workshop Co-Director: "An Introduction to Biographical Research"
*Symposium Paper: "Telling Women's Lives:
Methodological Issues"
*Facilitator: Division B Graduate Student Seminar and Reunions
1999 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, April 19-23, Montreal:
*Division B Vice Presidential Address
*Chair and Discussant, Symposium: "Curriculum Studies on the Threshold of the 21st Century: Contemporary State-of-the-Art
*AERA Vice President for Division B: Business Meeting
*Facilitator: Division B Graduate Student Seminar
1998 20th Annual JCT Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, October 21-24, Bloomington,
*Symposium Presentation: "A History of JCT and the Bergamo Conference" *Program Advisor
1998 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, April 13-17, San Diego:
*Symposium Presentation: "Teachers Readdressing School Reform"
*Symposium Response: "Reading Relations and Nourishing Words: Bridging Private Reading and Public Teaching"
*AERA Vice President for Division B: Business Meeting
*Facilitator: Division B Graduate Student Seminar
1998 Keynote Address, "Valuing Teacher Research," at Sixth Annual Action Research of Wisconsin Network Conference, April 23, Madison, WI.
*Conference Workshop: "Qualitative Research as Teacher Research"
1997 19th Annual JCT Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, October 15-18, Bloomington, IN.
*Chair, Macdonald Prize Committee
*Chair, Program Review Committee
*Symposium Presentation: "Reading `Ellen's' Coming Out as an Educational and Political Intervention"
*Symposium Presentation: "Reflections on JCT Conference ‘Histories': A Twenty-Five Year (or so) Retrospective"
1997 Spring Conference of National Council of Teachers of English, April 10-12, Charlotte, NC:
*NCTE Research Foundation Presentation: "Research Knowledge in Story and Explanation"
*Seminar: "Teacher Action Research in Progress"
1997 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, March 24-28, Chicago:
*Symposium presentation: "Teaching Li(v)es and School Stories"
*Symposium presentation: "Autobiography as a Queer Curriculum Practice"
*Paper presentation: "Small Evidence of Teacher Change: What Counts as Transformation?"
*Facilitator: Division B Graduate Student Seminar
1996 Co-Producer, Two Thirty-Minute Videos Sponsored by "Connecting the Curriculum" Federal Grant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction:
* "Doing Curriculum Integration"
* "Doing Teacher Research"
1996 Annual Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, October 2-6, DuBose Conference Center, Monteagle, TN:
*Chair, James B. Macdonald Prize Committee *Conference Planning Committee
*Paper Presentation: "What is This Thing Called Self? Issues of Private Voice in Biography and Autobiography"
1996 University of Umea, Sweden: September 9-13. Guest Lecturer: "Postmodern Practices in Education"
1996 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, April 8-12, New York:
*Program Chair, Division B, Section 2: "Curriculum Theorizing," 1996 Annual Meeting
*Paper Presentation: "Situated Research and Teaching in the Face of School Reform"
*Symposium Participant: "Person to Person: Getting to the Heart of Praxis in Action Research"
*Symposium Participant: "Talking Back from the Third Wave: A Forum for Examining the "Color Divide" In the Construction of Gender in Academe"
*Symposium Discussant: "Five Teacher Educators Examine Their Practice: Individual Self-Studies in a Collaborative Context"
1995 Annual Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, September 27-30, DuBose Conference Center, Monteagle, TN:
*Conference Co-Chair
*Symposium Participant: "Working Autobiography in Education"
*Paper Presentation: "Situated Pedagogies and School Reform: No Guarantees" *Chair, Macdonald Prize Committee
1995 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, April, San Francisco:
*Symposium Participant: "Reading and Writing Autobiography as Situated Curriculum Study" *Discussant: "Writing and Literacy Issues in Curriculum"
*Chair, "Raising Issues of Equity and Justice as Teacher Educators in Urban, Suburban, and Rural Communities"
1994 Annual Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, October, Banff, Alberta, Canada:
*Discussant: "The Color of Fear" *Paper Presentation: "Working Difference in Education"
*Symposium Participant: "Stand-Up Theory" *Chair, Macdonald Prize Committee
1994 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, April, New Orleans:
*Symposium Presentation: "Women, Power, and the Politics of Educational Reform: A Conversation About Teacher Research"
*Symposium Presentation: "Moving Questions: Performative Shifts in Curriculum and Teaching"
*Symposium Presentation: "New Curriculum Identities: Traces of Collaboration"
*Symposium Presentation: "Biographical Research and Teacher Education: Teachers' Voices"
*Workshop: "Teaching Strategies for Feminist, Multicultural Perspectives in Educational Research"
*Discussant: "The Many Faces of School/University Collaboration"
*Discussant: "Body My House, My Horse, My Hound": Curriculum Implications of Body-Self Unity
1993 The Fifteenth Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice:
*Chair, Macdonald Prize Committee
*Co-Chair, Program Committee *Symposium Presentation: "Troubling Research/Exceeding Dialogue" *Paper presentation: "Rewriting Gender Equity in Teacher Research"
*Discussant: "An Agenda for a Second Wave of Curriculum Reconceptualizing"
1991 The Thirteenth Annual Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice; October, Dayton, OH
*Chair, Program Committee and Macdonald Prize
*Symposium Presentation: "Curriculum as an Autobiographical and Biographical Text: Selected Issues."
1991 Ethnography in Education Conference, June, University of Massachusetts-Amherst:
*"Six Educators Reflecting on Their Collaboration"
1991 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April, Chicago:
*Symposium Presentation: "Generative Criticism in Curriculum Theory and Professional Practice."
*Symposium Presentation: "Solitary Spaces: Women, Curriculum and Teaching."
*Symposium Discussant: "Starting With Ourselves: White Women, Difference, and Anti-Racist Work."
*Symposium Discussant: "Curricular Meaning; Making Sense of the Social Construction of Learning, Knowing, and Teaching."
*Secretary, Division B
1991 Spring Conference of National Council of Teachers of English, March, Indianapolis:
*General Session Presentation: "Learning Together: Questioning, Reflecting, Collaborating."
*Executive Committee, The Conference on English Education
1990 American Educational Studies Association Convention, November, Lake Buena Vista, Florida:
*Symposium Presentation: "Where Foundational Questions Come Alive: Raising Foundational Questions with Teachers."
1990 Co-Chair, Two-Day Colloquium Sponsored by the Conference on English Education, Annual Meeting of National Council of Teachers of English, November, Atlanta:
*"Coming to Terms: Literacy and Democratic Education"
1990 The Twelfth Annual Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, October, Dayton, OH:
*Symposium Participant:"Breaking Forms: (Re)Writing and (Re)Reading Power and Authority in Academic and Feminist Discourse."
*Symposium Participant: "Creating Spaces and Finding Voices: Continuing Reflections and Struggles of a Teacher-Researcher Collaborative
1990 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April, Boston:
*Symposium Chair and Discussant: "Pedagogy, Power, and the Everyday: Constructing the Critical Through Feminist Practices."
*Chair: Special Interest Group - Critical Issues in Curriculum.
*Symposium Presentation: "Dilemmas of Hierarchy and Imposition in Collaborative Inquiry."
*Symposium Discussant: "Reconceiving Curriculum: Teachers as Mothers/Mothers as Teachers"
*Symposium Discussant: "Relating Alternative Modes of Inquiring with Ways of Being Researchers and Teachers: An Invitation to Dialogue and Question."
*Symposium Presentation: "Out of the Political Closet, Into the Classroom: The Challenges of Liberatory Pedagogy."
1990 Spring Conference of National Council of Teachers of English, March, Colorado Springs:
*Symposium paper presentation: "Inservice as Teaching and Research Context."
*Executive Committee Two-Day Business Meeting, The Conference on English Education.
1988 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April, New Orleans:
*Symposium paper, "Points of Dissonance in Teacher/Researchers: Openings Into Emancipatory Ways of Knowing."
*Chair/Discussant: Symposium: "Teachers As Political Actors."
*Discussant: Symposium: "The Discovery and Interpretation of Problematics in Curriculum Inquiry."
1988 Paper presented. Long Island Writing Conference. April:
"The Teacher's Voice."
1988 Co-Chair. Membership Committee. Professors of Curriculum
1988 Advisory Board. Mid-Winter Conference. SIG. Women and Education. American Educational Research Association.
1988 Member, AERA Division B (Curriculum Studies) Award Committee on Distinguished Contribution to Curriculum.
1987 Co-Chair: Colloquium on Collaborative Learning in Teaching and Research. Annual Meeting of National Council of Teachers of English
Co-sponsored by the Conference on English Education, November, Los Angeles.
1987 Symposium papers presented. The Ninth Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, October, Dayton, OH:
*"Teacher As Researcher: Personal Reflections"
*"The Theory and Practice of Liberating Research and Pedagogy."
1987 Symposium paper, American Educational Research
"Researching Teachers: Problems and Potentials in Collaborative Studies"
1987 Action Lab Participant: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Conference, March, New Orleans:
"Strategies, Issues and Resources in the Teaching of Curriculum"
1987 Paper presented, Spring Conference of National Council of Teachers of English, March, Louisville: "Writing Inservice Research"
1986 Paper presented, Eighth Annual Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, October, Dayton, Ohio:
*"Returning to Teachers' Writing, Journals, and Texts"
*"Teacher As Researcher: Reflections on Emancipatory Possibilities and Processes"
1986 Paper presented, Seventh Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum. Philadelphia, April 4-6:
"Ethical Issues in Doing Field Work that Aims to be Collaborative"
1985 Paper presented, Seventh Annual Conference on Curriculum Theory and Practice, Dayton, Ohio: "The Teaching of Writing: Teachers' Emerging Texts"
*Symposium paper, American Educational Research Association, Annual Meeting, March, Chicago: "Empowering Perspectives on the Generation of Curricular Knowledge."
1985 Paper presented to Professors of Curriculum, February, Chicago:
"Women as Teachers: Issues of Self-Concept"
1985 Symposium paper, Eastern Educational Research Association, February, Virginia Beach, Virginia:
"New Directions in the Pedagogy and Practice of Writing at the College Level"
1984 Paper presented, Sixth Conference on Curriculum Theory and Practice. October, Dayton, Ohio:
"Marking Papers and Marking Time: Issues of Gender and Teacher Self-Concept"
1984 *Symposium paper, National Women's Studies Conference, June, Rutgers University:
"Feminist Critiques of Teacher Education Curriculum"
1984 Faculty Colloquium, invited address, St. John's University, March:
"The Role of Women in American Education"
1984 Symposium paper, Eastern Educational Research Association, February, Palm Beach, Florida:
"A Study of Model Metropolitan Writing Programs"
1984 Symposium paper, National Council of Teachers of English, April, Columbus, Ohio:
"Self-Concept and the Teaching of Writing"
1983 Paper presented at the Fifth Conference on Curriculum Theory and Practice, October, Dayton, Ohio:
"Women as Teachers: An Initial Inquiry Into Enlarging Conversations"
1983 Symposium paper, American Educational Research Association, April, Montreal Canada:
*"Race, Class and Gender Analysis in Education: Implications for Curriculum Theory, Policy, and Practice"
*Symposium Chair: "Curriculum Theory and Theorizing"
1983 Symposium paper, Eastern Educational Research Association, February, Baltimore, Maryland:
*"The Writing Instructor's Self-Concept as Writer and Teacher"
1982 Chair of Session, National Council of Teachers English, 72nd Annual Convention, November, Washington DC:
"Using Computers in the English Classroom"
1982 Conference Director, The Fourth Annual Conference on Curriculum Theory and Practice, October, Airlie,
1982 Symposium paper, American Educational Research Association, March, New York:
*"Curriculum and Resistance Theory"
* Chair: "The Making of Meanings in Curriculum"
1981 Paper presented at the Virginia Association of Teachers of English. October, Blacksburg, Virginia:
"Self-Concept and the Composing Process: A Case Study"
1981 Paper presented to the Curriculum Theory Conference September, Airlie, Virginia:
"Feminism and Curriculum Theory
1981 Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, April, Los Angeles:
"Ethnography and the Study of Curriculum"
1981 Paper presented to Southern Scholars on Women, a conference sponsored by the Women's Educational Equity Act Program of the U.S. Department of Education, March, Atlanta:
"Feminist Pedagogy"
1981 Paper presented to Southern Philosophy of Education Society, February, Auburn University:
"Curriculum Theory as Reconceptualization"
1980-1981 Regional Judge, National Council of Teachers of English, Achievement Awards in Writing Program.
1980 National Council of Teachers of English, Annual Conference on Secondary School English and English Education, March, Omaha, Nebraska. Invited Symposium:
"What Research Tells Us About Effective Grammar Teaching"
1979 Paper presented to Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, October, Charlottesville, Virginia:
"The Legitimacy and Efficacy of Competency Based Education"
1979 Conference Director, The Curriculum Theory Conference, October, Airlie, Virginia.
1979 Paper Presented to American Educational Research Association, April, San Francisco:
"Curriculum: A Design for Educational Television Programming"
1978 Paper presented to American Educational Studies Association, November:
"Worlds to be Remade: Implications of Maxine Greene's Work for Curriculum Theory"
1978 Paper presented to the Curriculum Theory Conference, October, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia:
"Women: The Evolving Educational Consciousness"
1978 Interviewer of Maxine Greene, Phi Delta Kappa's Distinguished Educator, The Ohio State University Chapter, May, Columbus, Ohio.
1978 Paper presented to the Rochester Institute of Technology Curriculum Theory Conference, May, Rochester, New York:
"Curriculum Theory: Multiplicities, Resemblances, and Integrations"

2001 Consultant, Miami University of Ohio, Department of Educational Leadership: "The Intersections of Leadership, Culture, and Schooling"
1994-1996 Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Federal Grant, "Connecting the Curriculum," a project to create interdisciplinary curriculum for Grades K-12.
1991-1994 Researcher, "A Study of School Change," sponsored by The Coalition of Essential Schools, Brown University.
1992-present Consultant, Stoner Prairie Elementary School, Verona School District, Fitchburg, WI: A Study of the Prototype Program for Interdisciplinary Curriculum and Multi-Aged Grouping in Grades 1-3 and 4-5.
1992-93 Researcher, Institute for Educational Inquiry: A Study of the Renewal Effort in the Philadelphia School District. Co-Sponsored by The Philadelphia Schools Collaborative and the Coalition of Essential Schools.
1991 Summer Institute on Teaching, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
1984-1991 Longwood Island School District, Middle Island, New York, "Writing Across the Curriculum" - a series of inservice sessions for teachers K-12.
1988 North Babylon Free Union School District, North Babylon,NY: "Teacher As Researcher" - a series of inservice sessions for teachers, K-8.
1985 North Babylon Free Union School District, North Babylon,New York. "Writing as Process" - a series of inservice sessions for elementary teachers
1985-1987 Middle Country School District: Superintendent's appointed Writing Committee to develop a writing
1982-1986 Consultant, Tidewater Writing Project, Norfolk,Virginia.
1984-1987 Consultant, New York Alliance for the Public Schools: "Principal as Curriculum Leader."
1983 Consultant, Curriculum Assessment and Development Project, Virginia Beach Public Schools.
1982 Consultant, Composition Enrichment for High School Students, Norfolk Public Schools, Norfolk, Virginia.
1980 Department of Energy curriculum writing: methods manuals for energy education.
1980 Proposal Reviewer for Faculty Development Programs, Oakridge Associated Universities and Dept. of Energy, December, Atlanta, GA.
1979 Six-month assignment in Washington, DC: Battelle Division: "A Monitoring and Evaluation of Curriculum Projects in Energy Education"

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