TC Affiliations:
Faculty Expertise:
Scholarly Interests
- Assessment of music achievement, assessment in the applied studio, assessing teaching quality and teaching effectiveness
- Dispositions in pre-service music educators
- Teacher education, motivation, and identity
- Teaching and learning in higher education
Educational Background
B.A. Australian National University
M. M. in Performance and Pedagogy, Australian National University
M.S. in Music Education, Florida International University
Ph.D. in Education, University of Miami
Selected Publications
Parkes, K.A., Russell, J.A. & Bauer, W.I, & Miksza, P. ( 2021). The well-being and instructional experiences of K-12 music educators: Starting a new school year during a pandemic.
Miksza, P., Parkes, K.A., Russell, J.A. & Bauer, W.I. ( 2021). The well-being of music educators during the pandemic Spring of 2020. Psychology of Music, OnlineFirst October,
Parkes, K.A. & Burrack, F. (2020). (Eds). Developing and applying assessments in the music classroom. New York: Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group.
Parkes, K. (2019a). Student Teacher and Certification Assessments. In C. Conway (Ed), Oxford Handbook of Preservice Music Teacher Education in the United States. Oxford University Press, pp. 231-251
Parkes, K. (2019b). Assessment in the Applied Studio. In T. Brophy (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Assessment Policy & Practice in Music Education, Oxford University Press, 767-794.
Parkes, K.A. & Rawlings, J. R. (2019). The preparation of music teacher educators to use and teach assessment. Contributions to Music Education, 45, 145-165
Daniel, R. & Parkes, K. A. (2019). Applied music studio teachers in higher education: Evidence of learner-centred teaching. Music Education Research, 21(3), 269-281.
Powell, S. R. & Parkes, K. A. (2019, first online). Teacher Evaluation and Performativity: The edTPA as a Fabrication. Arts Education Policy Review.
Burrack, F. & Parkes, K. A. (2018). (Eds.) Applying Model Cornerstone Assessments in K–12 Music: A Research-Supported Approach. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
Parkes, K. (2018). Instructional Feedback in Music. In J. Smith & A. Lipnevich (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Instructional Feedback. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 219-239
Parkes, K. A., Jones, B. D., & Wilkins, J. L. M. (2017). Assessing Music Students’ Motivation Using the MUSIC Model of Academic Motivation Inventory. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education 35(3), 16-22. doi: 10,1177/8755123315620835
Daniel, R. & Parkes, K. A. (2017). Music instrument teachers in higher education: An investigation of the key influences on how they teach in the studio. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 29(1), 33-46.
Parkes, K. A. (2015). The evaluation of music faculty in higher education: Current practices. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 27(1).
Daniel, R. and Parkes, K. A. (2015). The apprentice to master journey: exploring tertiary music instrument teachers’ reflections on their experiences as learner. Journal of Arts and Humanities, 4(3), 52-63.
Parkes, K. A. and Powell, S. R. (2015). Is edTPA the right choice for evaluating teacher readiness? Arts Education Policy Review, 116(2), 103–113, doi: 10.1080/10632913.2014.944964.
Daniel, R. and Parkes, K. A. (2014). Assessment and critical feedback in the master-apprentice relationship: rethinking approaches to the learning of a music instrument. In D. Lebler (Ed) Assessment in Music: From policy to practice. Brisbane, Australia: Springer, pp. 107-124.
Parkes, K. A., Dredger, K. S. & Hicks, D. (2013). ePortfolio as a measure of reflective practice. International Journal of ePortfolio, 3(2), 99-115.
Parkes, K. A. and Wexler, M. (2012). The nature of applied music teaching experience: Common elements observed in the lessons of three applied teachers. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 193, 45-62.
Parkes, K. A. and Jones, B. D. (2012). Motivational constructs influencing undergraduate students’ choices to become classroom music teachers or music performers. Journal of Research in Music Education, 60, 101-123, doi10.1177/0022429411435512.
Parkes, K. A. and Jones, B. D. (2011). Students’ motivations for considering a career in music performance. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 29, 20-28, first published on February 7, doi:10.1177/8755123310397005.
Jones, B. D. and Parkes, K. A. (2010). The motivation of undergraduate music students: the impact of identification and talent beliefs on choosing a career in music education. Journal of Music Teacher Education, 19(2), 41-56.
Parkes, K. A. (2010) Performance assessment: lessons from performers. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 22(1).
Driscoll, L., Parkes, K. A., Tilley-Lubbs, G., Brill, J., and Pitts Bannister, V. (2009) Navigating the lonely sea: peer mentoring and collaboration among aspiring women scholars. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 17 (1), 5-21.
Biographical Information
Dr. Parkes’ primary research interests are in music and music education assessment; measuring aspects within K-12 settings and the applied studio, teaching readiness, professional dispositions, and reflective practices in pre-service teachers, in addition to teaching effectiveness and teaching quality. She is past Chair of the National Association for Music Education’s (NAfME) Society for Research in Music Education (SRME) Assessment Special Research Interest Group. She co-Chaired the national Model Cornerstone Assessment research project in partnership with NAfME and served on their Music Teacher Evaluation Taskforce. She was elected to the International Trumpet Guild Board of Directors (2015-19) and served on the editorial committee for the Journal for Research in Music Education (2014-2020). She was awarded the Lowell Mason Fellow award (2018) for her leadership in the field of Music Education by the National Association for Music Education. She currently serves on the review boards of the Music Educators Journal and Research Studies for Music Education.
Honors and Awards
Lowell Mason Fellow, NAfME, 2018
University Exemplary Program, Virginia Tech 2012
University Teaching Award for effectively integrating ePortfolios to improve student learning
Distinguished Fellows, Presentation Award 2010
International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning
Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Research Award 2010
University Research Award for Research in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
XCaliber Award, Virginia Tech 2010
University Teaching Award for Excellence in Teaching with Technology