Matthew A. Stults-Kolehmainen
Office Location:
952 Building 528 Building 528Office Hours:
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Scholarly Interests
I study the interface between psychological stress, motivation and physical activity/exercise. Three major themes of my research include: 1) the impact of psychological stress on efforts to be physically active, 2) associations of stress and muscular recovery after exercise, and 3) wants/desires for muscular movement and rest and how these vary by stress. You can hear a podcast from SciPod about my motivation research here: SciPod- Motivation States for Physical Activity
Educational Background
Postdoctoral Fellow, Teachers College - Columbia University, July, 2015. Applied Physiology Program.
Postdoctoral Associate, Yale Medical School, June, 2014. Department of Psychiatry.
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, August, 2009. Major: Kinesiology and Health Education (emphasis in Behavioral Health)
M.S., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, May, 2004. Major: Human Movement Sciences
B.A., Hanover College, May, 2001. Major: Psychology and Physical Education
Selected Publications
Ash, G.I., Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Busa, M.A. et al. (2021). Establishing a Global Standard for Wearable Devices in Sport and Exercise Medicine: Perspectives from Academic and Industry Stakeholders. Sports Medicine (Auckland, NZ), 51(11), 2237-2250.
Stults-Kolehmainen M. A., Blacutt, M., Fogelman, N., Gilson, T.A., Stanforth, P.R., Divin, A.L., Bartholomew, J.B., Filgueiras, A., McKee, P.C., Ash, G.I., Ciccolo, J.T., Brotnow Decker, L., Williamson, S.L. and Sinha, R. (2021). Measurement of Motivation States for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior: Development and Validation of the CRAVE Scale. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:568286. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.568286.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. A., Blacutt, M., Bartholomew, J. B., Gilson, T. A., Ash, G. I., McKee, P. C. & Sinha, R. (2020). Motivation States for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior: Desire, Urge, Wanting and Craving. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:568390 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.568390.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. & Sinha, R. (2014). The effects of stress on physical activity and exercise. Sports Medicine (Auckland, NZ), 4(1), 81-121.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Bartholomew, J. B. & Sinha, R. (2014). Chronic psychological stress impairs recovery of muscular function and somatic sensations over a 96 hour period. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28 (7), 2007-2017.
Honors and Awards
Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM; officially recognized, May, 2022).
All for One Award & Medallion, Yale – New Haven Hospital (1% of salary monetary prize; December, 2020)
COVID-19 Recognition Award, Yale – New Haven Hospital ($1,650 monetary prize; April, 2020)
Honorary Keynote Award, Associação Brasileira do Psicologia do Esporte (November, 2017).
First place and $600 for presentation (with Guan, Jennifer X): Exercises to target the gluteus medius muscle during rehabilitation of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Presented at the Annual Conference of the Greater New York chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine, Queens, NY. (April, 2015).
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Loan Repayment Program (LRP) Award, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). (July, 2012-July, 2014).
“Poster of the Year” Award for presentation: I’m stressed! I must/can’t exercise today! Effects of stage of change on physical activity and stress. 56th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Seattle, WA. (May, 2009).
USA Swimming Travel Award (May, 2007)
USA Swimming Travel Award (May, 2006)
Honorable Discharge, United States Marine Corps. (February, 2008).
George Zirkle Distinguished Award in Psychology, Hanover College. ($500 monetary prize, May, 2001).
Professional Presentations
Invited (Oral; 11)
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2020, September). Motivation states for muscular movement and exercise: urges, cravings, wants and desires. Closing keynote (Palastrante na conferência de encerramento) Rio de Janeiro Sport Psychology (EoPERJ) Annual Meeting (online). Encontro Online de Psicologia do Esporte do Rio de Janeiro. Associação de Psicólogos do Esporte do Rio de Janeiro (ASSOPERJ).
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2018, February). Stress, strain and injury/illness in sports: An integrated perspective. Presented at Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ).
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2017, November). "Exercise Caution" When Stressed: Physical activity makes you feel good, but does feeling bad make you less active? Honorary Keynote Address at VI Congresso ABRAPESP (Associação Brasileira do Psicologia do Esporte) de Psicologia do Esporte, Catholic University, Brasilia, Brazil.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2015, May). Lifestyle modification and exercise. Presented at the Yale 4th Comprehensive Medical and Surgical Management of Obesity Symposium. Orange, CT.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2014, November). Exercise programming and fitness for bariatric surgery patients. Presented at Obesity Week 2014, hosted by The Obesity Society and The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Boston, MA.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2013, November). Exercise Caution When Stressed: Physical activity makes you feel good, but does feeling bad make you less active? 1st Annual Clinical Exercise Physiology Association annual conference, held in conjunction with the American College of Sports Medicine – New England Regional Chapter annual meeting. Providence, RI.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2011, November). Exercise caution when stressed: A resistance training model to explore the impact of life events and perceived stress on physical recovery. Interdisciplinary Research Consortium on Stress, Self-Control and Addiction. Yale Medical School. New Haven, CT.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2011, October & 2010, October). Exercise for MOWAM participants: Let’s do it! Meals on Wheel and More of Metro Austin. Austin, TX.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2009, November). The use of "Intervention Mapping" for physical activity and rehabilitation program design and implementation, National Center for Physical Activity and Disability – University of Illinois-Chicago. Chicago, IL.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2009, June). Exercise caution when stressed: The effect of stress on exercise behavior and performance – Physiological recovery from muscle disruption following exhaustive resistance exercise, and the impact of perceived stress. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of NASPSPA, Austin, TX.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2005). Adapted exercise for visually impaired people in rehabilitation. Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center- State of Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services. Austin, TX.
Accepted (Oral; 4)
Ash, G. I., Stults-Kolehmainen, M., & Wood, A. (2020, October). Improving Wearables in Sport and Fitness Through Data Standardization, Health Record Integration, Quality Assurance, and Interoperability. Presented at the New England Chapter Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Virtual event.
Ash, G. I. & Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2019, November). The New Guiding Reference Standard for Wearable Devices by the International Federation of Sports Medicine: Open Forum for ACSM Membership Feedback. Presented at the New England Chapter Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Providence, RI.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Gilson, T. A., Brotnow, L., Bartholomew, J.B. Ciccolo, J. & Sinha, R. (2015, June). Conceptualizing and measuring the desire for energy expenditure and sedentary behavior: The CRAVE Scale for Movement and Rest. Presented at the Annual Conference of the North American Society for Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), Portland, OR.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Bartholomew, J.B. & Sinha, R. (2013, June). Affective responses to strenuous exercise differ by the experience of chronic psychological stress. Presented at the 60th Annual Conference of the American College of Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, IN.
Service and Work Outside NYC
Professional Service
Workshop Instructor - Health Fitness Instructor Certification Review Course (HFI), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). (June, 2006- June 2007).
Evidence-Based Analyst, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). (July 2016- Present).
Department Service (All at Northern Illinois University)
Co-Director, Fitness Assessment, Consulting and Technology (FACT). (January, 2010 – September, 2012).
Chair, External Relations and Assessment: PRES Subcommittee. (August, 2011 – December, 2011).
Member, Student Engagement. (August, 2011 – December, 2011).
Chair, Internships and Public Outreach: PRES subcommittee. (August, 2010 – May, 2011). Secretary, Research and Artistry. (August, 2010 – December, 2010).
Secretary, Exercise Science (PRES) Program Committee. (January, 2010 – May, 2010). Member, Research and Artistry. (January, 2010 – May, 2010).
Secretary, Exercise Science (PRES) Program Committee. (August, 2009 – December, 2009). Research and Artistry. (August, 2009 – December, 2009).
Public Service
Program support, Department of Surgery, Bariatrics, Yale University Medical School, New Haven, CT (May, 2014 – July, 2015).
Evaluation support, Bright Bodies/ Smart Moves Program, Yale University Medical School, New Haven, CT (August, 2012 – June, 2014).
Community program planning, Get Healthy CT, City of New Haven, New Haven, CT (January, 2014 – June, 2014).
Research support for fundraising, 108 Monkeys (Yoga program for minority youth), New Haven, CT. (September, 2013 – December, 2013).
Program Organizer, Meals on Wheels and More (MOWAM), Austin, TX. (August, 2010 – December, 2013).
Sponsored Projects
Grants – Awarded (Ongoing activity)
NIH/NIDDK: R01DK117651 Sinha(PI)/Silverman (co-PI) 08/01/18 – 06/30/2023
Preventing Childhood Obesity through a Mindfulness-based Parent Stress Intervention
Aims: The goal of this project is to assess the efficacy of a mindfulness-based parent stress intervention in obese low income stressed parents of toddlers to improve health of their families and reduce obesity risk in their toddlers.
Role: Consultant
Grants – Awarded (Activity completed) Identifier: NCT02768987 Ash (PI) 05/11/2016-05/30/2018
Bright 1 Bodies: Extending the Bright Bodies Weight Management Program to Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes*
A 12-week intensive lifestyle program utilizing group exercise classes adapted for this population, supplemented with coping skills training and diabetes self-management education.
*Friends of Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital Elephant Grants, $10,914. 2016-17
*American College of Sports Medicine, New England Chapter New Investigator Award, $2,500. 2016-18
*Yale School of Nursing Biobehavioral Lab and the Miller Fund, $3,000. 2016-17
Ash GI, Joiner KL, Savoye M, Baker JS, Gerosa J, Kleck E, Patel NS, Stults-Kolehmainen M, Weinzimer SA, Grey M.
Role: Collaborating Investigator
NIH/NHLBI: R01 DA033820 Ciccolo (PI) 04/01/2013 – 03/31/2016
Efficacy of resistance training as an aid to smoking cessation treatment.
The purpose of this study is to test of the efficacy of resistance training as an aid to smoking cessation in the first full scale randomized controlled trial.
Role: Research Fellow
NIH/NCCAM: R21 AT007708 Sinha (PI) 5/01/2013 – 3/31/2015
Preventing childhood obesity through a family-based mindfulness intervention.
This study is pilot testing the effects of a parenting-focused mindfulness intervention to reduce parent stress and preventing obesity in preschoolers with obese parents.
Role: Collaborating Investigator
NIH/NCRR-NIDCR: UL1 DE019586 Sinha (PI) 9/15/07 - 6/30/13
Interdisciplinary Research Consortium (IRC) on Stress Self-Control and Addiction.
The IRC brought together leading biological, behavioral and social scientists to examine the mechanisms underlying stress, self-control and negative health behaviors affecting health outcomes.
Role: Research Fellow
Sponsored Projects (OTHER)
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2011 - 2012). Biomarker analysis of saliva: Hormone reactivity during and after resistance training and from a Ride Across America participant. Sponsored by Research and Graduate Studies. (Northern Illinois University). $7,547.00.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2008). Ethnic differences in regional body composition among college-aged women. Sponsored by Kinesiology Department, University of Texas at Austin. (Other). $500.00.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2003 - 2004). Exercise and depression in Finnish and American older adults: Social support as a psychosocial mediator. Sponsored by United States Department of State. (Federal). $40,000.00.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2000 - 2001). Exploring self-determination theory in NCAA Div I, II, III and NAIA sports: Midwest vs. west coast. Sponsored by Hanover College Richter Independent Research Grant Fund. (Other). $2,500.00.
Publications (50 Total)
Book Chapters (2)
Stults-Kolehmainen, M.A. Healthy Stress Management (2021). ACSM’s Resource Manual for the Exercise Physiologist (3rd Edition). Wolters Kluwer, Baltimore, MD.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M.A. & Bartholomew, J.B. Healthy Stress Management. (2017) ACSM’s Resource Manual for the Exercise Physiologist (2nd Edition). Wolters Kluwer, Baltimore, MD.
Journal Articles (48 total; 21 first-authorships)
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. A., Bond, D. S., Richardson, L. A., Herring, L. Y., Mulone, B., Garber, C. E., Morton, J., Ghiassi, S., Duffy, A. J., Balk, E., Abolt, C. J., Howard, M. C., Ash, G. I., Williamson, S., Marcon, E. R., De Los Santos, M., Bond, S., Huehls, J., Alowaish, O., Heyman, N. B. & Gualano, B. (In press). Role of the exercise professional in metabolic and bariatric surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases (SOARD).
Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Blacutt, M. & Filgueiras, A. (In press). Factors linked to changes in mental health outcomes among Brazilian people in quarantine due to COVID-19. Minerva Psychiatry.
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. A., Filgueiras, A., Boullosa, D., Ash, G. I. & Dunton, G. (2023). Editorial: Motivation states and hedonic motivation for physical activity, exercise, and sport vs. sedentary behaviors. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5: 1282118 DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1282118. [HERE].
Boullosa, D., Claudino, J., Fernandez-Fernandez, J., Bok, D., Loturco, I., Stults-Kolehmainen, M., García-López, J. & Foster, C. (2023). The Fine-Tuning Approach for Training Monitoring. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. DOI: 10.1123/ijspp.2023-0154 [HERE].
Filgueiras, A. †, Stults-Kolehmainen, M. A. †, Keegan, R., Boullosa, D., Sinha, R., Bartholomew, J. B. Gilson, T. A., McKee, P., Viana, A., Bueno, F. A., Ricarte Medieros, A., Militao de Leuterio, S. & Ash, G. I. (2023). The CRAVE and ARGE Scales for motivation states for physical activity and sedentarism: Single-item versions and Brazilian Portuguese translation. Frontiers in Psychology, 14: 1106571, [HERE].
† Co-first authors
Filgueiras-Goncalves, A., & Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2023). Exercise frequency and symptomatic levels of anxiety and stress during the COVID-19 lockdown are mediated by the craving for rest and energy expenditure (original: Frequência de exercícios e níveis sintomáticos de ansiedade e estresse durante o lockdown da COVID-19 são mediados pelo anseio por repouso e gasto de energia). Cadernos de Psicologia (Brazil), 3 (2), 12. DOI: 10.9788/CP2023.2-06 [HERE].
Ash G.I., Nally L., Stults-Kolehmainen M., De-Los-Santos M., Jeon S., Brandt C., Gulanski B.I., Spanakis E., Baker J.S., Weinzimer S.A.*, Fucito L.M.* (2023). Personalized Digital Health Information to Substantiate Human-Delivered Exercise Support for Adults with Type 1 Diabetes. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, 33(5), 512-520. DOI: 10.1097/JSM.0000000000001078 [HERE]
Blacutt, M, Filgueiras, A & Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2023). Prevalence and Incidence of Stress, Depression, and Anxiety Symptoms among Brazilians in Quarantine across the early phases of the COVID-19 Crisis. Psychological Reports.
Flack, K., Stults-Kolehmainen, M. A., Creasy, S. A., Khullar, S., Boullosa, D., Catenacci, V. & King, N. (2023). Altered motivation states for physical activity and ‘appetite’ for movement as compensatory mechanisms limiting the efficacy of exercise training for weight loss. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1098394. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1098394 [HERE]
Budnick, C. J. †, Stults-Kolehmainen, M. A. †, Dadina, C., Bartholomew, J. B., Boullosa, D., Ash, G. I., Sinha, R., Blacutt, M., Haughton, A. & Lu, T. (2023). Motivation states to move, be physically active and sedentary vary like circadian rhythms and are associated with affect and arousal. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5:1094288. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1094288 [HERE]
† Co-first authors
Stults-Kolehmainen, MA. (2023). Humans have a basic physical and psychological need to move the body: Physical activity as a primary drive. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1134049. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1134049. [HERE]
Stults-Kolehmainen MA†, Gilson, TA†, SantaBarbara, N, McKee, P, Sinha, R, Bartholomew, JB, Boullosa, D, Budnick, CJ, Bueno, FA, Haughton, A, Barker, JL & Ash GI (2023). Qualitative and quantitative evidence of motivation states for physical activity, exercise and being sedentary from university student focus groups. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5:1033619. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1033619 [HERE]
† Co-first authors
Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Blacutt, M., Bartholomew, J.B., Boullosa, D., Janata, P., Koo, B.B., McKee, P.C., Casper, R., Budnick, C.J., Gilson, T.A., Blakemore, R.L., Filgueiras, A., Williamson, S.L., SantaBarbara, N., Barker, J.L., Bueno, F.A., Heldring, J. & Ash, G.I. (2022). Urges to Move and other Motivation States for Physical Activity in Clinical and Healthy Populations: A Scoping Review Protocol. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:901272. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.901272 [HERE]
Ash, G.I., Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Busa, M.A. et al. (2021). Establishing a Global Standard for Wearable Devices in Sport and Exercise Medicine: Perspectives from Academic and Industry Stakeholders. Sports Medicine, 51(11), 2237-2250. [HERE]
Ash G.I., Griggs S., Nally L.M., Stults-Kolehmainen M., Jeon S., Brandt C., Gulanski B.I., Spanakis E.K., Baker J.S., Whittemore R., Weinzimer S.A. & Fucito L.M. (2021). Evaluation of Web-Based and In-Person Methods to Recruit Adults with Type 1 Diabetes for a Technology-Based Exercise Intervention: Prospective Observational Study. JMIR Diabetes. [HERE]
Liu, J., Spakowicz, D. J., Ash, G. I., Hoyd, R., Zhang, A., Lou, S., Lee, D., Zhang, J., Presley, C., Greene, A., Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Nally, L., Baker, J. S., Fucito, L. M., Weinzimer, S. A., Papchristos, A. V., Gerstein, M. (2021). Bayesian Structural Time Series for Biomedical Sensor Data: A Flexible Modeling Framework for Evaluating Interventions. PLOS Computational Biology. 17(8):e1009303. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009303 [HERE]
Stults-Kolehmainen M. A. †, Blacutt, M. †, Fogelman, N., Gilson, T.A., Stanforth, P.R., Divin, A.L., Bartholomew, J.B., Filgueiras, A., McKee, P.C., Ash, G.I., Ciccolo, J.T., Brotnow Decker, L., Williamson, S.L. and Sinha, R. (2021). Measurement of Motivation States for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior: Development and Validation of the CRAVE Scale. Frontiers in Psychology 12:568286. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.568286 [HERE]
† Co-first authors
Filgueiras, A & Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2021). The Relationship Between Behavioural and Psychosocial Factors Among Brazilians in Quarantine Due to COVID-19. Psychological Reports. [HERE]
Gonçalves, S., Chaplin, T., Ansell, E., López, R., Regalario, I., Stults-Kolehmainen, M., McKnight, P. & Sinha, R. (2020). High Frequency Heart Rate Variability and Emotion-Driven Impulse Control Difficulties During Adolescence: Examining Experienced and Expressed Negative Emotion as Moderators. Journal of Early Adolescence, 41 (8), 1151-1176. [HERE]
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. A., Blacutt, M., Bartholomew, J. B., Gilson, T. A., Ash, G. I., McKee, P. C. & Sinha, R. (2020). Motivation States for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior: Desire, Urge, Wanting and Craving. Frontiers in Psychology. 11:568390. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.568390 [HERE]
Ash, G. I., Stults-Kolehmainen, M. A., Busa, M. A., Gregory, R, Garber, C. E., Liu, J., Gerstein, M., Casajus, J. A., Gonzalez-Aguero, A., Constantinou, D., Geistlinger, M., Guppy, F., Pigozzi, F. & Pitsiladis, Y. (2020). Establishing a global standard for wearable devices in sport and fitness: Perspectives from the New England Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine members. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 19 (2), 45-49. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000680 [HERE]
Watson, R. M., Stanforth, P. R., Talley, A.E. & Stults-Kolehmainen, M. A. (2019). Influence of age, ethnicity and sex on body composition thresholds for the accumulation of visceral adipose tissue in adults. American Journal of Sports Science, 7 (3), 111-120. doi: 10.11648/j.ajss.20190703.15 [HERE]
Ash, G.I., Joiner, K.L., Savoye, M., Baker, J.S., Gerosa, J., Kleck, E., Patel, N.S., Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Weinzimer, S.A. & Grey, M. (2019). Feasibility and safety of a group physical activity program for youth with type 1 diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes, 20 (4), 450-459. doi: 10.1111/pedi.12841 [HERE]
de Sousa, A. F. M., Medeiros, A. R., & Del Rosso, S. Stults-Kolehmainen, M. & Boullosa, D. A. (2019). The Influence of Exercise and Physical Fitness status on Attention: A Systematic Review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 12 (1), 202-234. [HERE]
de Sousa, A. F. M., Medeiros, A. R., Benitez-Flores, S., Del Rosso, S., Stults-Kolehmainen, M. & Boullosa, D. A., (2018). Improvements in attention and cardiac autonomic modulation after a 2-weeks sprint interval training program: A fidelity approach. Frontiers in Physiology, 9, 241. [HERE]
Jastreboff, A., Chaplin, T., Finnie, S., Savoye, M., Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Silverman, W. & Sinha, R. (2018). Preventing childhood obesity through a mindfulness-based parent stress intervention: A randomized pilot study. The Journal of Pediatrics, 202, 136-142. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.07.011 [HERE]
Beitel, M., Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Cutter C.J., Schottenfeld, R.S., Eggert, K., Madden, L.M., Kerns, R.D., Liong, C., Ginn, J., & Barry, D.T. (2016). Physical activity, psychiatric distress, and interest in exercise group participation among individuals seeking methadone maintenance treatment with and without chronic pain. American Journal on Addictions, 25 (2), 125-131. doi: 10.1111/ajad.12336 [HERE].
Busch, AM, Ciccolo, JT, Puspitasari, AJ, Nosrat, S., Whitworth, JW, & Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2016). Preferences for Exercise as a Treatment for Depression. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 10, 68-72. doi: 10.1016/j.mhpa.2015.12.004 [HERE]
Stanforth, D., Lu, T., Stults-Kolehmainen, M.A., Crim, B. N. & Stanforth, P.R. (2016). Bone mineral content and density among female NCAA Division I athletes across the competitive season and over a multi-year time frame. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30 (10), 2828-2838. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000785 [HERE]
Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Lu, T., Ciccolo, J., Bartholomew, J.B. Brotnow, L. & Sinha, R. (2015). Higher chronic psychological stress is associated with blunted affective responses to strenuous resistance exercise: RPE, pleasure, pain. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 22, 27-36. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2015.05.004 [HERE]
Naves-Bittencourt, W., Fernandez-de-Sousa, A., Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Fontes, E., Cordova, C., Demarzo, M. & Boullosa, D. (2015). Martial arts: Mindful exercise to combat stress. European Journal of Human Movement, 34, 34-51. [HERE]
Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Malcolm, L.R., DiLoreto, J., Gunnet-Shoval, K. & Rathbun, E. (2015). Psychological Interventions for Weight Management: A Primer for the Allied Health Professional. ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal, 19 (5) 16-22. doi: 10.1249/FIT.0000000000000150 [HERE]
Cutter, C. J., Schottenfeld, R.S., Moore, B.A., Ball, S.A., Beitel, M., Savant, J.D., Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Doucette, C., Barry, D.T. (2014). A pilot trial of a videogame-based exercise program for methadone maintained patients. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 7(4), 299-305. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2014.05.007 [HERE]
Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Bartholomew, J. B. & Sinha, R. (2014). Chronic psychological stress impairs recovery of muscular function and somatic sensations over a 96 hour period. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28 (7), 2007-2017. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000335 [HERE]
Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Sinha, R. & Tuit, K. (2014). Lower cumulative stress is associated with better health for physically active individuals in the community. Stress. 17(2), 157-168. [HERE]
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. & Sinha, R. (2014). The effects of stress on physical activity and exercise. Sports Medicine (Auckland, NZ). 4(1), 81-121. doi: 10.1007/s40279-013-0090-5 [HERE]
Stanforth, P. R., Crim, B., Stanforth, D. & Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2014). Body composition changes among female collegiate athletes across the competitive season and over multiple years. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28 (2), 300-307. DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3182a20f06 [HERE]
*This article was selected by Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins as a featured “Hot Topics in Sports Medicine” article in March, 2014 (free publication for all).
Morgan, P. M., Salacinski, A. J. & Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2013). The acute effects of flotation restricted environmental stimulation technique on recovery from maximal eccentric exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 27(12), 3467-3474. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31828f277e [HERE]
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2013). The interplay between stress and physical activity in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Frontiers in Physiology, 4 (article 346). doi: 10.3389/fphys.2013.00346 [HERE]
Gilson, T. A., Heller, E. A. & Stults-Kolehmainen, M. (2013). The relationship between an effort goal and self-regulatory efficacy beliefs for Division I football players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 27(10), 2806-2815. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31828151ca [HERE]
Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Gilson, T. A. & Abolt, C. J. (2013). Feelings of acceptance and intimacy among teammates predict motivation in intercollegiate sport. Journal of Sport Behavior, 36(3), 306-327. [HERE].
Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Ciccolo, J. T., Bartholomew, J. B., Seifert, J & Portman, R. S. (2013). Age and gender-related changes in exercise motivation among highly active individuals. Athletic Insight, 5(1), 45-64. [HERE]
Published in hardback: Innovative Writings in Sport and Exercise Psychology (2014, Robert Schinke, Ed) as:
Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Stanforth, P. R., Bartholomew, J. B., Lu., T., Abolt, C. J., & Sinha, R.. (2013). DXA Estimates of Fat in Abdominal, Trunk and Hip Regions Varies by Ethnicity in Men. Nutrition and Diabetes, 3(e64). doi: 10.1038/nutd.2013.5 [HERE]
Stults-Kolehmainen, M. & Bartholomew, J. B. (2012). Psychological stress impairs short-term muscular recovery from resistance exercise. Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, 44(11), 2220-2227. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e31825f67a0 [HERE]
Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Stanforth, P. R. & Bartholomew, J. B. (2012). Fat in android, trunk, and peripheral regions varies by ethnicity and race in college aged women. Obesity, 20(3), 660-665. doi: 10.1038/oby.2011.300 [HERE]
Faries, M. D., Boroff, C. S., Stults-Kolehmainen, M. & Bartholomew, J. B. (2011). Does a visual representation impact the affective response to body composition testing? Personality & Individual Differences, 50(4), 502-505. [HERE]
Lutz, R. S., Stults-Kolehmainen, M. & Bartholomew, J. B. (2010). Exercise caution when stressed: stages of change and the stress – exercise participation relationship. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11(6), 560-567. [HERE]
Bartholomew, J. B., Stults-Kolehmainen, M., Elrod, C. C. & Todd, J. S. (2008). Strength gains following resistance training: The effect of stressful, negative life events. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 22(4), 1215-1221. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e318173d0bf [HERE]
Active Professional Organizations
Fulbright Alumni Association. (June 2004 - Present).
American College of Sports Medicine. (June 2002 - Present).
American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. (May 2017 - Present).
National Strength and Conditioning Association. (June 2002 - Present).
This is a recent NIH biosketch submitted for Parkinson's studies being conducted at Yale Medical School.
CV for Matthew Stults-Kolehmainen