Mentor, Marcelle (mm3128)

Dr Marcelle Mentor

Teacher Opportunity Corps Faculty Seminar Facilitator

Office Hours:

Mondays 3-5pmWednesdays 3-5pm

Dr. Marcelle Mentor is a faculty member at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her academic interest focuses on Teacher Preparation and Mentoring, Educational Equity; Writing and Teaching Creative Non-Fiction and Reading.  Her scholarship is grounded in Black Studies, intersectional analyses, and commitment to dismantling anti-Black racism in educational spaces.. 

As a South African native her teaching philosophy is based on the concept of Ubuntu, which is a Southern African ethic that focuses on the fact that we are people through the existence and interaction with and from other people. Our humanity is inextricably linked to other humans. 

She is a Passionate Activist, a Fearless mother of two sons, a Bold wife, a Writer of Creative Non-Fiction, a Researcher and Practitioner of Teacher Education and Equity, a Forever Learner, a Dreamer, a Disruptor, persistently Hopeful and Unapologetically Black.

She believes in equity of access to education for all. 

Mondays and Wednesdays 3-5 pm

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