Nancy Louise Lesko
Office Location:
225 ThompsonEducational Background
University of Wisconsin Madison, Ph.D., 1983
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Major: Secondary Education; External Minor: Sociology
University of Wisconsin Madison, M.S., 1976
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Major: Secondary Social Studies
WI Permanent Certification in secondary history, economics & composite social science
Georgetown University, B. S., 1970
School of Foreign Service
Majors: History, Economics, & Political Science
Scholarly Interests
Selected Publications
"Denaturalizing adolescence: The politics of contemporary representations" (Youth & Society).
"Past, present, and future conceptions of adolescence" (Educational Theory).
"The leaky needs' of school-aged mothers: An examination of US programs and policies" (Curriculum Inquiry).
Act Your Age: A Cultural Construction of Adolescence (Routledge Press).
Masculinities at School (Sage Press).
Reducing the Risk: Schools as Communities of Support (Falmer Press).
Honors and Awards
Principal Publications
Lesko, N. (2012). Act your age! A cultural construction of adolescence (2nd ed.). New York & London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Lesko, N. & Talburt, S. (Eds.). (2011). Keywords in youth studies. New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
Lesko, N. (2001). Act your age! A cultural construction of adolescence. New York & London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Lesko, N. (Ed.). (2000). Masculinities at school. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Wehlage, G., Rutter, R., Smith, G., Lesko, N., & Fernandez, R. (1989). Reducing the risk: Schools as communities of support. London: The Falmer Press.
Lesko, N. (1988). Symbolizing society: Stories, rites and structure in a Catholic high school. London: The Falmer Press.
Refereed Journal Articles
Lesko, N., McCall, S. & Rafalow, M. (in preparation). Why Are single-sex schools better?' is the wrong question.
Lesko, N. (in press). Cold war, hot peace, and systems of reasoning about youth.
Education Et Socits (Special Issue on the "Reason" of Education and a Political Sociology of Education).
Brotman, J., Mensah, F. M. & Lesko, N. (2011). Urban high school students' learning about HIV/AIDS in different contexts. Science Education, 95(1), 87-120.
Lesko, N., Brotman, J. S., Agarwal, R., Quackenbush, J. L. (2010). Feeling jumpy: Teaching about HIV/AIDS. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 23(7), 823-843.
Brotman, J., Mensah, F. M. & Lesko, N. (2010). Exploring identities to deepen understanding of urban high school students' sexual health decision-making. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(6), 742-762.
Lesko, N. (2010). Feeling abstinent? Feeling comprehensive? Touching the affects of sexuality curricula. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 10(3), 281-297.
Lesko, N., Simmons, J., Quarshie, A., & Newton, R. (2008). The pedagogy of monsters: Scary disturbances in a doctoral research training course. Teachers College Record, 110 (8), 1541-1573.
Lesko, N. (2007). University teaching and social cohesion in the time of AIDS: A South African case study. Prospects: Quarterly Review of Comparative Education, 37, 333-344.
Lesko, N. (2007). Talking about sex: Discourses of South African peer educators in the time of AIDS. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 11(4), 519-533.
Moletsane, R. & Lesko, N. (2004). Overcoming paralysis: AIDS education-and-activism. Agenda, 60, 69-80.
Lesko, N. (2001). Modern time and other times: Rethinking adolescence. Revista Brasileira do Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Humano, 11(1), 61-70.
Lesko, N. (2000). Making adolescence at the turn of the century: Discourse and the exclusion of girls. Contemporary Issues in Comparative Education [Online], 2(2), Available: [2000, April 30].
Lesko, N. (1998). Researcher identities and political engagements. Theory and Research in Social Education, 26(1), 102-107.
Lesko, N. & Bloom, L. R. (1998). Close encounters: Truth, experience, and interpretation in multicultural teacher education. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 30(4), 375-395.
Lesko, N. (1996). De-naturalizing adolescence: The politics of contemporary representations. Youth and Society, 28(2), 139-161.
Lesko, N. (1996). Past, present, and future conceptions of adolescents. Educational Theory, 46(4), 453-472.
Lesko, N. (1995). The 'leaky needs' of school-aged mothers: An examination of U.S. programs and policies. Curriculum Inquiry, 25(2), 25-40.
Lesko, N. (1994). Back to the future: Middle grades and the Turning Points report. Theory Into Practice, 33(3), 143-148.
Lesko, N. (1988). "We're leading America": The changing organization and form of high school cheerleading. Theory and Research in Social Education, 16(4), 263 278.
Lesko, N. (1986). Individualism and community: Ritual discourse in a parochial high school. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 17(1), 25 39.
Book Chapters
Lesko, N. & Mitschele, K. (in press). Rethinking adolescence. In G. Andrews (Ed.),What research says to the middle grades practitioner. Athens, GA: National Middle School Association.
Lesko, N. (2010). On not being directed by optimism. In R. Lake (Ed.), Dear Maxine: Letters from the unfinished conversation with Maxine Greene (pp. 37-39). New York: Teachers College Press.
Lesko, N. (2010). AIDS research. In C. Kridel (Ed.), Sage Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies (pp. 22-23). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Lesko, N. (2010). Gender research. In C. Kridel (Ed.), Sage Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies, (pp. 393-397). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Lesko, N. (2008). Miyazaki's anime girls. In C. A. Mitchell & J. Reid-Walsh (Eds.), Girl culture: An encyclopedia (pp. 437-438). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Lesko, N. & Johnson, E. (2008). Girls and girlhood in the time of AIDS: Views from North America. In C. A. Mitchell & J. Reid-Walsh (Eds.), Girl culture: An encyclopedia (pp. 126-134). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Heyneman, S. P., Kraince, R., Lesko, N. & Bastedo, M. (2007). Higher education and social cohesion: A comparative perspective. In P. Altbach & P. McGill Peterson (Eds.), Higher Education in the New Century: Global Challenges and Innovative Ideas (pp. 55-78). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers in conjunction with UNESCO.
Coleman, A., Ehrenworth, M. & Lesko, N. (2004). Scout's Honor: Duty, citizenship and the homoerotic in the Boy Scouts of America. In M. L. Rasmussen, E. Rofes, & S. Talburt (Eds.), Youth and sexualities: Pleasure, subversion and insubordination in and out of schools (pp. 120-151). New York: Palgrave.
Lesko, N. & Quarshie, A. (2004). Pleasures within reason: Teaching feminism and education. In A. Harris (Ed.), All about the girl (pp. 185-194). New York: Routledge.
Lesko, N. (2003). Before their time: Social age, reproductive rights, and school-aged mothers. In S. Books (Ed.), Neither seen nor heard: Invisible children in the society and its schools (pp. 103-121). 2nd edition. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Lesko, N. (2002). Hall, G. Stanley (1844-1924). In James W. Guthrie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. 3. (2nd ed., 985-987). New York: Macmillan Reference USA. Retrieved January 15, 2007, from Gale Virtual Reference Library via Thomson Gale:
Lesko, N., Jentes-Mason, R., & Westerhof-Shultz, J. (2002). Adolescence and schools. In D. L. Levinson, P. W. Cookson, Jr., & A. R. Sadovnik (Eds.), Education and Sociology: An Encyclopedia (pp. 17-22). New York & London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Lesko, N. (2001). Time matters in adolescence. In G. Dahlberg & K Hultqvist (Eds.), Governing the child in the new millennium (pp. 40-61). New York & London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Lesko, N. (2000). Introduction. In N. Lesko (Ed.), Masculinities at school (pp. xi-xxx). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Lesko, N. (2000). Preparing to teach coach: Tracking the gendered relations of dominance on and off the football field. In N. Lesko (Ed.), Masculinities at school (pp. 187-212). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Lesko, N. (2000). Terms of identity: Ellen's intertextual coming out. In S. Talburt & S. Steinberg (Eds.), Thinking queer: Sexuality, culture, and education (pp. 161-176). New York: Peter Lang.
Lesko, N. & Bloom, L. R. (2000). The haunting of multicultural epistemology and pedagogy. In R. Mahalingam & C. McCarthy (Eds.), Multicultural curriculum: New directions for social theory, practice, and policy (pp. 242-260). New York: Routledge.
Lesko, N. (1998). (E)strange(d) relations: Psychological concepts in multicultural education. In R. C. Chavez & J. O'Donnell (Eds.), Speaking the unpleasant: The politics of non-engagement in the multicultural education terrain (pp. 285-298). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Lesko, N. (1998). Feeling the teacher: A phenomenological reflection on the pedagogy of Maxine Greene. In W. Pinar (Ed.), The passionate mind of Maxine Greene (pp. 238-246). London: Falmer Press.
Lesko, N. (1997). Before their time: Social age, reproductive rights, and school-aged mothers. In S. Books (Ed.), Neither seen nor heard: Invisible children in the society and its schools (pp. 101-131). NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.
Lesko, N. (1996). The dependency of independence: At-risk youth, economic self-sufficiency, and curricular change. In J. Gaskell & D. Kelly, (Eds.), Debating droputs: New policy perspectives (pp. 44-59). New York: Teachers College Press.
Lesko, N. (1994). The social construction of 'the problem of teenage pregnancy'. In R. A. Martusewicz & W. M. Reynolds (Eds.), Inside/out: Contemporary critical perspectives in education (pp. 139-150). New York: St. Martin's Press.
Lesko, N. (1992). Sujetos de la ciencia: el concepto de los adolescentes como el "otro" en la investigacion etnografica [Subjects of science: Conceptions of adolescents as 'other' in ethnographic research]. In M. R. Beltran and M. A. Campos (Eds.), Investigacion etnografica en educacion (pp. 315-332). Mexico City: Universida Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
Lesko, N. (1991). Implausible endings: Teenage mothers and fictions of school success. In N. Wyner (Ed.), Current perspectives on the cultures of schools (pp. 45-63). Cambridge, MA: Brookline Books.
Lesko, N. (1990). Curriculum differentiation as social redemption: The case of school aged mothers. In R. Page & L. Valli (Eds.), Curriculum differentiation: Interpretive studies in U.S. secondary schools (pp. 113-136). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Lesko, N. (1990). Personal reflections on the Wisconsin Center for Education Research. In H. Klausmaier (Ed.), The Wisconsin Center for Education Research: The first twenty five years (pp. 160-162). Madison, WI: Wisconsin Center for Education Research.
Lesko, N. (1988). The curriculum of the body: Lessons from a Catholic high school. In L. Roman, L. Christian Smith, & E. Ellsworth (Eds.), Becoming feminine: The politics of popular culture (pp. 123-142). London: The Falmer Press.
"text-decoration: underline; ">Book Reviews
Lesko, N. (2000). Girls in school. [Review of Constructing Female Identities: Meaning making in an upper middle class youth culture, A. Proweller]. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 32(1), 121-124.
Lesko, N. (1996). In the 'hood: Music, appearance, attitude, and talk in teenagerhood. [Review of Cool: The signs and meanings of adolescence, M. Danesi]. Semiotica, 112(3/4), 415-420.
Lesko, N. (1994). Teenage motherhood. [Review of Wake up little Susie: Single pregnancy and race before Roe v. Wade, R. Solinger; Before their time: Four generations of teenage mothers, J. Sander; Taking it lying down: Sexuality and teenage motherhood, F. Hudson & B. Ineichen; and Teenage motherhood: A global crisis [film], Cinema Guild]. NWSA Journal, 6(1), 124-132.
Lesko, N. (1992). [Review of Teaching and thinking about curriculum: Critical inquiries, J. T. Sears & J. D. Marshall, (Eds.)]. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 24(2), 185-187.
Lesko, N. (1986). [Review of Schooling as a ritual performance, P. McLaren]. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 17(4), 253-255.
Lesko, N. & Flinders, D. (1999). Evaluation of K-12 Education in Philanthropy Project. Center for the Study of Philanthropy, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN.
Flinders, D., Overly, N, & Lesko, N. (1998). Evaluation of Seminar on Youth and Philanthropy, Grand Rapids, MI, October, 1997. Bloomington, IN: Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Indiana University.
Fernandez, R., Geary, P., Lesko, N., Rutter, R., Smith, G., & Wehlage, G. (1987). Dropout prevention and recovery: Fourteen case studies. Madison, WI: National Center on Effective Secondary Schools.
Stone, C., Wehlage, G., Lesko, N., Naumann, C., & Page, R. (1982). Effective programs for the marginal high school student. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Center for Education Research.
Journal Editor
Lesko, N. (Ed.). (1994). Rethinking Middle Grades [Special issue]. Theory into Practice 33(3).
AfterEd. EdWorld: South Africa. A documentary film about a Black high school science teacher in South Africa. G. Andrews & J. Simmons, Directors. N. Lesko, Producer. Available at:
Professional Experiences
Graduate Teaching (Selected)
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
Curriculum, Democracy, and Social Crisis, 2004
Teachers College
Immigration and Curriculum (C&T 4010), 2008-present
Curriculum and Popular Culture (C&T 4900), 2005 & 2007 (TC-Japan).
Theory and History of Curriculum (C & T 4002), 2003-present.
Gender, Difference & Curriculum (C&T 4032), 2002-present.
Studies in Contemporary Curriculum (C&T 6502), 2001.
Doctoral Core Course: Theory & Inquiry in Curriculum and Teaching (C&T 5000), 1999-2006; 2010-present.
Poststructuralist Theories in Education (C&T 6010), 1999-present.
Critical Perspectives in Secondary Education (C&T 4145), 2005-present.
Action Research/Master's Project (C&T 4502), 1998-2000; 2005-present.
Indiana University-Bloomington
Doctoral Seminar on Critical Ethnographies of Schooling, 1994-1997.
Doctoral Seminar on Feminist and Poststructuralist Theories and Education, 1990 1997. (cross-listed in women's studies)
Introduction to Curriculum Studies, 1990 1997.
Gender and Schooling, 1992-1997. (cross-listed in women's studies)
Adelphi University
School and Society, 1988 1989.
University of Texas at Arlington
Anthropology and Education, 1984.
Undergraduate Teaching
Indiana University
Secondary Multicultural Education, 1991 1997.
Methods of Secondary Teaching, 1989 1991.
Adelphi University
Social Foundations of Education, 1988 1989.
University of Wisconsin Madison
Education and Sex Role Socialization, 1988.
Secondary Social Studies, 1978 & 1980.
School and Society, 1982.
Pre-service teacher supervision, 1977-1980.
"font-weight: bold; ">University of Texas at Arlington
Introduction to Teaching, Secondary Methods of Instruction, & Supervision of secondary student teachers, 1983 1985.
Research and Evaluation
"font-weight: bold; ">Indiana University Center on Philanthropy
Evaluation of K-12 curriculum development and implementation: Transmitting the Philanthropic Tradition to Future Generations
Project directors: Nancy Lesko & David Flinders, 1997-1999.
"font-weight: bold; ">University of Wisconsin Madison
National Center on Effective Secondary Schools, Research Scientist.
Projects: At Risk Students & The Effect of Working Conditions on Teacher Engagement. Under the direction of Gary Wehlage & Mary Metz, respectively, 1986 1988.
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Project: Early Years Study Studied language development, grades K 3, in urban magnet school. Under the direction of Vito Perrone, 1985 1986.
"font-weight: bold; ">University of Wisconsin-Madison
Project: Equity and the Marginal Student
Evaluated six high school dropout prevention programs across two years. Under the direction of Gary Wehlage & Calvin Stone, 1981 1983.
Secondary School Teaching
Dane County Social Services, Madison, Wisconsin. 1976 1977. Taught individualized program of basic skills to out-of-school youth.
Queen of Peace School, Madison, Wisconsin. 1973 1976. Designed and taught a two year sequence of social studies for 7th & 8th graders.
Wisconsin Heights High School, Mazomanie, Wisconsin. 1972. Tenth grade American History.
Professional Organization Membership
Professors of Curriculum
American Educational Research Association: Curriculum Studies and Queer Studies
International Sociological Association, Youth Division
American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies
International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, Founding Board Member
Professional Presentations
Invited Addresses
Lesko, N. (2011, October). Keywords in youth studies. Georgia State University, Atlanta.
Lesko, N. (2011, March). Feeling jumpy: Studying affect in curriculum and teaching. Invited presentation to Faculty of Education, York University, Toronto.
Lesko, N. & Brotman, J. (2010, June). Understanding disconnects between sexuality educators and classroom teachers. SIECUS, New York City.
Lesko, N. (2008, October). Studying adolescence: past and future. Invited address, Faculty of Education, University of Oslo. Oslo, Norway.
Lesko, N., Brotman, J., Quackenbush, J. (2008, October). Teachers' perspectives on the mandated HIV/AIDS curriculum in New York City. NYC Adolescent Health Educators Network.
Lesko, N. (2006, August). Talking about sex: Discourses of loveLife peer educators. Faculty of Education, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, S. Africa.
Lesko, N. (2006, March). How we came to think of teachers as monsters: An educational research story. Presentation at Spencer Doctoral Summer School, Drakensberg, South Africa.
Lesko, N. (2004, May). Scout's Honor: Duty, citizenship, and the homoerotic in the Boy Scouts of America. Gender Studies Group, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
Lesko, N. (2004, April). Scout's Honor: Duty, citizenship, and the homoerotic in the Boy Scouts of America. Researching Change Lecture, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
Lesko, N. (2002, October). The militarization of New York City teachers after 9/11. Peace and Gender Colloquium, Peace Education Program, Teachers College.
Lesko, N. (2002, June). In other times: 9/11 and the pasts and futures of U.S. citizenship. Keynote. Youth, Popular Culture and Schooling Conference. Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.
Lesko, N. (1999, December). Violence and school reform. Conference sponsored by Drum Major Institute. Baruch College, New York, NY.
Lesko, N. (1998, October). Pleasures and dangers of thinking/talking "adolescence." Norwegian Centre for Child Research, Trondheim, Norway.
Lesko, N. (1998, October). Discourse analysis: Theory and methods. Norwegian Centre for Child Research, Trondheim, Norway.
Lesko, N. (1996, April). Reflections on critical ethnography. Address to Qualitative Research SIG, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
Lesko, N. (1993, March). Dependency, difference, and dropouts. In J. Gaskell (Chair), Dropping in/dropping out. Conference conducted at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Lesko, N. (1991, June). Subjects of science: Conceptions of adolescents as 'other' in ethnographic research. Paper presented at II Interamerican Symposium on Classroom Ethnographic Research, Autonomous National University of Mexico, Mexico City.
Lesko, N. (1990, May). Re thinking the 'problem of teenage pregnancy'. In M. Jackson (Chair), Critical perspectives on at risk youth. Symposium conducted in the Department of Education, California State University Los Angeles.
National and International Conference Papers
(* denotes a reviewed paper)
Lesko, N. (2012, August). Keywords in youth studies. International Sociological Association Meetings, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Lesko, N. (2012, April). Affects of teaching. Paper to be presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Lesko, N. (2012, April). Keywords in youth studies. Paper to be presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
*Lesko, N. (2010, May). Feeling abstinent? Feeling comprehensive? Paper presented at Annual Meeting, American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
*Lesko, N. (2009, September). Nostalgia and sex education. Paper presented at International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies. Cape Town, South Africa.
Lesko, N. (2007, August). Scary disturbances in a doctoral research training course: A case study. Paper presented at Consortium of Higher Education Research (CHER), University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
*Lesko, N. (2007, April). How to have curriculum theory in an epidemic or a hurricane or a terrorist attack. Paper presented at Annual Meeting, American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL
*Lesko, N. (2006, November). The university, social cohesion, and AIDS: A case study of the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Paper presented at Annual Meeting, Association for Study of Higher Education, Anaheim, CA.
*Lesko, N. (2006, July). Talking about sex: Discourses of loveLife peer educators. Paper presented at World Congress, International Sociological Association, Durban, South Africa.
*Moletsane, R. & Lesko, N. (2005, April). Overcoming paralysis: AIDS education-and-activism. Paper presented at Annual Meeting, American Educational Research Association, Montreal, CA.
*Lesko, N. (2005, April). Talking about sex: Youth and positive sexuality in South Africa. Paper presented at Annual Meeting, International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, Montreal, CA.
*Lesko, N., Simmons, J., Quarshie, A. & Newton, N. (2005, April). The pedagogy of monsters: Scary disturbances in a doctoral research training course. Paper presented at Annual Meeting, American Educational Research Association, Montreal, CA.
*Coleman, A., Ehrenworth, M. & Lesko, N. (2005, April). Scout's Honor: Duty, citizenship and the homoerotic in the Boy Scouts of America. Paper presented at Annual Meeting, American Educational Research Association, Montreal, CA.
*Lesko, N., Coleman, A., & Ehrenworth, M. (2002, July). Rethinking youth activism. Paper accepted at International Sociology Association World Congress. Brisbane, AU. Did not attend.
*Lesko, N. (2001, November). What's time got to do with it? Writing female adolescence differently. Paper accepted for the working conference, A new girl order: Young women and the future of feminist inquiry. London. Did not attend.
*Lesko, N. (2000, April). Emotional pedagogies in the new research on boys. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
*Lesko, N. (2000, April). Serving others and governing the self. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Lesko, N. (2000, April). Knowing and governing adolescence. Paper presented at Foucault and Education Conference, New Orleans, LA.
*Lesko, N. (2000, April). Time matters in adolescence. Paper presented at the British Sociological Association annual meeting. York, England.
Lesko, N. (1999, October). Emotional pedagogies in the new research on boys. Paper presented at the Children, Culture, and Violence conference. New York, NY.
Lesko, N. (1998, April). Feeling the teacher: A phenomenological reflection on the shame-less pedagogy of Maxine Greene. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Lesko, N. (1997, October). Terms of identity: Ellen's intertextual coming out. Paper presented at the annual JCT Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice Conference, Bloomington, IN.
Lesko, N. (1997, October). Preparing to coach: Tracking the social relations of dominance on and off the football field. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Studies Association, San Antonio, TX.
Lesko, N. (1996, October). Compulsory heterosexuality in conceptions of adolescence? Paper presented at the annual JCT Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice Conference, Monteagle, TN.
Lesko, N. (1996, April). Team and nation: At-play with hegemonic masculinity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Lesko, N. (1995, April). Re-doubled efforts: Conceptions of youth in post-normalizing educational policy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Lesko, N. (1994, November). Acting your age: Conceptions of youth among pre-service teachers. Paper presented at the Fifth Inter-American Conference on Classroom Ethnography, University of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica.
Lesko, N. (1994, October). Act your age: Conceptions of youth among pre-service teachers. Paper presented at the annual JCT Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice Conference, Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
*Lesko, N. & Bloom, L. (1994, April). Chameleons in the classroom. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Lesko, N. & Bloom, L. (1993, October). White women and multicultural education. Paper presented at annual Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice Conference, Bergamo Center, Dayton, OH.
Lesko, N. (1993, October). Disturbing adolescent 'identity'. Paper presented at the annual JCT Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice Conference, Bergamo Center, Dayton, OH.
Lesko, N. (1992, October). Deconstructing normative adolescent development. Paper presented at annual Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice Conference, Bergamo Center, Dayton, OH.
*Lesko, N. (1992, June). Mind over matter: Deconstructing cognitive dominance of body and emotions in normative adolescent development. Paper presented at Alice in Wonderland, First International Conference on Girls and Girlhood, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Lesko, N. (1991, October). Constructing youth for the 21st century: The Turning Points report. Paper presented at the annual Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice Conference, Bergamo Center, Dayton, OH.
Lesko, N. (1990, October). The constructon of 'natural adolescence'. Paper presented at the annual Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice Conference, Bergamo Center, Dayton, OH.
*Lesko, N. (1990, April). Social context and the 'problem of teenage pregnancy'. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Boston, MA.
*Lesko, N. (1990, April). Curriculum and the crisis of teenage pregnancy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Boston, MA.
*Lesko, N. (1988, April). Curriculum for at risk girls: Generalizations from a program for school aged mothers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
*Lesko, N. (1987, November). From child to woman: Teenage motherhood as experiential education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago.
*Lesko, N. (1987, April). School organization and forms of thought: A case study of a Catholic high school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
*Lesko, N. (1985, December). "We're leading America": The changing organization and form of high school cheerleading. Paper presented at the annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.
Lesko, N. (1985, June). The semiotics of high school cheerleading. Paper presented at International Summer Institute for Semiotic and Structural Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
*Lesko, N. (1985, March). The curriculum of the body: Lessons from a Catholic school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Lesko, N. (1984, November). The curriculum of the body: Lessons from a Catholic school. Paper presented at the Sixth Conference on Curriculum Theory and Practice, Dayton, Ohio.
*Lesko, N. (1984, November). Structural tensions and ritual resolutions in a parochial high school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Denver, Colorado.
*Lesko, N. (1984, April). Symbolic meanings in peer relations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
*Lesko, N. (1983, April). Ritual resolution of institutional and adolescent tensions in a parochial high school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
*Lesko, N. (1982, March). Beyond the 3 R's: Social learning in a parochial high school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York City.