Delgado, Rosa A. (rad163)

Rosa Alcalde Delgado

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Educational Background

Rosa Alcalde Delgado received a doctoral degree from Teachers College at Columbia University  in Interdisciplinary Studies in Education: Multilingual/ Multicultural Education and Organization &  Leadership. She holds an Ed.M. in Comparative and International Education from Teachers College at  Columbia University; a Multiple-Subject Teaching Credential with a Bilingual, Cross-cultural, Language  and Academic Development (BCLAD) certificate, and an M.A. in Educational Administration from  California State University Los Angeles (CSULA). Through the University of the State of New York,  Department of Education, Rosa has also acquired the School District Administrator (SDA) and the  Bilingual (Pupil Personnel Services/Administrator) permanent certification. Her undergraduate career was  completed at UCLA and she holds a B.A. in Political Science. 

Rosa has been a dedicated educator for thirty-three years. She is considered an expert in English  as a Second Language (ESL)/English Language Development (ELD)/English as a New Language (ENL),  bilingual/bicultural and tri/multilingual education in the areas of curriculum and instruction, professional  development, dual language programs, balance literacy methodology and school reform in New York (in  the five boroughs of New York City and surrounding areas, as well as upstate New York), New Jersey,  Virginia and California. 

Rosa is the Founder, President and Chief Education Officer (CEO) of Education Consortium  (“Ed.C.”), LLC, an educational consulting firm based in New York City’s Manhattan Mid-town district.  Ed.C. is a firm comprised of a cadre of professionals who have dedicated their careers to educating  'multilingual learners' both in public and private schools. Our goals are to ensure Multilingual Learner  ("ML") student success by offering differentiated and custom designed support services tailored to meet  the needs of school districts and/or individual schools within those networks. We differentiate ourselves  by providing “Technical Assistance” and “Professional Development” to school site administrators and  ML teachers to further enhance the academic achievement of Multilingual Learners (MLs). We specialize  in helping Local Education Agencies (i.e., school districts, Children First Networks or School Clusters)  close and/or minimize the achievement gap for MLs. 

As CEO of Ed.C., Rosa designed, coordinated and conducted professional development and city  wide conferences/institutes, as well as provided instructional and technical support to teachers and  administrators of MLs at the school, district and/or the state level. Other projects and experiences include  New York State Education Department School Reviews in underachieving or consistently struggling  public schools across New York State, instructing a Bilingual Literacy course and a Supervised Practicum  at Hunter College in New York City. She has also mentored and coached various Bilingual and  ESL/ENL teachers throughout NYCDOE and New York State public schools, and supervised in-service  and pre-service teachers at Bank Street College, City College (CCNY), Hunter College and Teachers  College of Columbia University. 

Through Rosa’s leadership, Ed.C. has successfully supported numerous schools throughout the  five boroughs of New York City, New York State, Virginia and California. Over the years, we have  earned a reputation for excellence in the field of Educational Consulting. Our unparalleled guidance,  backed by experience and expertise, sets us apart from all other educational consulting firms. Our vision  and mission is to help close and/or minimize the achievement gap for Multilingual Learners in order to  ensure they are college prepared and career ready for the 21st century!

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