TC Affiliations:
2017 Envisioning Pedagogical Inquiry, The Macy Art Gallery, New York, NY
2016 Experiences of (Dis)Connection, The Macy Art Gallery, New York, NY
2015 Light Mapping, Gallery Korea (Korean Cultural Center), New York, NY
2014 Group Velocity, Interstate Project gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Honors and Awards
2016 Arthur W. Dow Scholarship, Teachers College, Columbia University
2015 Art Department Edwin Ziegfeld Scholarship. Teachers College, Columbia University
2014 Enid Morse Fellowship for Teaching in the Arts, Teachers College, Columbia University
Koo, S. (2016). Breathing within the history (1900-2016): The ever evolving “making” in the art studio at Teachers College. Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art, 5(2), pp. 135-145.
Hafeli, M. & Koo, S. (2016). Chasing Ephemerality: Notes on doctoral mentoring and artistic collaboration. In Co-authoring and Dialogic Production through Co-construction of Research: Special Issue of Visual Inquiry: Learning and Teaching Art, 5(3), pp. 291-305.