Course Reserves

Course Reserves

Gottesman Libraries offers Course Reserves to support instruction and learning in degree-seeking programs at Teachers College. A variety of resource types may be placed on electronic and print reserve.

Need help with Course Reserves?  Please email us at

Course Resource Lists in Canvas

Library course reserves are delivered directly into individual courses in Canvas, via a Course Resource List link.

Course Resource Lists is our Course Reserves platform and collaborative tool that is located in Canvas and integrated with Educat+, the libraries' catalog.

We invite you to visit our Guide to Course Resource Lists for Instructors and to submit your requests by utilizing the options listed therein and under Instructor Resources below.


Gottesman Libraries provides electronic resourcesEbooks, journal articles, streaming films and morefor course reserve use in credit-bearing courses. E-Reserves can be found on your Course Resource List in Canvas, or by searching Educat+.

Print Reserves

Gottesman Libraries provides print material for course reserve use, when electronic resources are unavailable. Print reserve materials have special lending periods of two hours designed to ensure appropriate access to all students enrolled in a specific credit-bearing course; they are located behind the first-floor services desk of the Gottesman Libraries. Records for print reserves (indicating call numbers and real-time availability at the library) can be found on your Course Resource List in Canvas or by searching Educat+.

Instructor Resources

Instructions for Requesting Materials:

Course Reserves requests can be placed directly from your Course Resource List, found on the left navigation menu of your course in Canvas (accessible before the start of classes):

  • To create your list from scratch, click on CREATE LIST and utilize this guide.
  • To upload a list of citations to send to the library, click on "Ask the Library to Create your Course Resource List" and follow these instructions.
  • You may also email with your requests.

We recommend submitting your Course Reserves requests as soon as possible for timely delivery, especially requests for new print materials.

Once your request is submitted and/or your Course Resource List has been published, individual resources can be found by clicking on the "View" links under each item's citation:


Instructor view of course resource list from within Canvas - course resource list link in left navigation menu and view online link under list item circled

For questions about your Course Reserves requests or Course Resource Lists, please email

Course Resource List workshops are being offered by the Gottesman Libraries throughout the year; please check the libraries' Events page for more information or email to set up an individual consultation.

Additional Resources:

Student Resources

Locating your Course Reserves:

Once your instructor has submitted a Course Reserves request and/or a Course Resource List has been published for your course, it can be found by logging into your course in Canvas, and scrolling down to the Course Resource List link on the left navigation menu. Individual resources can be found by clicking on the "View" links under each item's citation:


Student view of course resource list from within Canvas - course resource list link in left navigation menu and view online link under list item circled


Additional Resources:

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