GWC Webinars
Academic Writing & APA Style
Academic Writing & APA will help you demystify the writing process, develop strategies for approaching graduate-level writing and reading assignments, gain a general framework for the purpose and use of APA syle, familiarize yourself with in-text citations and references, and learn about some GWC services.
Note-taking and Organizational Workflow Strategies
In this workshop, you will learn various strategies and tools for more effective academic note-taking and organization.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Literature Reviews
New webinar coming soon!
Zotero Webinar Series 1/8: Is Zotero Right for Me?
Welcome to our 8-part Zotero Webinar Series! First, let's look at if Zotero would be a good fit for your citation management needs.
Zotero Webinar Series 2/8: Getting Started with Zotero
Zotero Webinar Series 3/8: Zotero for Storing and Organizing
Zotero Webinar Series 4/8: Zotero for Writing & Citing
Part 4 of this series will discuss the overview and purpose of Zotero citation management software, as well as the process of using Zotero with Microsoft Word and Google Docs.
Zotero Webinar Series 5/8: Generating Reference Lists
Zotero Webinar Series 6/8: Zotero for Note-Taking
Zotero Webinar Series 7/8: Zotero for Research & Collaboration
Zotero Webinar Series 8/8: 8 Miscellaneous Features Within Zotero
In the final installment of our Zotero Webinar Series, we will look at several features of the citation management software, including: consolidating and duplication, moving items to trash, unfiled items, tags, the timeline function, finding available PDFs, and advanced and saved searches.
Grammar Review: Commonly Confused Words
Tips for reducing commonly confused words in your writing.
Grammar Review: Eliminating Redundancy
Tips for eliminating redundancy in your writing.
Grammar Review: Run-On Sentences & Sentence Fragments
Tips for eliminating run-on sentences and sentence fragments in your writing.
Grammar Review: Articles
Tips for using articles in your writing. This short webinar will cover how to choose the best articles for your academic papers.
Grammar Review: Tenses
Tips for using tenses in your writing. This short webinar will cover how to choose the best tenses for your academic papers.
Writing for Academic Publication
In this webinar, we will walk you through the steps to publishing your manuscript. This series is meant to give you an overview of the process from finding the right place to submit, preparing your manuscript, to dealing with rejection.
Part 1, the journey of writing for publication
Part 2, finding a home for your writing
Part 3, preparing the manuscript
Part 4, getting ready for submissions
Part 5, revising the manuscript
Part 6, dealing with rejection
Part 7, preparing the final manuscript
Part 8, navigating authorship and collaborative writing
Writing for the IRB
This introductory webinar is designed to guide your writing for the IRB.
New: Assent Writing for the IRB
This webinar offers guidance on writing assent for the IRB when applying to work with minors in research.
Conference Presentations
In this webinar, we will review how to navigate submiting and presenting conference presentations.
Part 1, Conference Presentations, Before the Proposal
This is the first video in our 4 part series of Conference Presentations. This video focuses on what to do before the proposal.
Part 2, Conference Presentations, Types of Presentations
This is the second video in our 4 part series of Conference Presentations. This video focuses on different types of presentations.
Part 3, Conference Presentations, Conference Presentations
This is the third video in our 4 part series of Conference Presentations. This video focuses on conference presentations.
Part 4, Conference Presentations, After You've Presented and Final Thoughts
This is the forth and final video in our 4 part series of Conference Presentations. This video focuses on what you should do after you’ve presented.
Understanding the Theoretical Framework
Just as you cannot build a house without a blueprint, the theoretical framework is crucial to the foundation of your research paper or dissertation.
Academic Integrity
This webinar on Academic Integrity will help offer tools for how to avoid plagiarism, how and when to cite, as well as provide citation and academic integrity resources, including information about GWC services and resources.
Learning Etymology for Academic Writing
Learning Etymology for Academic Writing will guide you through the origin of words so that you can apply these skills in an academic setting. This webinar offers reading and writing tips, common prefixes and suffixes, and various etymology resources.
APA Formatting Part I
This webinar will guide you through APA formatting. This video offers guidance on how to cite and format your paper using APA style.
APA Formatting Part II
This webinar will guide you through APA formatting. This video offers guidance on how to cite and format your paper using APA style.
Establishing a Journaling Practice
Establishing a Journaling Practice will guide you through the process of journaling. This webinar includes types of journaling, benefits of journaling, as well as prompts for different emotions and situations.