
A Graduate School of Education, Health & Psychology


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HBSN 5044 Advanced Research Methods: Literature Review and Critique

This course builds on introductory research methods courses to enhance the students' abilities to design research, to interpret research findings, to critique research reports, and to write the review of literature for their dissertation proposals. Issues affecting the design of research and interpretation of research findings in Nursing Education studies are the specific focus of the course. The literature review will be done in consultation with students’ dissertation advisors.

HBSN 6000 Nursing Knowledge in Nursing Education

This course introduces students to major theoretical perspectives on nursing education/practice/research and how nursing theory can be used to guide nursing education that promotes nursing disciplinary knowledge. Students are introduced to definitions, philosophies, and patterns of knowing in nursing. Discussions focus on what makes nursing actions nursing, and how that can be taught effectively at the various levels of nursing education. Students also learn how to identify problems, research questions, and theories to guide their dissertation research.

HBSN 6030 Curriculum Development in Nursing Education

This course explores the essential structures, components, and factors of curriculum development pertaining to nursing education. Concentration will be on the curriculum development process.

HBSN 6040 Teaching and Learning Strategies in Nursing Education

This course explores associations of key aspects of learning development to educational interventions in higher education.

HBSN 6043 Innovations in Nursing Education

This course examines innovations in education that support and promote a culture of active teaching and learning. Use of technologies in nursing education will be a focus. Evidence-based teaching strategies will be identified for use in the classroom and clinical settings.

HBSN 6044 Assessment and Evaluation in Nursing Education

This course examines evaluation methods in nursing within the classroom, laboratory, and clinical setting. Current issues, trends, and research related to educational testing instruments, alternatives to standardized evaluation methods, and outcome measurement in nursing education will be discussed. Students will develop reliable and valid evaluation measures for use in nursing education.

HBSN 6045 Simulation in Nursing Education

This course explores the teaching strategy of role play, focusing specifically on simulation and its application for both classroom and clinical practice within nursing education. Evidence-based simulation strategies will be explored using active teaching strategies.

HBSN 6053 Clinical Teaching in Nursing Education

This course investigates best practices in nursing education for planning and developing student-centered clinical activities. A preferred specialty area of nursing practice will be the focus for planning and developing these activities.

HBSN 6310 Practicum I: The Nurse Educator Role

In this course students will examine and implement the role of the nurse educator in higher education and/or health care organizations

HBSN 6320 Practicum II: Leadership in Nursing Education

In this course students will examine the role of the nurse educator in relation to broader perspectives of selected higher education and/or health care agencies. Further, students will implement aspects of the nurse educator role in selected academic units, institutions, and in the profession of nursing.

HBSN 6540 Dissertation Design and Development

Permission required. Required of all doctoral candidates. Group critique of dissertation proposals; focus on beginning- to intermediate- level aspects of analysis of theory and research design. This course may be repeated as often as necessary until the student is ready for the departmental examination. Once HBSN 6540 is taken, continuous fall/spring enrollment in the course is required until the semester during which the departmental examination is held.

HBSN 6541 Advanced seminar on dissertation design development

Focus on advanced aspects of research design and method.

HBSN 6930 Independent study in nursing education

Permission required. Individual guided learning experience at the doctoral level in a selected aspect of nursing education. Topic agreed upon between student and faculty.

HBSN 6940 Research in Nursing Education

Permission required. Allows student to contract with individual faculty member for research-related work in a defined area of study.

HBSN 7500 Dissertation Seminar - Nursing Education

Permission required. The departmental examination, involving presentation of dissertation proposal for faculty approval. This course is required of all certified doctoral candidates and may be taken only once.

HBSN 8900 Dissertation Advisement in Nursing Education

Individual advisement on doctoral dissertation following completion of all course-work. Fee to equal 3 points at current tuition rate for each term. See catalog on continuous registration requirements for Ed.D. degree.

HBSS 5040 Research methods in health and behavior studies I

Introduction to research, study designs, and data collection methods in research in health and behavior studies, including nursing, nutrition, and health education with emphasis on reading and understanding research literature.

HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical inference

An introduction to statistical theory, including elementary probability theory; random variables and probability distributions; sampling distributions; estimation theory and hypothesis testing using binomial, normal, T, chi square, and F distributions. Calculus not required.

HUDM 5122

Least squares estimation theory. Traditional simple and multiple regression models and polynomial regression models, including use of categorical predictors. Logistic regression for dichotomous outcome variables is also covered. Class time includes lab time devoted to applications with IBM SPSS.

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