Application & Assignments
Apply for Housing
The Office of Residential Services at Teachers College offers a variety of housing options for students interested in single or family living (married students, students with domestic partners, and single parents). All of our single and family student options feature furnished rooms with private bedrooms. Residents have access to fitness rooms, TV lounges, computer rooms, and study rooms. Unit prices include heat, hot water, electricity (Grant and Sarasota residents must pay the monthly electricity charges), internet access, and cable television service.
Single Student Halls: Bancroft Hall, Grant Hall, New Residence Hall, Sarasota Hall, Whittier Hall
Family Student Halls: Bancroft Hall, Grant Hall, Sarasota Hall
Applying for TC housing is an online process that takes 5 minutes to complete and costs $30. You can apply for TC housing once you have been admitted to TC. Applications for future terms open approximately 11 months prior to when the term begins.
Academic Year Student Housing Application - UNI
(If you have a UNI and have paid your Tuition deposit - note: may take 1 business day from paying deposit to be active)
Academic Year Student Housing Application - No UNI
(If you have not activated your UNI or have not paid your Tuition deposit)
If you are interested in housing for Summer ONLY you should request Summer Conference Housing.
1) Submit Your Housing Application
Submitting a housing application does not guarantee housing. Submitting a housing application also does not require you to live on campus. The application only consists of whether you need family or single student housing, the application fee, and information about the process. You can not specify room preferences.
2) Await Application Processing
During this step we prioritize all applications before we send housing offers. Housing applications are prioritized by:
- Region: Out-of-region students receive priority over in-region students (less than 30 aerial miles from TC)
- Date application is received (earlier dates receive higher priority)
3) Housing Offers Sent
The first day of each round all applicants will receive an email with one of 3 statuses: housing offer, waitlist, or ineligibility for housing.
- Housing Offer: you will receive a specific timeslot when you can enter the portal to select a room
- Waitlist: you will receive a waitlist number so you know where you are in line
- Ineligible: you are not eligible to receive an offer due to your student status
If you do not receive an offer during Round 1, it is still very possible to receive an offer in Round 2. If you are offered housing you can decline.
A student will be ineligible to receive a housing offer if they:
- Have not paid their Tuition Deposit
- Have holds on their account that would prevent course registration
Starting with Round 2, offers will be sent every business day until all spaces have been filled.
Applying for Housing
- In order to apply for student housing you must be admitted to a Teachers College degree program
- You can submit an application before you accept your admissions offer or pay your tuition deposit
Living in Housing
There are three eligibility checks that happen before housing offers are sent: academic, holds, and length of residency.
- In order to be eligible to live in student housing, resident must be fully admitted to a Teachers College degree program
- Resident must be enrolled and registered for a minimum of 1 credit or full-time equivalent each fall and spring semester
- Class registration is checked after the add/drop deadline each semester
- Full-time employees of Teachers College are not eligible for on-campus housing
- Housing holds or any holds that block course registration will prevent a housing offer
Length of Residency
- A Resident may remain in housing for a maximum of 6 years (72 months) during their entire enrollment at Teachers College
- Length of Residency may not be appealed to the Special Cases Committee when the Resident has not met the credit eligibility requirements
Renewing Housing Contract
Contract renewal happens each year in the spring and extends housing contracts for 1 year. At that time we check resident eligibility above in addition to the following:
- To renew a contract for an additional 12 months, residents must be enrolled in at least 12 credits or equivalent during the term of their contract (6 billable credits if contract starts in the spring).
To be eligible for family housing, students must demonstrate that the applicant and the individual(s) with whom the applicant is applying to reside share a qualifying family relationship. One immediate family member is required to reside with resident in contracted space at least 50% of the contracted period. Qualifying family relationships under current policy include the following:
- Marriage
- Dependent child or legal guardian
- Domestic partnership (long-term relationship between the two adults)
Relationships that do not qualify for family housing status include: parents, grandparents, or siblings of applicants (unless a minor sibling for whom the resident is the legal guardian).
All persons applying for family housing must submit proper documentation along with their application. The following are acceptable forms of documentation (Please note all forms must be in English or professionally translated into English):
- Copy of a marriage certificate.
- In the case of a single parent: birth certificate(s), adoption papers, or other appropriate documentation of legal guardianship.
- Notarized Affidavit of Domestic Partnership declaring that the applicants share a domestic partnership.
Those who submit the Affidavit of Domestic Partnership must also include one of the following:
- Copy of a joint lease naming and signed by both applicants and their landlord
- Joint tax returns for one calendar year immediately preceding the application
- Notarized letter on bank letterhead signed by a bank officer indicating a joint saving and/or checking account for at least one calendar year
- Certificate of Domestic Partnership from New York City or any city, which registers unmarried couples who are in a committed, ongoing family relationship
Important Housing Dates for Prospective Residents
Summer A 2025
Housing Offers | Sent | Due |
Round 1 | March 25 | March 28 |
Round 2 | March 28 | April 2 |
Move-In Day is May 21. |
Summer B 2025
Housing Offers | Sent | Due |
Round 1 | April 21 | April 24 |
Round 2 | April 29 | May 2 |
Move-In Day is July 3. |
Fall 2025
Housing Offers | Sent | Due |
Round 1 | May 5 | May 12 |
Round 2 | May 12 | May 30 |
Move-In Day is August 25. |
Renewal/Vacate Process
The Renewal/Vacate Process takes place every spring semester. During the process, current residents will decide to cancel or renew their contract for the following contract year (Summer A - Spring).
All students living in TC housing must participate in the Renewal/Vacate Process. During this process you will determine whether you will be continuing in TC housing into Summer A or vacating at the end of the spring semester. You will also be able to indicate whether or not you wish to transfer rooms in early June.
The 2025 Renewal/Vacate Process will begin on March 3 at 9am and conclude on March 10 at 9am
When you begin the process you will choose from 3 options:
- Renew your housing contract for your current assignment
- Renew your housing contract and request to transfer to a new unit in mid-June
- Vacate your housing at the end of the Spring semester
Renewing Your Housing Contract:
- You will remain in housing from Summer A 2025 until mid-May 2026 unless you submit a Vacate Notification Form according to the policies and deadlines advertised by our office
- You will remain in your current unit
Transfer Requests:
- You can only submit a request to transfer rooms if you renew your housing contract
- Those that are offered and accept a transfer must move June 13-15
- If you are not offered a transfer you are still under contract for your current room, but will be considered for transfers the subsequent semester
Vacating Housing:
- You will be required to move out at the end of this semester
- Non-graduates are required to move out by 11am on May 13
- Graduates are required to move out by 11am on May 27
- If you are interested in housing starting Summer B 2025 or later, you will need to submit a new application for housing. Those applications are available through the Housing Portal.
Can I have an extension on the deadline?
Unfortunately, we are not able to give any extensions. Summer housing assignments rely on your timely response, so we need everyone to participate in the Renewal/Vacate Process by the deadline.
Is my decision final? What if I change my mind?
Once you sign your contract or submit your vacate form, your decision is final. If you selected that you will vacate housing and changed your mind, we cannot guarantee you a place in housing. If you renewed your contract and decided you now wish to vacate, you will incur a Cancellation Fee based on when you submit the request (see table below). Also, depending on when you cancel you may be held responsible for the housing charges for the following semester.
Date Vacate Form Submitted After March 10 |
1 - 7 days after the deadline | |
8 - 14 days after the deadline | |
15+ days after the deadline but before summer VNF* |
* Once the Summer A & B VNF deadline passes on May 2,
you will be held responsible for Summer A & B housing charges.
What if I want to move out at the end of Summer A or B?
You should submit a renewal contract and then submit a Summer Vacate Notification Form (VNF) on the last page of the process. The renewal contract will extend your time in housing past May (end of housing contract) and the VNF will indicate the date you will vacate. The summer VNF is due May 2.
What if I want to return to housing in Fall 2025 but I don’t wish to stay here for the summer?
You should select the option to vacate housing at the end of the Spring 2025 semester. You will be required to move out by May 13 at 11am. You will then need to apply for Fall 2025 housing, but will not be guaranteed a space. Fall 2025 housing applications are currently available in the Housing Portal.
What is the process for transfer requests?
Transfer room selection begins March 10. Priority will be given to those that submitted transfer requests in the fall semester that were not offered a transfer. New transfer requests are randomly assigned a priority. Units with private kitchens and bathrooms are in high demand and will not be available for all applicants. If you do not transfer to a new room you will be given higher priority for a transfer in subsequent semesters.
Have any changes been made to the Housing Contract?
Any changes are detailed on the first page of the Renewal/Vacate Process.
To submit your Renewal/Vacate decision please follow the instructions below:
- Log into the TC Housing Portal
- Click on Renewal/Vacate Process at the top
Contract Info
The Housing Contract is a legal contract that provides you housing until the end of the spring semester (mid-May), regardless of which semester you move in. It is expected that the resident reads the Housing Contract in its entirety before signing. It is also expected residents will reside in their assigned space for the duration of the contract period.
To view a copy of your contract or request to make changes, login to our Housing Portal and click on Manage My Housing. While there, you will be able to:
- See info about your housing (contract end date, room rate, address)
- View your housing contract
- Submit a lock change request
- Update affiliate & pet information (families only)
- See suitemate name & e-mail (suites & shares only)
- Provide mail forwarding info when you move out (New Res & Whittier only)
- Submit a Vacate Notification Form
- Submit a room transfer request
Residents are liable for the semester housing charges up until the termination date specified in the Housing Contract, unless the Office of Residential Services terminates the contract earlier.
Resident may terminate Contract prior to the Termination Date only for the following reasons:
- Resident withdraws or is withdrawn
- Resident is granted a leave of absence
- Resident graduates
Request to terminate Contract includes submitting a Vacate Notification Form (VNF) by the specified due date in the contract.
In order to accommodate those residents who are unable to submit the VNF by the appropriate deadline, we have instituted a Cancellation Fee on the following schedule:
Submission of Form | Cancellation Fee |
1 - 7 days after the deadline | $250 |
8 - 14 days after the deadline | $500 |
15 or more days after the deadline | $750 |
In addition, our office reserves the right to hold residents financially responsible through the termination date of the housing contract if a VNF is not submitted by the deadline.
Occupancy beyond the indicated vacate dates, if approved, will result in a daily charge:
Single, Suite - Whittier Hall | $75 |
Two and three bedroom shares - Whittier Hall & Bancroft Hall | $80 |
Small & medium studios and efficiencies - Whittier Hall & New Residence Hall | $100 |
Large studios - Whittier Hall & New Residence Hall | $110 |
One bedrooms - Whittier Hall, Bancroft Hall, Grant & Sarasota Halls | $120 |
Two bedroom family apartments - Bancroft Hall | $135 |
Note: Extensions at the end of the spring term (non-graduating residents) and at the end of Summer B are very unlikely. Extensions at other vacate times are granted on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed.
Applying for Housing
- In order to apply for student housing you must be admitted to a Teachers College degree program
- You can submit an application before you accept your admissions offer or pay your tuition deposit
Living in Housing
There are three eligibility checks that happen before housing offers are sent: academic, holds, and length of residency.
- In order to be eligible to live in student housing, resident must be fully admitted to a Teachers College degree program
- Resident must be enrolled and registered for a minimum of 1 credit or full-time equivalent each fall and spring semester
- Class registration is checked after the add/drop deadline each semester
- Full-time employees of Teachers College are not eligible for on-campus housing
- Housing holds or any holds that block course registration will prevent a housing offer
Length of Residency
- A Resident may remain in housing for a maximum of 6 years (72 months) during their entire enrollment at Teachers College
- Length of Residency may not be appealed to the Special Cases Committee when the Resident has not met the credit eligibility requirements
Renewing Housing Contract
Contract renewal happens each year in the spring and extends housing contracts for 1 year. At that time we check resident eligibility above in addition to the following:
- To renew a contract for an additional 12 months, residents must be enrolled in at least 12 credits or equivalent during the term of their contract (6 billable credits if contract starts in the spring).
Residents may request a room transfer online during two periods of the year: in November for a January move and during the Renewal/Vacate Process for a June move. Students will receive an e-mail when the transfer process is available.
If a resident is offered a transfer, they can accept or decline the offer. If a resident receives an offer and accepts, they will sign a new contract and be given instructions on how to move to the new unit in the future. If a resident receives an offer and declines, they will remain in their current unit for the remainder of their contract. If a resident does not receive a transfer offer, they will receive priority for transfer requests in future semesters.
Residents are limited to one room transfer per academic year. Transfer requests will be honored only if a resident's student account is up-to-date.
The Special Cases Committee (SCC) considers appeals submitted by residents who are requesting exception to a policy or procedure established by the Office of Residential Services. The purpose of the SCC is to provide residents an avenue to have their individual circumstances considered by a group of student service professionals who are outside of the Office of Residential Services.
The SCC is comprised of individuals representing several offices including International Student Services, the Office of Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities, Diversity and Community Affairs, Financial Aid, and the Registrar. The SCC is chaired by the Associate Director of Residential Services and Card Services. The SCC convenes on an as-needed basis and renders a decision after fully considering all of the submitted documentation. The decision is communicated to the resident in writing within five business days of the SCC meeting.
To submit an appeal to the SCC, please contact our office via e-mail.