Commuter Benefits

A Graduate School of Education, Health & Psychology

Commuter Benefits

  • Employees may purchase Metrocards, MetroNorth, LIRR, NJ Transit tickets, etc., as well as other related services like Uber and Lyft, through payroll deductions. This benefit can be used for you or your family’s commuting expenses.
  • Pre-tax deductions of up to $315 per family for transit and/or parking per month (The remainder of any commuting expense will be deducted post-tax).
  • Orders must be submitted by the first of the month to be effective the following month.
    • Example: order by June 1st to be effective July 1st.

To set-up commuter benefits:

  1. Go to the Wageworks Website or call at 877-924-3967 (M-F, 8am-8pm EST).
  2. As a first time user, create an account through the WageWorks website.
  3. Select the “Commuter” tab” > Manage My Accounts > Place Commuter Order.
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