Installation of Teachers College 11th President, Thomas Bailey
Friday, December 7, 2018
Investiture Ceremony
Watch the Inauguration of Thomas Bailey, Eleventh President of Teachers College, Columbia University
“Creating Pathways for All to Flourish”
Friday, December 7, 2018
Poem & Greetings
Watch selected scenes from the Investiture
Keynote Address
Eloy Oakley Chancellor, California Community Colleges
Remarks & Presentation of the Chain of Office
William D. Rueckert, Chair, Board of Trustees
Lee Bollinger, President, Columbia University
Judith Scott-Clayton, Associate Professor of Economics & Education
Leslie Morse Nelson, Vice Chair, Board of Trustees
Inauguration Address

By building a stronger and more effective Teachers College, we will strengthen our ability to build a stronger and more just world…and by truly marshaling our resources to achieve our broader social goals, we will become a stronger and more effective and sustainable institution.