
A Graduate School of Education, Health & Psychology


Regina Cortina

Regina Cortina

Professor of Education

Constanza Estefania Lafuente

Constanza Estefania Lafuente

Adjunct Associate Professor

Hope Leichter

Hope Leichter

Elbenwood Professor Emerita of Education

Nicholas Limerick

Nicholas Limerick

Associate Professor of Anthropology and Education

ITS Department Chair

Mary Mendenhall

Mary Mendenhall

Associate Professor of International and Comparative Education

Oren Pizmony-Levy

Oren Pizmony-Levy

Associate Professor of International and Comparative Education

Director of the Center for Sustainable Futures

Susan Garnett Russell

Susan Garnett Russell

Associate Professor of International and Comparative Education

Director, International and Comparative Education Program
Director, George Clement Bond Center for African Education

Gita Steiner-Khamsi

Gita Steiner-Khamsi

William Heard Kilpatrick Professor of Comparative Education

Carine Verschueren

Carine Verschueren

Adjunct Assistant Professor

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