About Us | Principles and Practices of Organization Development PPOD Program
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What is PPOD?
The Principles and Practices of Organization Development Program (PPOD) is a highly engaging learning experience that provides participants with core concepts and skills necessary for managing and leading change inside organizations and for consulting to organizations and teams. PPOD offers participants the opportunity to learn foundational theory and build applied skills throughout the course of the two weeklong sessions.
We believe the application of new knowledge and skills in the context of practical experience enhances participant learning and is consistent with current adult development research. As every participant arrives with different needs and preferred ways of learning, we provide a diverse array of learning opportunities (i.e., lecture, case study, practical exercises, and reflection time) geared toward individual development within a community of practice. We intend to create a diverse learning community characterized by openness, collaboration, and commitment to personal and collective development.
What Sets Us Apart?
- We understand that transforming people and organizations requires complex thinking and multi-faceted skills and we provide an environment to nurture both:
- We combine psychological and business principles to real-world organizational challenges
- Our program is rigorous, relevant, and grounded in evidence-based practice
- We offer an ideal forum for you to imagine, test and crystallize your own OD vision
- Reflection and self-assessment are built into our design to enhance individual identity development
- Facilitating a deep understanding of role and mission are embedded into our program
- Emphasis on individual, team and organizational learning from experienced professionals with decades of experience in consulting, applied research, reflective practice and the use of theoretically grounded frameworks
All participants receive a certificate of completion from Teachers College, Columbia University, where organization development has been taught for over four decades.
Please review the learning objectives, workshop schedule, and structure and design to learn more.
If you have any questions about PPOD, please contact Kopal Manglik, PPOD Coordinator, at PPOD@tc.columbia.edu.