Department Leadership and College Committees

Leadership - 2024 - 2025

Department Chairs

Faculty Elected Committees

The Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) consists of 20 members, one representative from each of the ten departments, two lecturers and the chair of each of three subcommittees. The chairs of the Subcommittees are selected in the Fall. Representatives for the FEC and all FEC subcommittees are elected by the faculty for two-year terms. The FEC is broken down into 4 subcommittees, one of which, the Subcommittee on the Academic Program, is composed of the 10 department representatives to the FEC. An elected member of the FEC chairs the other subcommittees; subcommittee membership is supplemented by other faculty as interest, expertise, and willingness to serve permit. The FEC acts between meetings of the Faculty to exercise those powers delegated to the Faculty by the Statutes and other documents of the College. In addition to those written in the Statutes, the FEC makes recommendations with the Department Chairs to the Provost and Dean of the College for new faculty positions.

  • FEC Chair - Patrick Schmidt (2024- 2027)
  • A&H Department Representative -  Patrick Schmidt (2023-2025)
  • BBS Department Representative -   Peter Gordon (2024-2026) 
  • CCP Department Representative -  Melanie Brewster (2024-2026)
  • C&T Department Representative - Bettina Love (2023-2025)
  • EPSA Department Representative - Judith Scott-Clayton (2024-2026)
  • HAEP Department Representative - Benjamin Lovett (2024-2025)
  • HUD Department Representative - Tyler Watts(2024-2026)
  • ITS Department Representative -  Gita Steiner-Khamsi (2024-2026)
  • MST Department Representative - Ioana Literat (2024-2026)
  • ORL Department Representative - Elissa Perry (2023-2025)
  • Lecturer Representative -  Jessica Riccio (2024-2026)
  • Lecturer Representative - Adele Bruni Ashley (2024-2026)

Subcommittee on Academic Personnel Elected Representative -  Pamela Koch

Subcommittee on Budget, Planning and Priorities Elected Representative - Sandra Schmidt

Subcommittee on Race, Culture, and Diversity Elected Representative - Ezekiel Dixon-Roman

The Subcommittee on the Academic Program is composed of the 10 department representatives to the FEC.  The focus of the Subcommittee on the Academic Program centers around policies and practices designed to develop the academic program of Teachers College, including attention both to the instructional program and to academic activities related to research, demonstration, and service.  The Subcommittee reviews and assesses the development and implementation of program priorities, and makes recommendations to the Faculty Executive Committee and to the Provost regarding program changes as they may be developed within the various units of the College.  The Subcommittee also evaluates and approves new course proposals in conjunction with the Office of the Vice Provost.


A&H Department Representative - Patrick Schmidt (2023-2025) 

BBS Department Representative - Peter Gordon (2022-2025) - Chair

CCP Department Representative - Melanie Brewster (2024-2026)

C&T Department Representative - Bettina Love (2023-2025)

EPSA Department Representative - Judith Scott-Clayton (2024-2026)

HBS Department Representative - Benjamin Lovett (2022-2024)

HUD Department Representative -  Tyler Watts (2024–2026)

ITS Department Representative - Gita Steiner-Khamsi (2024–2026)

MST Department Representative - Ioana Literat (2024-2026) 

O&L Department Representative - Elissa Perry (2023-2025)

The Subcommittee on Academic Personnel represents the Faculty in matters pertaining to the formulation and implementation of personnel policies and practices.  Among its concerns are policies regarding the recruitment, hiring, promotion, and tenure of professional, adjunct, and instructional staff, as well as working conditions and support services.


Pamela Koch 2023-2025)) - Chair

Olga Hubard Orvananos (2023-2025)

Michelle Troche (2024-2026)


The Subcommittee on Budget, Planning and Priorities serves in an advisory role to the President, Provost, and Vice President for Finance and Operations in matters pertaining to the College’s budget. The Subcommittee also serves as a conduit for calling to the attention of the administration budgetary issues of concern to the Faculty and also for providing information to the Faculty regarding the College’s budget and overall financial position. The Subcommittee represents the interests of the Faculty in the budgetary process. It educates the Faculty about College policies and procedures for developing budgets and making resource allocation decisions that are within the mission and values of the College. 


Sandra Schmidt (2022-2024) - Chair 

Patricia Hewlin (2024-2026)

Chia-Yi Chiu (2024-2026)


The Subcommittee on Race, Culture, and Diversity seeks to identify and implement mechanisms for furthering discussions and recommending policy related to race, culture, and diversity at Teachers College and in the broader society.


Ezekiel Dixon-Roman (2023-2025)  - Chair

Mark Gooden (2024-2026)

Beth Rubin (2024-2026)

The Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) is structured to be representative of Faculty by rank and is composed of two Full Professors, two Associate Professors, and two Assistant Professors elected for terms of three years by colleagues of the same rank.  The FAC is charged with the responsibility of assisting the President and the Provost in locating, discussing, and adjusting problems of relationships of organizational functioning affecting academic appointees which, for any reason, cannot be satisfactorily disposed of within their regular administrative channels. The Committee also provides a hearing on request of any member of the academic staff. The Committee elects its own chairperson by October 1.

Full Professors
Chuck Basch (2022-2025)
Carol Garber (2022-2025)
Associate Professors
Mary Mendenhall (2022-2025)
Daniel Friedrich (2024-2027)
Assistant Professors: 
Na Lor (2023-2026)
Sonya Troller-Refree (2024-2027)

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Executive Committee, Columbia University concerns itself with all matters of policy and procedures affecting the faculty, staff, and students of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.  Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, approving proposed changes in the requirements, regulations and procedures of the Graduate School; nominating membership to faculty and officers to committees; and the reviewing of school admission requirements, approving those students deemed eligible, and granting financial aid, teaching and research awards, and degrees as applicable.  Faculty members from Teachers College are elected for a three-year term.

Victoria Marsick (2023-2026)

The Standing Committee on Appointment to Tenure is composed of 8 tenured faculty members; 4 elected members serving three-year terms and 2 appointed members and 2 alternate members, also appointed, serving one-year terms.  In addition, there will be at least 1 tenured professor selected by the Provost to serve on an ad hoc basis from a list of four tenured professors in the College nominated by the candidate as persons who know the candidate's work and whom the candidate considers particularly competent to judge that work.  The committee works with the President, Provost, and Vice Provost in reviewing, discussing, and determining tenured appointments of eligible Faculty.

Ericka Levy (2022 - 2025)
Sonali Rajan (2022 - 2025)
Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz (2024-2027)
Hansun Waring (2024-2027)

Nathan Holbert, Appointed member (2024-2025) 
Helen Verdeli, Appointed member (2024-2025) 
Oren Pizmony-Levy, Alternate member (2024-2025) 
Haeny Yoon, Alternate member (2024-2025)

The Standing Committee on Promotion to the Rank of Full Professor is composed of 5 tenured, full faculty members; 3 elected members serving three-year terms and 1 appointed member and 1 alternate member, also appointed, serving a one-year term.  In addition, there will be at least 1 tenured, full professor selected by the Provost to serve on an ad hoc basis from a list of 4 tenured, full professors in the College nominated by the candidate as persons who know the candidate's work and whom the candidate considers particularly competent to judge that work.  The Committee works with the President, Provost, and Vice Provost in reviewing, discussing, and determining full appointments of eligible faculty.

George Bonanno (2022-2025)
Andrew Gordon (2022-2025)
ZhaoHong Han (2024-2027)
Victoria Marsick (Appointed)  (2024-2025) 

Christopher Emdin, (Alternate member) (2024-25) 

The University Senate, Columbia University meets at Columbia University and is composed of members from all constituencies of the University, including 2 tenured faculty members who serve as representatives from Teachers College elected to serve two-year terms.  The Senate considers matters that are of University-wide concern, affect more than one faculty member or school, or pertain to affiliation agreements with other institutions.  The duties of the Senate include but are not limited to, reviewing the educational policies, physical development, budget, and external relations of the University; as well as overseeing the academic freedom of the Faculty and the welfare of the students.  Elected TC Senators must attend all  meetings of the Senate committee(s) to which he/she is assigned, attend all Senate plenary sessions, and provide timely updates to the College leadership of Senate discussions and decisions, usually through meeting agendas and minutes, whenever matters of a meeting concern Teachers College.

For more information on the composition and duties of the University Senate, please visit the website


Lalitha Vasudevan (2023-2025)
Oren Pizmony-Levy (2024-2026)

The Committee for Community and Diversity (CCD) is a College-wide constituency work group including 1) four Faculty representatives elected from the Faculty Executive Committee, Departmental Chairs, untenured and at-large respectively; 2) three Professional Staff representatives from the Professional Staff Association, Management Network and at-large respectively; 3) three Union representatives; 4) five student representatives from the Student Senate; 5) three administration representatives including the President and the Provost; 6) one representative from the Office of Disabilities; and, 7) two at-large representatives appointed by the Chair of the Committee for Community and Diversity as deemed necessary with notice to the Committee.  All members have a one year term.  Each of the above constituents shall develop their own mechanism to select their members for appointment to the Committee for Community and Diversity.  Reappointment shall be determined by the constituent group.  The purpose of the Committee for Community and Diversity shall be generally to advise the President on and promote and engage all constituents in College-wide diversity, community-building and civility projects and concerns.  The Committee shall not act as ombudsperson for individual concerns.  The Committee shall consult widely, inviting and receiving comments and suggestions from all sectors of the College on diversity, community and civility concerns and initiatives.


Mark Gooden (2024-2025)
Beth Rubin  (2024-2025)

Faculty Appointed Committees

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) meets once or twice per month to review all human subject research conducted by faculty, staff, and students, regardless of the location of the research activity, source of funding, and whether the research is exempt under the Code of Federal Regulations for Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR 46).  The IRB reviews research in accordance with the current Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) regulations.  The main purpose of the IRB is to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects who take part in research.

Karen Froud, Chair 
Maria Brassard 
Melenie Brewster 
Sandra Cheiten 
Catherine Delazzero 
Myra Luna-Lucero 

The Campus Safety Advisory Committee empaneled by the President of the College, addresses environmental, health, safety and security issues for Teachers College.  The Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the College and offers reports and recommendations to the College’s administration.  The Committee is chaired by the Assistant Vice-President of Public Safety.  The Committee makes recommendations for corrective or preventive actions which are forwarded to appropriate College offices for action.   Committee membership is made up of 1/3 students, 1/3 faculty and 1/3 administrative staff.

Daniel Fienup
Davinia Gregory
Megan Laverty


This Committee reviews proposals for two student grant programs including the Dean's Grant for Student Research and the Walter Sindlinger Writing Award.  Typically, the committee reviews 5-15 proposals and meets one time (per grant) to select awardees.

John Allegrante
Laura Azzarito
Matthew Henley
Ellen Meir
Elizabeth Rosenzweig
Garnett Russell
Tyler Watts
Jeff Young

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