Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

A Graduate School of Education, Health & Psychology

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

VAWA Amendments to the Clery Act

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Amendments to the Clery Act were first enacted in 2013 as part of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act. These amendments significantly expanded the scope of the Clery Act to include new reporting and prevention requirements for colleges and universities that receive federal funding.

Key Changes and Requirements:

  1. Expanded Reporting of Crime Statistics
    • Institutions must collect and report data on four additional categories of crimes:
      • Domestic violence
      • Dating violence
      • Stalking
      • Sexual assault (already part of Clery reporting but reinforced by VAWA)
    • These crimes are included in the annual security report alongside other Clery Act crimes.
  2. Enhanced Victim Rights and Support
    • Colleges are required to provide written notification to victims about their rights, including:
      • Access to counseling, health, mental health, legal assistance, and victim advocacy services.
      • Options for changing academic, living, transportation, and working situations to ensure safety.
  3. Preventative Education Programs
    • Institutions must implement primary prevention and awareness programs for all incoming students and employees. These programs should:
      • Define and discuss consent.
      • Address risk reduction and bystander intervention.
      • Promote awareness of the crimes outlined in the amendments.
  4. Policies and Procedures
    • Schools must adopt and disclose policies on how they will respond to incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault.
    • This includes clear procedures for disciplinary actions and ensuring that proceedings are prompt, fair, and impartial.
  5. Clery Act Compliance
    • Institutions must document compliance with VAWA amendments as part of their broader adherence to the Clery Act.

Purpose and Impact:

The VAWA amendments aim to create safer campus environments by increasing transparency, supporting survivors, and fostering a culture of prevention and accountability. These provisions strengthen institutional responsibilities and empower victims through enhanced resources and protections.

Please see TC’s Title IX compliance webpage for more information and resources.

The University’s full policy and procedure on Gender-Based Misconduct and Title IX can be found here.

Please contact the Office of Public Safety at (212) 678-3111 if you have any questions or concerns about your responsibilities under this law.


For general information about the Violence Against Women Act, visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

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