Request a Transcript
Transcript Request
Official Electronic Transcripts (please scroll down for hard-copy transcript ordering)
Official electronic transcripts (e-transcripts) are delivered to your intended recipient as an emailed link to a secure service, eScrip-Safe. Upon authentication, the recipient will access your official e-transcript in a secure PDF along with TC’s transcript definitions. The same course and degree information that currently appears on your official printed transcript will appear on your e-transcript. You will receive email confirmations from eScrip-Safe when the transcript is sent to the recipient and when it is accessed.
- Students and alumni who attended TC courses prior to Autumn 1989 must request a hard copy transcript. This includes students who started TC before Autumn 1989 and continued beyond that term. All or part of the transcript is not available electronically and requires additional processing by the Transcript Office. We apologize for this inconvenience.
- E-transcripts ordered using the myTC portal are not delivered immediately, but are run on a 30-minute cycle between 6:20am and 11:50pm EST. Transcripts cannot be delivered overnight due to regular system back-ups and maintenance. Any transcript requested via the MyTC portal between 11:50pm and 6:15am EST will be delivered at 6:20am. Please keep this in mind when submitting your request. PLEASE NOTE: E-transcripts ordered using a Request Form are subject to longer processing times, as these requests are entered manually during normal business hours (M-F 9am-5pm).
- E-transcripts are only official for the intended recipient as supplied by you; TC cannot verify the authenticity of an e-transcript forwarded on to a third party by you or by the original recipient.
- Please be sure to check with your intended recipient that s/he will accept an e-transcript before making a request. For example, many schools will accept e-transcripts in support of an application, though the New York State Education Department requires hard copy transcripts and will not accept e-transcripts.
- Your e-transcript reflects your current degree and course history at TC. We are unable to verify that a degree will be conferred on a future date on an e-transcript. For this service, please request a hard copy transcript using the Request Form.
- The e-transcript request tool cannot accept email addresses longer than 30 characters. If the intended address cannot fit completely in the box labeled "recipient email", the transcript will not be sent. Please either use a shorter alternate address or request a hard copy transcript. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Ordering e-Transcripts using the myTC Portal:
To submit an online request, log into myTC, then click on the Student Resources tab. Locate the box entitled Enrollment & Student Services, then click on the Student Records link. On the next page, click on Request Electronic Transcript, then follow the prompts to submit your request. If you are unable to locate either the Enrollment & Student Services box or the Student Records link in MyTC, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (212) 678-4071 during normal business hours.
Ordering e-Transcripts with a Request Form:
If you are unable to log into the myTC portal, or if you wish to hold a transcript for grades, you may request an electronic transcript using the Request Form. In lieu of a mailing address, please provide the recipient’s name and email address, as well as your email address for confirmation. Please note that requests submitted using the request form are handled during regular operating hours (M-F 9am-5pm), so please anticipate extended processing times. Request forms submitted over a weekend or during a holiday closure will be processed at our earliest opportunity when the office reopens for business.
Please be sure to sign your request form or it will not be processed. Please scroll to the bottom of the page for instructions on how to deliver the completed form to our office.
Hard Copy Transcript Ordering
Hard Copy Transcript Ordering using the myTC Portal:
IMPORTANT: to use this service, you must have an active UNI and password. Students and alumni who attended TC prior to Autumn 1989 must use the traditional request form.
To submit an online request, log into myTC, then click on the TC Services tab. Locate the box entitled Enrollment & Student Services, then click on the Student Records link. On the next page, click on Request Printed Transcripts, then follow the prompts to submit your request. Please contact our office at (212) 678-4071 if you are logged into the portal but cannot find the links listed above.
Note: In the "Issued To" field, please enter the recipient's name only. You will be prompted for the recipient's mailing address on the following screen.
All transcripts requested using this tool will come in individually sealed envelopes, and will be mailed to the address provided. Our regular processing time of 3-8 business days applies to online requests. Like traditional transcript requests, a confirmation receipt will be mailed to your address of record at the same time your transcript is posted.
If you wish to pick up transcripts in person, or request a hold for grades or verification that your degree will be awarded on a future conferral date, please use the Request Form and process detailed below. Please also use the request form if you have any additional materials to include with the transcript (i.e., applications for licensure, law/medical school application cover sheets, etc.).
You are limited to a maximum of ten (10) transcript copies per business day.
Hard Copy Transcript Ordering with a Request Form:
Please be sure to include your name (and any changes to your name since you were a student at TC), your dates of attendance and/or date of graduation, your student ID number if known, and the address(es) to which the transcript(s) should be mailed. Please do not enter your social security on the form; if you do not recall your TC ID number or UNI, you may leave the field(s) blank.
All requests must include a student’s handwritten signature. Please allow 3-8 business days for hard copy transcripts to be processed. Allow additional time at the end of the term when final grades are being posted or for special requests, including the completion of additional forms or verification of completion of degree requirements.
TC will not fax transcripts to you or a third party.
All students will be expected to present either a TC photo ID card or government-issued photo ID when collecting transcripts in person. Transcripts will not be released without first checking identification.
If you are designating a third party to collect your transcript in person on your behalf, please include a letter of authorization with your completed request form at the time of your request. The letter must include the individual's name and your handwritten signature. Anyone collecting transcripts in person will be expected to present photo identification.
Teachers College does not charge a per-copy transcript fee. Instead, the school charges a flat, one-time-only fee of $35 to current students, which covers the standard costs of transcript processing for life. For current students, this fee appeared on your first tuition bill.
There is no charge for transcripts for alumni, prior attendees, or inactive students. Please do not submit payment with your request as it will only be returned to you.
You are limited to a maximum of ten (10) transcript copies per business day.
Where to Send Your Completed Form:
Submit your transcript request by mail to:
Transcript Office, Box 311
Teachers College, Columbia University
525 West 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
By fax to: (212) 678-4071
By email to: A scanned image of a signed transcript request form must accompany the message. We will not process transcript requests without a student's handwritten signature. Please include your last name in the subject line of your email.
Please note that you do not need to request to have your TC transcript sent to the TC Admissions Office in support of an application to another TC program. The Admissions Office will already have access to your academic record.
The TC Registrar's Office does not provide an apostille. Students requiring an apostille should review the New York Department of State website for more information.
Please direct any questions to the transcript office at 212-678-4071.