How to File for a Masters Degree or Advanced Certificate

A Graduate School of Education, Health & Psychology

How to Apply for a Masters Degree or Advanced Certificate Graduation

I. When to Apply for Masters Degree or Advanced Certificate Graduation?

Graduation Application Deadline

Deadline to Complete Program Requirements (Including Final Projects/Exams)

Conferral Month

August 1

September 1


November 1

January 2


February 1

April 30


*As September 1st falls during a weekend this year, please be advised that the deadline to complete program requirements for October 2024 graduation will be September 3rd, 2024. 

II. How to Apply for Masters Degree or Advanced Certificate Graduation?

*As of May 21, 2020, graduation applications are no longer accepted via email or hard copy.

  1. Meet with your advisor to go over your Degree Audit and ensure you are on track to graduate. Your degree audit will show you which requirements you have met (using green checks). Red "X" marks indicate non-completion of a requirement. Audits with red "X" marks can still file for the degree if requirements will be met by the deadline stated in section I. 
  2. Login to myTC portal
  3. Click on Student Resources
  4. In the Student Profile menu click on Apply to Graduate
  5. Follow the prompts to apply.

You can find detailed instructions on how to apply using the online portal here.

Please Note: En passant degrees are not added automatically and must be applied for just like any other Masters degree. Please consult with your academic advisor who can either add your degree to your degree audit, or they can ask the Office of the Registrar to assist.

III. Degree Audit Process

The degree audit process is lengthy as each audit is reviewed individually.  

  • Once the semester has ended and grades are entered, a review of each applicant's Degree Audit is performed to check for 100% completion. Degree Audits must reflect 100% completion with all grades submitted, in order to be cleared for graduation. Students whose degree audits show deficiencies must work with their advisor, program faculty/staff, Registrar, and/or the Office of Teacher Education (if pursuing teacher certification) for assistance in getting their degree audit updated where applicable.
  • Masters students must also have active registration during their final semester prior to conferral, in order to graduate. If no further coursework is needed, Masters students must enroll in IND 4000 in order to be considered an active student in the semester prior to graduation. A graduation hold will be placed on any student's account who is not actively registered during the semester prior to conferral until their registration can be resolved.
  • Confirmation emails are sent verifying the degree has been awarded to those who have completed all requirements. 

Please Note: Students admitted in a Teacher Education program as of Autumn 2016 and after must complete the General Liberal Arts & Science, Content Core and workshop requirements in addition to curricular requirements as outlined by the program in order for the degree(s) to be awarded.


IV. Convocation

ONLY ONE University-wide Commencement ceremony is held each year in May.  All students who have applied for or earned a degree for that academic year will receive information in mid-March. Commencement is for all Columbia University students while Convocation is for TC candidates and graduates only. Only degree-seeking students are eligible to particpate in the Commencement and Convocation ceremonies (not certificate program students). Refer to the following link for more information:

Please also make sure your address is updated with our office to receive this important information.

Please Note: Participation in the commencement and convocation ceremonies is not an indication that a student's degree has been formally awarded. Students' academic records and transcripts will be updated to reflect formal award as of the applicable conferral date, if a student has been cleared to graduate.


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