Funding Agency Announcements




In spring 2024, The NIH announced that changes are coming to NIH Applications and Peer Review in 2025. These changes include updates to the peer review and submission of most research project grants, fellowships, and training grants; Common Forms for NIH biographical sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support; updated instructions for reference letters; and the transition to FORMS-I application instructions.


NCES is now accepting proposals for presentations at the NCES Data Users Conference (DUC). The event is virtual and will take place on February 11-13, 2025. The window for proposal submissions is open and will close on Sunday, December 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM ET.

The DUC will bring together data users, members of the research community, and policy makers to share research and findings that use NCES’s data sets, and to discuss strategies for analysis, data linking, data visualization, and reporting and applying federal statistics. All sessions will be live. Presenters will have 30 minutes to present their work and an additional 15 minutes for Q&A. Sessions will be recorded and will be available at a later date on NCES’s website.

Each day of the DUC will focus on a unique theme. Themes and dates are:

Identifying and Closing Learning and Achievement Gaps (February 11)

How are the Pre-K, K – 12, and Postsecondary Landscapes Changing? (February 12)

Expanding Awareness and Use of Socio-Spatial Data, Data for Rural Areas, and Blended Data to Improve Understanding of Underrepresented Groups (February 13)

To access the Call for Proposals and for additional information, visit the conference website. 

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