Call for Proposals
Procedures for Submitting Proposals
The proposal submission deadline of Friday, October 30, 2015 has passed.*
In addition to this year's conference theme, "Cultural Competence in the Digital World; Trending #Apps, #Games, and #SocialMedia", other timely topics were welcomed for consideration in the conference program. Proposals from advanced doctoral students and recent graduates are encouraged.
1. Proposals must be submitted online.
2. Proposals sent via mail or email will be rejected.
3. Proposals for all categories of presentations should consist of an abstract (maximum 400 words).
1. PAPERS are 50 minute individual presentations.
2. SYMPOSIA are 50 minute sessions in which no more than four people may present.
3. WORKSHOPS are 2 and 3 hour programs designed to provide participants with practical experience and specific skills (Please be sure to indicate how long your workshop will be, within your proposal.)
5. ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS are 1 hour dialogues about a broad theme of cultural relevance in psychology and education. Each theme consists of smaller discussion groups that address various sub-themes pertaining to the general theme. There should be no more than four sub-themes proposed for each general theme. In addition, no more than four people may be involved in facilitating discussions for one particular general theme.
1. A clear outline of the major ideas to be presented. For roundtable discussions, this outline should include information about the general theme, as well as the sub-themes that will serve as topics for discussion (maximum 400 words)
2. A summary of the research methodology, in the case of an empirical study.
3. A brief summary of the findings, in the case of an empirical study.
(Please begin the subject line with "proposal submission".)
Telephone: (646) 239 - 3272
*All deadlines are at 11:59 p.m. EDT of the specified day.