Spiritual Life Conference Description


Spiritual Life Conference Description

The Spirituality Mind Body Institute (SMBI) at Teachers College, Columbia University is hosting its Second Annual National Spiritual Life Conference: Spiritual Activism in Daily Life – Personal and Professional Development on June 18th 2016. This groundbreaking conference will explore the intersection of science, psychology and education, integrating spiritual activism in daily life through practice guided by wisdom and science.

The Spiritual Life Conference: Spiritual Activism in Daily Life – Personal and Professional Development serves as a bridge between science, academia and the diverse worldwide community to address the needs of a rapidly changing world, with a cutting-edge, global spiritual platform that brings together scientists, educators, healers and spiritual leaders to inspire conversations that foster social connectedness and inclusive solutions to contribute to the higher good of the whole.

The keynote speakers will be Lisa Miller, PhD and Bob Roth. As a pioneer in the field of spirituality and science, Lisa Miller, PhD, the Professor of Psychology and Education, Director of the Clinical Psychology Program at Columbia University's Teachers College, and founder and Executive Director of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute. She is the best-selling author of "The Spiritual Child," in which Dr. Miller presents the next big idea in psychology: the science and the power of spirituality. She explains the link between spirituality and health with over a decade of research on the impact of religion and spirituality. Bob Roth is one of the most experienced and sought-after meditation teachers in America. Over the past 40 years, Bob has taught Transcendental Meditation to many thousands of people and authored an authoritative book on the subject, fittingly entitled, Transcendental Meditation, which has been translated into 20 languages. Bob currently serves as the Executive Director of the David Lynch Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity which has brought meditation to over 500,000 inner-city youth in underserved schools in 35 countries, to veterans and their families who suffer from post-traumatic stress, and women and children who are survivors of domestic violence. Bob also directs the Center for Leadership Performance, another nonprofit, which is bringing meditation to Fortune 100 companies, government organizations, and nonprofit charities. Bob is the host of the SiriusXM radio show, "Success Without Stress" and has spoken about meditation to industry leaders at such gatherings as Google Zeitgeist, Aspen Ideas Festival, Wisdom2.0, and Summit.

The conference will showcase a diverse array of experimental content and modalities developed by graduate students under supervision at the Spirituality Mind Body Institute’s Wellness Center, LEO (Learning, Evolving, Opening) at Teachers College, Columbia University. Participants will have the option of choosing two 90-minute workshops, all of which are designed to foster true spiritual awareness and self-exploration, within a rigorous academic context examining spirituality as a source of resilience in daily life and a gateway to personal fulfillment.

We invite you to join us for this landmark event.

This conference is dedicated to supporting mental health professionals, coaches, educators, parents, helping professionals, students, and activists.

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