Request Support & Make Referrals

A Graduate School of Education, Health & Psychology

TC CARES Support & Referrals

TC CARES (Connect, Assess, Respond, Educate, and Support) helps to address student concerns that may interfere with students being able to meet their aspirations and goals during their time at Teachers College.  If you know of someone or if you yourself could benefit from additional support and resources, please complete the TC CARES form below.


TC PUBLIC SAFETY at 212-678-3333 or NYPD at 911

Visit our "Emergency Support" page for more information. 

Request Non-Emergency Support & Make Referrals

Request Support

This form is appropriate for currently enrolled TC students requesting support for themselves. 

Make a Referral

This form is available to current TC faculty, staff and students who are concerned about a TC student and would like to refer them for support through TC CARES.


(New!) Drop-in Hours for Student Support

In an effort to best support the needs of our students, we're pleased to offer (new!) drop-in hours weekly on Tuesdays & Thursdays during select times*


11:30 am - 1:00 pm




3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Virtual - Join the Session

*Drop-in hours only offered during normal business days (not during College closures) and pending availability. 

Students should request support or be referred if they show signs of potential threat of harm to self or others, or if they show signs of academic distress, emotional distress, or financial or housing insecurity. When you submit a TC CARES form, you are informing the college that you have seen/heard something from or about a student that causes you to be significantly concerned about the student's health, well-being, safety, and/or academic success.

TC CARES utilizes a case management model, so that students have support during their time at Teachers College, as they navigate any challenges that are a roadblock to achieving their aspirations and goals.  

Once a TC CARES referral form is submitted the following steps will take place:
  • When a student submits a self-referral form, a CARES Team member will reach out via email during normal business hours and within 48 hours to set up a meeting to discuss the support needed.  Students will be connected to resources, referrals and/or other services, as appropriate.  

  • When a TC community member submits a student referral form, a CARES Team member will assess the information provided and determine if immediate outreach to the student is needed or if they will need to contact the community member making the referral for more information, this will take place during normal business hours and within 48 hours.  Other cases may be discussed at a CARES Team meeting to determine appropriate next steps. 

    • The student referred will be assigned a CARES Team Case Manager, who will contact the student and schedule an initial meeting.   Students are invited to an initial meeting, meetings are not mandatory, unless mandated.

    • The Case Manager will discuss a TC CARES Plan with the student that will include the best possible solutions/interventions/resolutions for their specific situation.  Evaluation of the TC CARES Plan will be done on a student-by-student basis and may be ongoing.

    • TC CARE PLAN may include:
      • Provide students with resources, referrals, and/or other support services, as appropriate.
      • Discuss any Leave of Absence process that may be in the students best interest.
      • On-going wellness checks and progress checks to assess if on-going support is needed.
      • Please be aware that in many instances the CARES Team will not be able to provide detailed follow-up information to the reporting person.  Information is shared on a need-to-know basis.

The CARES Team includes representatives from the following departments listed below and meet on a regular basis to communicate, consult, and coordinate regarding students of concern. 

CARES Team Members:

Student Support and Advocacy

Division of Student Affairs

Provost Office

Office of the Vice President for Diversity & Community Affairs

Office of International Students and Scholars

Graduate Student Life & Development

Public Safety

Registrar’s Office

Office of Residential Services

Office of Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities


**The CARES Team may also consult with support staff as needed, including but not limited to:  CU Health, Financial Aid, and the Bursar.


Be aware of the following indicators of distress.  Look for groupings, frequency, duration, and severity - not just isolated symptoms.

Academic Indicators
  • Sudden decline in quality of work and grades
  • Repeated absences
  • Disorganized performance
  • Multiple requests for extensions
  • Overly demanding of faculty’s or staff’s time and attention
  • Bizarre content in writings or presentations
  • You find yourself providing more personal than academic support
Physical Indicators
  • Marked changes in physical appearance (e.g., grooming or hygiene deterioration, weight loss/gain)
  • Excessive fatigue or sleep disturbance
  • Intoxication, hangovers, or smelling of alcohol
  • Disoriented or “out of it”
  • Garbled, tangential, disconnected, or slurred speech
  • Behavior is out of context or bizarre
  • Delusions and paranoia
Psychological Indicators
  • Self-disclosure of personal distress (e.g., family or financial problems, grief, suicidal thoughts)
  • Unusual/disproportionate emotional response to events
  • Excessive tearfulness or panic reactions
  • Irritability or unusual apathy
  • Verbal abuse (e.g., taunting, badgering, intimidation)
  • Concern from peers
Safety Risk Indicators
  • Unprovoked anger or hostility
  • Physical violence (e.g., shoving, grabbing, assault, use of weapons)
  • Implying or making direct threat to harm self or others
  • Academic assignments dominated by themes of extreme hopelessness, rage, worthlessness, isolation, despair, acting out, suicidal ideations/violent behaviors
  • Stalking or harassing
  • Communicating threats via email, correspondence, texting, or phone calls
Frequent Examples of Referable Concerning Behaviors
  • Unusual or erratic behavior in class, in the residence halls, during advising sessions, etc.
  • Extended absence from class or activities by a typically engaged student
  • Written work or creative expression with troubling themes or references
  • Verbal or written threats made by a student toward other students, faculty, and/or staff
  • Written or verbal expressions of suicidal ideation or intent
  • Other actions that cause an alarm or call into question the safety of the student or their peers
Additional Resource: California State University (CSL) Red Folder: Assisting Students in Distress
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