Dear TC Community:


We share the information below with heavy hearts and concern for all TC community members directly or indirectly impacted by the tragic wildfires in Southern California. This tragic disaster has forced tens of thousands of residents to evacuate, eviscerated people's homes, memories, and life savings, and tragically taken the lives of many.  An event like this has  far-reaching effects, and as always, We are  reminding our community that there are support services in place at the College. 


Further, as is always the case during these difficult times, many community members have expressed a desire to support the victims. We are sharing the links below for informational purposes only and are not endorsing the listed organizations. These resources are not an exhaustive list but may serve as a starting point for community members who would like to support. 


External Support Resources

  1. See: NY Times Article: How to Help Victims of the Southern California Wildfires 
  2. See: Red Cross helping in southern California as fire evacuees face overwhelming losses
  3. See: Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority: Resources To Support Those Affected By The L.A. Fires 


Teachers College and Columbia University Resources

  1. Students: Contact Student Support & Advocacy (SSA) by completing this contact form.
  2. Students: For emergency support, please email Student Affairs directly at 
  3. Students: please contact Columbia University's Counseling and Psychological Services for counseling and mental health support.
  4. Employees: Have access to counseling support through the Employee Assistance Program. 
  5. All TC community members can contact Columbia University's Office of Religious Life for religious and spiritual support. 


Thank you, 

Office of the Vice President for Diversity and Community Affairs.