Student Portal

A Graduate School of Education, Health & Psychology

New Student Portal


The new Student Portal is now Available!

TCIT, in collaboration with the Division of Enrollment & Student Success, is excited to introduce a new student portal. This portal connects students to a new and improved student support (“case management”) platform. 

This page provides information about the new features of the student portal and support system; guidance on how to navigate through the portal; and answers to questions you might have about the transition.


September 18, 2024: Student Portal Pilot Launch

October 16, 2024: General Release

February 15, 2025: Discontinue access to

Enhanced Features

What’s New For You?


Modern Look and Feel

Welcome to the new TC student portal! We’ve revamped the interface with a new look and feel. Now, the information and resources most crucial to navigating your Teachers College journey are easily accessible and prominently displayed.


Bookmark the Applications and Resources You Use Most

Your new portal allows you to bookmark the applications and resources you use frequently. This means quick access to the tools that matter most to you, saving you time and hassle.


Streamlined Registrar/Financial Aid Support and Form Submission

Your revamped portal comes equipped with a support ticket (“case management”) system, streamlining support requests and form submissions with TC’s Offices of Financial Aid and Registrar. Whether you need assistance, have a question, or want to submit paperwork, a case will be generated and assigned to a staff member ready to help you, and case activity will be tracked and visible to you.


The Information You Need - All in One Place

The new portal consolidates essential information into one centralized knowledge hub. From financial aid guidance to technology how-tos, everything you need is right here, organized and easy to find.


Meet Gracie, TC’s Chatbot

The new Student Portal comes equipped with a Chatbot, an AI-powered virtual assistant named Gracie. It is designed to provide students with answers to common questions and support for various academic and administrative tasks. 


New “Get Help” Section

TC has many administrative offices, and it can be difficult to know how to reach out to help from the right office. Our revamped portal includes buttons for support from each office. Whether you need tech support, financial aid guidance, library assistance, or public safety, you’ll find everything you need in one place, saving you time and frustration.


Dynamic Platform that Enables Growth and Improvement

The new portal is built on a new platform (“Salesforce Experience Cloud”) that is more flexible than the previous myTC portal. TC is committed to continuously improving the portal to ensure it fulfills the promise of serving as an intuitive, one-stop shop to empower its students to navigate their TC journey with confidence.

User Guide

Click on the icons to learn more

A Guide to the Portal

Designed with you in mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

TC took this opportunity to design a modernized and user-friendly interface, centralize essential resources, streamline support services, and provide a dynamic platform that evolves with your needs as a student. The platform that hosts the current myTC portal will not be supported by its vendor after 2024.

The portal will contain a link to the new portal, but we encourage you to bookmark the new student portal’s new URL:

The portal will be available and maintained through February 15, 2025.

Yes, there are two different portals now, each with its own URL. You can bookmark each separately, or navigate between portals.

No, alumni will not have access to the student portal. Alumni resources can be accessed at



No - you will continue to use your TC Single Sign-On credentials to log into the student portal.

The new portal allows you to bookmark frequently used applications and resources, so that they appear prominently on your portal home page when you log in. See this navigation video and ScreenSteps article for guidance on how to do this.

The Case Management System streamlines support requests and form submissions to the Financial Aid and the Registrar offices. When you submit a request or form, a case is automatically generated and assigned to a staff member for prompt assistance. You can track the progress of your case directly on the portal.

Students can create a case by sending an email, submitting a case via the student portal, by phone, or in-person when visiting the Offices of Enrollment on the 3rd Floor of Building 528.  

Typically students can expect a response to their inquiry within 3-5 business days with a resolution or guidance on additional student action items. If our staff determines that it may take longer to attain a resolution, students will be notified accordingly. 

The initial launch of the new student support system is a pilot limited to the Financial Aid and Registrar offices. Students can still email other offices directly or submit a case in the new system and select "Other." These requests will be routed to the Office of Enrollment Service for resolution or escalated to the appropriate office or individual.

Our student support staff will escalate your situation to the Office of Enrollment Service for more intensive support from an expert staff member.

Although we will do our best to avoid this from occurring, if you have not received any communication from our staff within 5 business days, please contact the Office of Enrollment Service at We will then tackle your situation and get it into the right hands! 

The student portal chatbot is an AI-powered virtual assistant designed to help students navigate the portal, answer common questions, and provide support for various academic and administrative tasks.

The chatbot can answer questions related to course registration, schedules, grades, financial aid, campus events,  and more. It is programmed to handle a wide range of inquiries and efficiently assist you. Please know that the “brain” that supports the Chatbot is TC’s knowledge base, which will be expanded significantly over the coming months. If your question is unanswerable after two failed attempts, you will be prompted to submit your inquiry to the appropriate office in the form of a case.

Yes, the chatbot is available 24/7, ensuring you can get assistance anytime, even outside of regular office hours.

Yes. Email requests to these offices will now automatically generate cases. But we encourage you to use the case management submission, which allows you to directly access forms and select your specific request type – this helps get your request to the appropriate resource more quickly.

Yes, the new student portal has been designed to be responsive to mobile devices.

Yes, TC will offer drop-in sessions this fall to help students learn how to maximize the features and benefits of the new portal. Watch your email for announcements and invitations to participate in these sessions.

Please report any issues to the TCIT Service Desk.

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