International Students
Your experience as an international student can be an important part of your career, and may influence how you explore your options, prepare your story, decide on opportunities, or approach your career goals. You may be wondering about what opportunities are available for you to pursue a career in the US or abroad. We’re here to help! TC NEXT is dedicated to providing information and resources that can support your career development. The below resources can help you answer questions regarding visas, evaluating potential employers, the job search, finding community, and more. For additional resources, use your TC credentials to access the Resource Library on the Career Resource Portal.
GoinGlobal is an online job board with jobs specifically outside the USA, grouped by country. It’s a useful service to expand your international job search. Log in with your TC credentials to access the job board.
Upwardly Global’s mission is to eliminate employment barriers for skilled immigrants and refugees, creating resources for them to integrate into the professional U.S. workforce. was founded in 2006 to help “foreign workers to concentrate their job searches on the employers who have sponsored H-1B visas in recent years.”
Forage Job Simulations provides a platform for companies to offer free workplace simulations to show prospective candidates what it's like to do the work in their industry & organization. With over 6 million students, 125+ companies, and over 250 job simulations on the platform, you'll have an opportunity to be exposed to the inner workings of the company, gain practical skills for your career targets, and earn a certificate that you can highlight on your resume & LinkedIn.
The Higher Ed Immigration Portal's New York Resources: The page for New York-Specific Data and Resources for Undocumented and DACA Students integrates student data, economic contributions, state policies, effective practices, and other resources to learn about and better support the state’s undocumented, other immigrant, and international students in higher education.
The Higher Ed Immigration Portal's Career Pathways Guide: This resource compilation provides materials, websites, recordings and presentations that are geared towards undocumented students looking to pursue alternative income generation opportunities and institutions looking to share resources with students on alternative income generation.
Dreamer Friendly Employer Guide: Visit this list of employers who signed a pro-DACA amicus brief or are TheDream.US employer partners.
Immigrants Rising Webinar on Career Options: This webinar provides context for those who want to understand and explore the career, income and funding options available to undocumented students and alumni who may not have work authorization.