The Provost's Grant for Conference Presentation & Professional Development
How to Apply
Students can apply in just three easy steps:
Note: The next round of applications will open on March 10, 2025 at 12:00 PM EST(noon) and close on March 14, 2025 at 11:59 AM EST (before noon). See the Application Deadlines for 2024-2025 section below to save a reminder to your Google calendar.
Check out our FAQs below. Should you have any further questions, Provost's Grant drop-in hours are available on Tuesdays from 1-2pm virtually, which you can access through the Career Resources Portal.
-Registered or matriculating student
-Have already attended the conference as a presenter or attendee
-Has all itemized copies of receipts proving registration, membership, printing, and travel costs only to the conference and return (excluding luxury travel, travel add-ons, food, and beverage) associated with presenting at or attending an academic or professional development conference
Students must be in good academic, financial, and judicial standing with the University. Full-time employees of the College are not eligible for this award.
Students MUST BE registered for the Academic Year in which they are attending, presenting, and requesting reimbursement.
- Students can receive funding only once per Academic Year.
- If you are a continuing student and attending or presenting during Winter academic recess, please submit your request for reimbursement during the Spring term. If you are attending or presenting during the Summer but not taking summer classes, please submit your request for reimbursement during the Fall term. If you are a continuing student, and attending or presenting during the Summer and not registered for a summer class, please submit your request for reimbursement during the Fall term.
- Students are eligible to apply for the Provost’s Grant for up to 1 semester beyond the conference date.
- May - December 2024 conferences can be applied during the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters
- January - April 2025 conferences can be applied during the Spring 2025 and Fall 2025 semesters
- Students cannot apply in advance of their conference and receive funding preemptively. All requests will be honored as a reimbursement, pending all necessary documentation.
- Students MUST BE registered (at least 1-credit COE or 8900-level) for the term in which they are presenting and seeking reimbursement
** Conference dates MUST precede Commencement/degree conferral; students who have received degree conferral are no longer eligible for financial stipends.**
Students must be in good academic, financial, and judicial standing with the University. Full-time employees of the College are not eligible for this award, or any other financial stipend offered through TC NEXT or the Office of Graduate Student Life & Development.
Students will be awarded on a first-come first-serve basis in the order that the application was received as funding allows.
Application open periods are as follows. Click any of the links below to save to your calendar (a reminder will be generated at the time of opening). The applications will open on the first day of the open period at 12:00 pm EST (noon) and close on the last day of the open period at 11:59 am EST (before noon):
All applications must be complete with no missing documents to be considered during an open period. Disqualified students have an opportunity to re-apply during the next open period of the academic year with a completed application.
- Can I apply in advance before my conference?
Under no circumstance will applicants be awarded in advance; this grant is set up in the form of reimbursement. - Can I apply for the grant multiple times a semester? Or is it once a semester?
One funding per Academic Year. While students can apply the next opening period if they were initially disqualified due to incomplete application, students can only be awarded once per Academic Year. - How quickly will I get my money?
It may take several weeks for the funds to reach your account. Once your application is approved the money is dispensed through the Bursar’s Office. - What happens if I submit an incomplete application?
Your application will be disqualified. You can re-apply during the next open application period with a fully complete application and documents. - What if I purchase things in international currency?
You will be reimbursed for the amount converted into US Dollars based on the exchange rate at the time of travel. Please include the converted amount and the conversion rate at the time of travel in your application. - Can I be reimbursed for first-class travel?
No, the Provost's Grant cannot be used to reimburse first-class, business class, baggage fees, insurance, and other add-ons. - How long do I wait before emailing TC about this grant status updates?
Applications are reviewed after each open application period, so please understand that you will not receive the funding immediately. Responses will typically be answered within the business week. TC NEXT services students with individual appointments, workshops, and other functions so we thank you for your patience in understanding that this grant is one of the many facets of our office. - Can I submit bills for food and drink?
No, the Provost's Grant cannot be used to reimburse for food and drink. - Can I be registered for 0 credits and still receive the funds?
No, students must be registered for at least 1-credit, COE or 8900-level in order to be eligible for the grant. - What happens if I attended a conference when I wasn’t a registered student but wanted to submit an application?
Students can submit when they are next enrolled if the conference occurred while the student was matriculated at TC. - Can you backdate the grant funds?
No, the Provost's Grant cannot be backdated. - Can I use the Provost’s Grant award to pay for a software (or service) that I used at the conference I presented in?
No, the Provost's Grant cannot be used to pay for software used for conference presentations. - If I applied for the grant right before I graduated can I still receive the money?
If you applied before the deadline with a completed application, you should qualify. If your application is incomplete, unfortunately, you will not be able to receive the grant. - I have a shared accommodation, how do I include the information in my application? Provost’s Grant will only reimburse your portion of the accommodation. Please have receipts of your portion paid for the accommodation included in the application.
- What is the value/monetary sum of the award?
Students who presented are awarded up to $500, and students who attended are awarded up to $250.
Isabella Bartels, Curriculum & Teaching
Presented “Productive Metaphors: Narratives of Border Crossings in Immigrant Youth College Application Essays” at the Comparative International Education Society Conference
Judy DeRosier, Social Studies Education
Presented “I am...(un)mothering my Black identities: An autoethnography of an Afro-Caribbean immigrant woman” at the Association of Caribbean Women Writers & Scholars Conference
Kelly Frantz, Applied Linguistics
Presented “I’m very confused my friend: A study of writing consultant strategies for locating reader trouble” at the American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference
Arabella Nadila, Economics and Education
Presented “Targeted College Tuition Relief and Student Success: Evidence from Indonesia” at the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Conference