Interested in Research?
If you are interested in participating in our research or learning more, please feel free to contact us via phone or email:
Phone: (212) 678-3072
You can also reach us by clicking the following link: UAD Lab Contact Form
Rehabilitation of Airway Protection in Parkinson's Disease: Comparing In-Person and Telehealth Service Delivery Models
We are recruiting individuals with Parkinson's Disease for a treatment study aimed to improve swallowing and coughing function (dysphagia and dystussia) in the short- and long-term. We want to know whether doing the treatment by telehealth (video visit) is as good as in-person. Some people will complete treatment in-person and others via telehealth (video visit).
Who Is This Study For? People with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.
What Will I Need To Do To Participate? You will receive free evaluations of swallowing and cough - and if you qualify, free treatment for your swallowing and cough function as part of this study.
What Is the Expected Time Commitment? The entire study will take about fifteen months over the two phases of the study. The two phases are - an intensive phase (4-weeks) and a maintenance phase (12 months). Participating in this research will require you to come to our laboratory at least five times to test your breathing, cough, and swallowing function. Each visit will be about 60-90 minutes in length.
Will I Be Paid? If you are eligible to participate, you may receive up to $200 for your participation for the entire study (in cash or gift cards).
Characterizing the Effects of Neurogenic Disorders on Communication and Airway Protective Outcomes
People with neurologic diseases often develop severe speech, swallowing, and coughing disorders. These deficits can result in significant decrements to health and quality of life. We are interested in finding out how your communication, swallowing, and cough have changed as a function of neurological disease. You can help us by participating in a research study where you will complete an evaluation of cough, swallowing, and speech.
Who Is This Study For? Anyone with a neurologic condition.
Number of Visits: One free evaluation