Contributors | Teachers College Columbia University

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*Note that the authors are listed alphabetically by their last name.

Ada Aharoni, 
Founder and President of "Iflac Pave Peace"- The International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace

Monisha Bajaj, 
Professor and Department Chair, International & Multicultural Education
University of San Francisco

Daniel Bar-Tal,
Tel Aviv University

Lesley Bartlett, 
Professor, Educational Policy Studies and faculty affiliate in Anthropology
School of Education, University of Wisconsin- Madison

Zvi Bekerman, 
School of Education, Melton Center, Hebrew University

Robin J. Burns,
Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health
La Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia

H.B. Danesh, 
Founder and President, International Education for Peace Institute

Roshan Danesh,
Education for Peace

Lynn Davies, 
Professor of International Education, Centre for International Education and Research (CIER) 
University of Birmingham, UK

Cheryl Duckworth,
Associate Professor, Department of Conflict Resolution Studies
Nova Southeastern University

Barry L. Gan,
Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Center for Nonviolence 
St. Bonaventure University

Johan Galtung,
Professor, Peace Studies
Director and Founder, TRANSCEND

Marie Gervais,
University of Alberta Canada

Francisco Gomes de Matos, 
Professor emeritus  of linguistics
Federal university of  Pernambuco
And president ABA  Global Education Recife Brazil

Magnus Haavelsrud,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway

Clive Harber,
Emeritus Professor of International Education
University of Birmingham

Ian Harris,
Professor Emeritus,
University of Wisconsin-

David Hicks, 
Freelance Sustainability Educator

Charles F. Howlett, 
Molloy College.

Tony Jenkins,
Co-Director, Peace Education Center, Teachers College, Columbia University, & Global Coordinator, International Institute on Peace Education

Mustafa Köylü,
Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey

Carl Mirra, 
Adelphi University

Patricia Mische, 
Professor/Lloyd Professor of Peace Studies and World Law

Mary Lee Morrison, 
President and Director, Pax Educare, Inc.

Nel Noddings, 
Jacks Professor Emeriti, Child Education
Stanford University

James S. Page, 
Adjunct Professor, School of Humanities
University of New England, Australia

Surya Nath Prasad,
Former Visiting Professor, The Graduate Institute of Peace Studies, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea

Margaret Sinclair,
Independent Consultant & Activist

Dale T. Snauwaert,
The University of Toledo

Aline M. Stomfay-Stitz, 
University of North Florida

Felisa Tibbitts, 
Lecturer, Teachers College, Columbia University, 
Chair in Human Rights Education, Utrecht University

The online Encyclopedia owes a debt of gratitude to Teachers College former doctoral students Sina Mossayeb, Radhika Iyengar, Annie Smiley, and Belinda Chiu. Additionally, we thank Abigail Johnson and Corey Holmes for their work on the EPE website. 

Cover art used with permission by UNICEF/HQ92-0617/ I DREAM OF PEACE, FORMER YUGOSLAVIA Old Ref # c 115 32, positive IMG0017.PCD “Messages” “Poruke” (Dove with olive branch amidst flowers) Maja, 12 years-old, from Pozega.