Gussow, Joan D. (jeg30)

Joan Dye Gussow

Mary Swartz Rose Professor Emerita of Nutrition and Education

Educational Background

1950 B.A. Pomona College, Claremont, California, B.A. (pre-med)

1965-67 Ferkhauf Graduate School of Education, New York City, graduate work in Educational Psychology

1975 Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, M.Ed Community Nutrition Education

1975 Ed.D Nutrition Education

Scholarly Interests

Social and technological factors affecting long-term sustainability of the human food chain, with special emphasis on ways of encouraging seasonal local eating.

Selected Publications


Birch, H.G. & Gussow, J. D. Disadvantaged children: health, nutrition and school
failure, 1970.

The Feeding Web, 1978;

Eide, A, W. B. Eide, S. Goonatilake J. Gussow, Omawale (eds). Food as a
Human Right. Tokyo: United Nations University, 1984

The Nutrition Debate, (with Paul Thomas) 1986

Chicken Little, Tomato Sauce and Agriculture: Who Will Produce Tomorrow’s
Food, 1991

This Organic Life: Confessions of a Suburban Homesteader, 2001

Growing, Older:  A Chronicle of Death, Life, and Vegetables, 2010

Gussow, Joan. Counternutritional messages of TV ads aimed at children.
J.Nutr. Educ. 4: 48-52, Spring, 1972.

Gussow, Joan. Improving the American diet: fortification or education. J.
Home Econ. 65: 8: 6-10, November, 1973

Gussow, Joan. The organic alternative. Nutr. Today, March-April, 1974

Gussow, Joan. Consuming in the year 2000. Centerpiece. Teachers College
Record 76: 665-673, May, 1975.

Gussow, Joan. Agriculture, food and nutrition. In: Nash,Hugh, Ed.,
Progress as if Survival Mattered. A Handbook for a Conserver Society. San
Francisco: Friends of the Earth, 1978.

Gussow, Joan. The educational effects of nutrition. In: Hansen, Kenneth
(ed.) Beyond the School: What Else Educates. A report of the chief state school
officers 1977 summer institute. U.S. Office of Education, Council of Chief
State School Officers, and Michigan Department of Education, 1978.

Gussow, Joan Dye (Ed.) Learning and eating: the new nutrition education.
Teachers College Record 81(4) summer, whole issue. 1980.

Gussow, Joan Dye. For the record: Food and nutrition education: a
redefinition. In: Gussow, J.D. (ed) Learning and eating, ibid.

Gussow, Joan Dye. Who pays the piper? In : Gussow, J.D. (ed) Learning and eating, ibid.

Gussow, Joan Dye. The science and politics of nutrition education. Journal
of Nutrition Education 12 (3): 140-144, July-September, 1980

Gussow, Joan Dye. Nutrition education in a world of limits. Food and
Nutrition Notes and Reviews (Australia), 37 (4): 141-145, 1980.

Gussow, Joan Dye. Growth, truth and responsibility: Food is the bottom line.
Occasional paper of the Institute of Nutrition of the University of North Carolina.
6: 1-15, March, 1981.

Gussow, Joan Dye and Isobel Contento. Nutrition education in a changing
world: A conceptualization and selective review. World Review of Nutrition
and Dietetics (G. Bourne, Ed.) 4: 1-56, 1984.

Schatan, Jacobo, Joan Dye Gussow. Ecology, culture and the right to food.
In: W. B. Eide, et al. Ibid, 1984.

Gussow, Joan Dye, W. B. Eide, Olivia Muchena. Women and food: equity
and development. In: W. B. Eide, et al., Ibid, 1984

Gussow, Joan Dye. Food security in the United States: A nutritionist's viewpoint.
In L. Busch and W. B. Lacy. Food Security in the United States: Adequacy, Availability, Accessibility.
Boulder, Colo: Westview Press, 1984. Pgs 207-230.

Gussow, Joan Dye. A modest proposal. Food Monitor 2: 3: 8-9, Summer, 1985.

Gussow, Joan Dye and Katherine Clancy. Dietary guidelines for
sustainability. Journal of Nutrition Education 18: 1: 1-5, February, 1986.

Gussow, Joan Dye. Women, food and the future. Journal of the Canadian
Dietetic Association 47: 3: 138-141 (English) 142-146 (French), August, 1986.

Gussow, Joan Dye. Women, food and power. Annals of Earth IV: 3: 7-10,1986

Gussow, Joan Dye. The fragmentation of need: Women, food and
marketing. Heresies 6:1:39-43 (#21) 1987.

Gussow, Joan Dye. Women, food ,and the survival of the species.
Innaugural lecture as Mary Swartz Rose Professor of Nutrition and
Education. May 3, l988. N.Y.: Teachers College Monograph, l989.

Gussow, Joan Dye. Does cooking pay? Journal of Nutrition Education 20: 5:
22l-226, October, l988.

Herrin, Marcia and Joan Dye Gussow. Designing a sustainable regional
diet. Journal of Nutrition Education 2l: 6: 270-275, December, l989

Gussow, Joan Dye. Why cook? Journal of Gastronomy 7 (1) 79-88,
Winter/Spring, 1993

Gussow, Joan Dye. But what can I eat in March? If we can grow it, can we get
them to eat it? Natural Farmer 2 (16) 14- , Spring, 1993.

Gussow, Joan Dye. But what can I eat in March? If we can grow it, can we
get them to eat it? Natural Farmer 2 (16) 14- , Spring, 1993.

Gussow, Joan Dye & Sharon Akabas. Are we really fixing up the food
supply? Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 93: 11: 1291-1297,
November, 1993.

Gussow, Joan Dye. Ecology and environmental considerations: does
environmental responsibility demand the elimination of livestock?
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 59 (Supplement): 1110S-6S, May, 1994.

Gussow, Joan Dye. Mediterranean diets: are they environmentally
responsible? American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 61 (supplement) 1383S-
1389S, 1995.

Gussow, Joan Dye. Is organic food more nutritious? And is that the right
question? Organic Farming Research Foundation Information Bulletin 3: 1,10, Fall, 1996.

Gussow, Joan Dye. Can an Organic Twinkie be Certified? In Madden, P. (ed) For
All Generations: Making World Agriculture More Sustainable, WSAA. 1997

Gussow, Joan. Can a Community Have a Food System? pp 3-15 in: Feenstra, G;
D. Campbell, D. Chaney, eds. Community Food Systems: Sustaining Farms and
People in the Emerging Economy. Davis, CA: UCDANR, SAREP, September, 1997.

Gussow, Joan Dye. Dietary Guidelines for Sustainbility: Twelve Years Later.
Journal of Nutrition Education, , July/August, 1999

Gussow, Joan Dye. Review of Lappe, Marc and Britt Bailey Against the Grain:
Biotechnology and the Corporate Takeover of Your Food. Washington, D.C./Covelo, CA: Island Press,1998,
in The Workbook, 24:1:12-13, Spring.

Gussow, Joan Dye. Can a Community Have a Food System? Open Spaces 2:2:
8-17, 1999

Gussow, Joan Dye. Is Local vs. Global the Next Environmental Imperative?
Nutrition Today 35: 1, January/February, 2000.

Gussow, Joan. Potatoes, and Zucchini. Two chapters for Gourmet Vegetables , New York, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 2002.

Gussow, Joan Dye. The Incompatibility of Food and Capitalism. The Snail Issue 2 and 3
(8/2002), p 22-25.

Gussow, Joan Dye, Reflections on Nutritional Health and the Environment: The
Journey to Sustainability. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition 1:1:3-25, 2006.

Stringer, Scott and Joan Dye Gussow, A recipe for a Healthier America, Huffington Post, April 3, 2009.

Gussow, Joan Dye, Reflections on Nutritional Health and the Environment: The Journey to Sustainability. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition 1:1:3-25, 2006.

Gussow, Joan Dye.  Creating Sustainable Agriculture and Relocalizing Food Systems.  In Schroyer, Trent and Thomas Golodik Eds.  Creating a Sustainable World:  Past Experiences, Future Struggles.  New York:  Apex Press, 2006

Stringer, Scott and Joan Dye Gussow, A recipe for a Healthier America, Huffington Post, April 3, 2009.

Hopp, Steven and Joan Dye Gussow.  Comment on “Food-miles and the relative climate impacts of food choices in the United States.  Environmental Science and Technology, April 30, 2009.

Joan Dye Gussow is the Mary Swartz Rose Professor Emeritus of Nutrition and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University and formerly head of the Nutrition Education Department. From 1980 to 1983, Dr. Gussow served on the Diet, Nutrition and Cancer Panel of the National Academy of Sciences. In 1984, she was simultaneously appointed to the Board of the National Gardening Association and to the Food and Nutrition Board of the NAS -- a symbolic reflection, she felt, of her professional goal of linking food growing to nutrition science. She subsequently served two terms on the Food and Nutrition Board and was a member of the subcommittee that completed the revision of the RDAs in 1989. She also served on NAS Committees that produced Improving Americas Diet and Health, from Recommendations to Action and Nutrition Labeling. In a four year term on the Food Advisory Committee of the Food and Drug Administration she considered such issues as genetically altered tomatoes, cattle hormones, and unabsorbable fats. She just completed a five-year term on the National Organic Standards Board where she worked to help shape the regulations that will determine the quality of foods USDA certified as organic. Gussow has served as President of the Society for Nutrition Education, as Board Chair of the National Gardening Association and the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundadion, and currently chairs the board of Just Food. She is author, coauthor or editor of a number of articles and several books. A long time organic mini-farmer, Gussow now lives on the west bank of the Hudson in Piermont, NY. where she grows her own produce.

1994-Present Mary Swartz Rose Professor Emerita, Nutrition and Education

1988- Mary Swartz Rose Professor, Nutrition and Education,Teachers College, 8/94 Columbia University, New York City (retired 8/94).

1987-88 Professor of Nutrition and Education, same

1977-87 Associate Professor of Nutrition & Education. Chair (1975-1985), Department of Nutrition and Education, same

1975-77 Assistant Professor, Principal Advisor, Program in Nutrition

1970-75 Instructor, Program in Nutrition, Teachers College, Columbia University

1966-1969 Editorial and Research Associate to Dr. Herbert Birch, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York.

1964-66 Editorial and Research Associate, Yeshiva University, New York City.

1956-58 Free-lance writer, New York City

1950-56 Researcher, Time Magazine, New York City.

Professor Emeritus of Nutrition and Education

Formerly Mary Swartz Rose Professor of Nutrition and Education and Chair, Department of Nutrition Education



Related articles:

Halweil, Brian. Joan Gussow, Teacher of Teachers. Edible Manhattan, Issue 10, March/April, 2010.

Anne Raver. Out of the Loss of a Garden, Another Life Lesson. New York Times August 18, 2010.

MacVean, Mary. Joan Gussow looks at life and loss. The naturalist's memoir offers food for thought on grief and growth in marriage as well as in the garden. Los Angeles Times, January 1, 2011.

Caroline Lang. Meet the Woman Who Gave Michael Pollan His “Eat Food” Line. Food/52, July 27, 2016..

Major Roles in Professional Organizations

Chefs Collaborative Board of Directors, 2000-2007

Compost Science and Utilization, Editorial Board, 1992-1995

Food Advisory Committee, CFSAN, Food and Drug Administration, 1992-1996.

National Academy of Sciences, Food and Nutrition Board, 1984-1990.

Subcommittee on the l0th Edition of the RDAs, 1987-88

Committee on the Nutritional Aspects of Food Labeling, l989-90

Committee on Dietary Guidelines Implementation, 1987-l991.

Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation Board of Directors, Sept., 1992-2000, Board Chair,1994-96.

Just Food Coordinating Council, 1995-1999, Board chair, 2000-2006, Board member 2006-

National Gardening Association, Member Board of Directors, 1984-1993, Chair 1987-1989.

National Organic Standards Board of USDA, member-- 1995-1999

Society for Nutrition Education Member, 1970-present

Director East, 1974-77

President elect, President, Past President, 1978-198l

Member Long-Range Planning Committee, 1981-85

Founding member Food and Agricultural Sustainability Interest Group (FASIG)


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