Wednesday, June 20 | |
5:00–7:00 PM |
Opening Reception for Conference Participants |
Thursday, June 21 |
8:15–9:00 AM |
Registration and Breakfast |
9:00–10:00 AM |
Welcome and Opening Session Susan Fuhrman, President, Teachers College, Columbia University Martha Kanter, Under Secretary, U.S. Department of Education Thomas Bailey, Director, NCPR: The Problem with Developmental Education |
10:00–11:15 AM |
Session 2: Discrete Reforms of Developmental Education Moderator: Thomas Bailey Results of NCPR Randomized Controlled Trials on Learning Communities—Mary Visher, MDRC Acceleration Research (CCBC, CCD, and Chabot)—Shanna Jaggars, Community College Research Center Evaluating Institutional Efforts to Streamline Postsecondary Remediation: The Causal Effects of the Tennessee Developmental Course Redesign—Angela Boatman, Harvard University |
11:30 AM–12:30 PM |
Break-Out Discussions 2A: Learning Communities—Evan Weissman, MDRC; with Donna McKusick, Community College of Baltimore County; and Rachel Singer, Achieving the Dream 2B: Math Acceleration/Compression Models—Mary Visher, MDRC; with Hank Martel, Broward College; and Elaine Baker, Community College of Denver 2C: Statistics-Based Approaches to Developmental Education Reform—Myra Snell, Los Medanos College; and Lucy Michal, El Paso Community College 2D: Modularized Math with Software—Karen Wyrick, Cleveland State Community College (TN); and Greta Harris-Hardland, Tarrant County College 2E: Accelerated Learning Models in English—Peter Adams, Community College of Baltimore County; and Katie Hern, Chabot College |
12:30–1:45 PM |
Lunch Luncheon Panel: Kevin Carey, Education Policy Director, New America Foundation Scott Jaschik, Editor, Inside Higher Ed Kay McClenney, Director, Center for Community College Student Engagement, University of Texas, Austin |
2:00–3:15 PM |
Session 3: Strengthening the Academic Skills of Community College Students Through Reforming the Relationship Between High School and College Moderator: Katherine Hughes, Community College Research Center Results of Florida and California Dual Enrollment Studies—Cecilia Speroni, Mathematica Incoming Student Assessment and Placement—Judith Scott-Clayton, Community College Research Center Results of the NCPR Summer Bridge Randomized Controlled Trial—Heather Wathington, University of Virginia |
3:30–4:30 PM |
Break-Out Discussions 3A: Dual Enrollment—Suzanne Korey, City College of San Francisco; and Diane Hollems, Santa Barbara City College 3B: Early Assessment: Preparing Students for College in High School—Julie Alexander, Florida Department of Education 3C: Summer Bridge—Irma Camacho, El Paso Community College 3D: College Readiness Partnerships—Elisabeth Barnett, Community College Research Center; G-Force Program—Becky Rodriguez, Texas Woman's University 3E: Alternative Approaches to Assessment and Placement—Ed Bowling, Guilford Technical Community College |
Friday, June 22 |
8:15–9:00 AM |
Breakfast |
9:00–10:30 AM |
Session 4: Improving Developmental Education Through More Comprehensive Reform Moderator: Thomas Brock, MDRC Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP)—Michael Weiss, MDRC Scaling Reforms in Developmental Education—Janet Quint, MDRC Virginia Statewide Developmental Education Reforms—Nikki Edgecombe, Community College Research Center; and Susan Wood, Virginia Community College System |
10:45–11:45 AM |
Break-Out Discussions 4A: Achieving the Dream/DEI—Kathleen Cleary, Sinclair Community College 4B: ASAP—Sue Scrivener, MDRC; Donna Linderman, City University of New York; and Michael Weiss, MDRC 4C: New Community College—Stuart Cochran and Nicola Blake, New Community College at the City University of New York 4D: Completion by Design—Davis Jenkins, Community College Research Center; and Terri Manning, Central Piedmont Community College 4E: Virginia Developmental Education Reforms—Jane Serbousek, Northern Virginia Community College |
11:45 AM–1:30 PM |
Lunch Closing Discussion: A researcher, a state policy expert, and a college president will summarize and reflect on the main points of the conference. Bridget Terry Long, Professor of Education and Economics, Harvard University David Longanecker, President, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education Karen Stout, President, Montgomery County Community College |