Session 1: Welcome and Opening Session
NCPR’s 2012 national conference presented the most recent empirical work on developmental education and related efforts to increase student attainment. In this session, NCPR Director Thomas Bailey provides welcoming remarks; Teachers College President Susan Fuhrman introduces the speaker; and Martha Kanter, Under Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education, gives the keynote address.
Session 2: Discrete Reforms of Developmental Education
Presentations in this panel: “Results of NCPR Randomized Controlled Trials on Learning Communities” (Mary Visher); “Acceleration Research (CCBC, CCD, and Chabot)” (Shanna Jaggars); “Evaluating Institutional Efforts to Streamline Postsecondary Remediation: The Causal Effects of the Tennessee Developmental Course Redesign” (Angela Boatman).
Luncheon Panel
Presenters: Kevin Carey, Scott Jaschik, and Kay McClenney.
Session 3: Strengthening the Academic Skills of Community College Students Through Reforming the Relationship Between High School and College
Presentations in this panel: “Results of Florida and California Dual Enrollment Studies” (Cecilia Speroni); “Incoming Student Assessment and Placement” (Judith Scott-Clayton); “Results of the NCPR Summer Bridge Randomized Controlled Trial” (Heather Wathington).
Session 4: Improving Developmental Education Through More Comprehensive Reform
Presentations in this panel: “Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP)” (Michael Weiss); “Scaling Reforms in Developmental Education” (Janet Quint); “Virginia Statewide Developmental Education Reforms” (Nikki Edgecombe and Susan Wood).
Closing Discussion
Presenters: Bridget Terry Long, David Longanecker, and Karen Stout.