News Articles | Teachers College Columbia University

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News Articles

Texas College Prep Experiment Shows Modest Promise for Helping Remedial Students
Deseret News article discusses an NCPR study of developmental summer bridge programs in Texas, which found modest positive impacts on the rates at which students passed college-level math and writing courses in their first semester. (May 13, 2013)

Study Finds Dual Enrollment Can Help Struggling Students
The U.S. News and World Report highlights positive findings from an NCPR study of career–technical dual enrollment programs in California. (July 20, 2012)

Community College Research Finds Dual Enrollment Benefits All
Dual enrollment programs, traditionally offered to high-achieving students, also have benefits for disadvantaged students. Education News reports on new findings from an NCPR study. (July 20, 2012)

Dual Enrollment Gives Struggling Students a College Try
EdSource covers NCPR's new report on career-focused dual enrollment and quotes NCPR's Katherine L. Hughes. (July 19, 2012)

Do Summer Bridge Programs Improve First-Year Success?
Hispanic Outlook magazine features findings from NCPR's study of developmental summer bridge programs in Texas. (July 16, 2012) 

School Is In For the Summer: Study Shows College Bridge Programs Yield Mixed Results
Community College Week reports on findings from an NCPR study on developmental summer bridge programs in Texas. (July 9, 2012)

Colleges Offer Summer Programs to Improve Students' Academic Success
The Cleveland Plain Dealer discusses the success of bridge programs at Cleveland State University and cites NCPR research on summer bridge programs in Texas. (July 7, 2012)

Day Two of NCPR: Looking for Hope
Despite the somewhat discouraging findings discussed on day one of NCPR's conference, at the end of the conference, Dean Dad reports feeling heartened by the well-designed experiments happening at community colleges and the emerging areas of consensus. (June 24, 2012)

Learning Communities, Student Success, and Real Pizza
In his Inside Higher Ed blog, Dean Dad summarizes the highlights of the first day of NCPR's 2012 conference on developmental education. (June 21, 2012)

Researchers Are Rallied to Help Improve Remedial Education, Not Scrap It

Inside Higher Ed relays the message given by Martha Kanter during her keynote speech at NCPR's 2012 conference on developmental education. (June 21, 2012)

Colleges Offer Incoming Freshmen a Summer "Bridge"
Education Week covers NCPR's Developmental Summer Bridge (DSB) research and cites Elisabeth Barnett. Although NCPR's evaluation of eight summer bridge programs in Texas has found positive short-term effects for students, many DSB programs struggle to find sufficient funding. (May 8, 2012)

Dual Enrollment Allows Some Teens to Start College Work Early

The Chicago Tribune discusses how dual enrollment programs can motivate students who are struggling in high school classes, citing NCPR research. NCPR's Katherine Hughes is quoted in the article. (April 3, 2012)

Some Teens Start College Work Early Via Dual Enrollment
This U.S. News and World Report article provides an introduction to dual enrollment and highlights NCPR research on outcomes for students who participate in dual enrollment programs. (March 9, 2012)

What We've Learned About Dual Enrollment
A blog post from NCPR's Katherine Hughes discusses what the research reveals about dual enrollment. (February 9, 2012)

Students Aim for College Credit
Reprinted from the Arizona Republic, this USA Today article highlights positive findings from two NCPR studies on dual enrollment. (December 27, 2011)

Phoenix Area Students Aim for College Credit
An Arizona Republic article on dual enrollment programs cites NCPR research on the dual enrollment's positive effects. (December 27, 2011)

STEM Charter High School Planned at DSU
Delaware Online discusses plans to open an early college high school at Delaware State University. In the article, NCPR's Katherine Hughes discusses why it is beneficial for students to begin earning college credits while still in high school. (December 27, 2011)

Mixed Verdict on Dual Enrollment
Community College Spotlight briefly describes two NCPR studies looking at a range of dual enrollment experiences, some of which were more successful than others at improving students' academic outcomes. (December 14, 2011)

Study: Location Is Key for Dual Enrollment
An NCPR study found that dual enrollment courses held on college campuses have greater impacts on college attendance and bachelor's degree attainment than those held on high school campuses, writes the Tampa Bay Times. (December 13, 2011)

High School Dual Enrollment in College Effective in Particular Circumstances
The College Puzzle, a Stanford University blog, notes positive findings from two NCPR studies on dual enrollment. (December 12, 2011)

Studies: Positive Outcomes for Dual Enrollment Students
Education News highlights positive findings from two recent NCPR studies on dual enrollment. (December 12, 2011)

Dual Enrollment No Panacea for Helping High Schoolers Prep for College

THE Journal reviews findings from an NCPR study that found that whether dual enrollment courses improve students' academic outcomes depends on their subject matter; for marginal students, participation in a dual enrollment course in college algebra was associated with positive outcomes, while dual enrollment courses in general were found to have no effect. (December 12, 2011)

Report Shows Dual Enrollment Best When on College Campus
Education Week reports on findings from two recent NCPR studies on dual enrollment. NCPR's Katherine Hughes is quoted in the article. (December 12, 2011)

Dual Enrollment Improves College Going, Under the Right Circumstances, Studies Find

The Chronicle of Higher Education highlights positive findings from two NCPR studies on dual enrollment. (December 6, 2011)

Groups Strive to Improve Remedial Education
U.S. News and World Report describes efforts to improve remedial education and mentions findings from NCPR's study of developmental summer bridge programs in Texas. (October 21, 2011)

Rethinking Remediation: Is Less More? reports summarizes findings from NCPR's study of Texas developmental summer bridge programs and shares recommendations based on evidence from the study. (October 20, 2011)

Evan Weissman of MDRC on Developmental Summer Bridges in Texas
Evan Weissman, one of the coauthors of NCPR's report on developmental summer bridge programs in Texas, discusses the goals of the summer bridge programs, the study's most notable findings, and issues of program scalability. (October 16, 2011)

Summer Bridge Helps Community College Students Pass Math and Writing
Inside Higher Ed provides a brief summary of NCPR's study on developmental summer bridge programs in Texas. (October 14, 2011)

Redefining Community College Success
Inside Higher Ed reports on the third meeting of the Education Department's Committee on Measures of Student Success, held on June 2–3, 2011. NCPR director Thomas Bailey, who chairs the committee, is quoted in the article. (June 6, 2011)

A Plea to Cut Pell Wisely
Inside Higher Ed describes the struggle to determine how to cut funding for the federal Pell Grant program. NCPR researchers Judith Scott-Clayton and Bridget Terry Long have joined a group of economists in signing an open letter to the College Board describing how Congress might best reduce spending for the program while minimizing damage to its goals. (April 18, 2011)

Gains for Students in Learning Communities Do Not Persist, Researchers Say
The Chronicle of Higher Education discusses findings from NCPR's Learning Communities Demonstration. (April 10, 2011)

Questioning the Value of Remedial Education
Inside Higher Ed highlights findings about the effectiveness of remedial education as described in the NCPR working paper The Impact of Postsecondary Remediation Using a Regression Discontinuity Approach: Addressing Endogenous Sorting and Noncompliance. (July 31, 2008)

Three New Studies Question the Value of Remedial College Courses
The Chronicle of Higher Education highlights findings from a study conducted by NCPR research affiliates. (July 4, 2008)

Research on Higher Ed Gets a Boost

Inside Higher Ed is the first publication to announce that the U.S. Department of Education is establishing a new national research center to be housed at CCRC. (July 11, 2006)

New Research Center Will Study Ways to Enhance College Access and Degree Completion
The October 11th National Center for Postsecondary Research kickoff is featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education. (October 13, 2006)

Other Press

U.S. Education Secretary Names New Committee on Measures of Student Success, Thomas Bailey Appointed Chair
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced the appointment of 15 members to serve on the Committee on Measures of Student Success (CMSS). NCPR Director Thomas Bailey was appointed chair of the committee. (June 2, 2010)

Live Radio Interview with NCPR Director
NCPR Director Thomas Bailey appeared on KUOW 94.9 (NPR Seattle), contributing to a discussion on President Obama's community college-themed speech, which was given this past Tuesday at Macomb Community College. (July 16, 2009)

Student Aid Policy Recommendations Receive Broad Press Coverage
A new report, Fulfilling the Commitment: Recommendations for Reforming Federal Student Aid, issued by the Rethinking Student Aid study group, calls for a set of policies that would fundamentally change how students and their families think about and prepare for college. (September 19, 2008)