Office of the President: Thomas Bailey

Thomas Bailey is the 11th President of Teachers College, Columbia University and the George and Abby O'Neill Professor of Economics and Education. He has served on the College’s faculty since 1990. From 1996 to 2018, he was the founding Director of the Community College Research Center (CCRC) at Teachers College. He is regarded as one of the nation’s foremost authorities on community colleges.

President’s Message

Open quotesThe really wonderful thing about TC is what goes on when our brilliant people working in education, health and psychology put their heads together. When that happens – and it does, all the time – we get the kind of multi-faceted approaches that offer the best hope for meeting the world’s most complex challenges.Close quotes

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TC Commitments Vision and Action Plan report cover
ceremony of Thomas Bailey's inaugration inside a grand cathedral
President Tom Bailey in front of Teachers College

News and Views

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Working for the Public Good: State of the College 2023

Plus updates on optimizing TC’s strengths, supporting our community and more


Opinion: Teaching Is In Crisis: Graduate Schools Of Education Can Help

In Forbes, President Thomas Bailey discusses challenges to the teaching profession and ways that graduate education schools can help provide a map for the future

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Research, Diversity and Student Pathways Headline ‘State of the College’

Here are the key updates you need to know from President Thomas Bailey’s address

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President Thomas Bailey Explores Essential Elements to Support Community College Students on EdUp Experience Podcast

Diving into building pathways for success, providing social support and more, Bailey co-hosted the episode on the critical role of two-year colleges in the education landscape – and how leaders can best put their students on pathways for success

CCRC washington post op-ed hero

How Congress Can Support Community College Students

In a recent op-ed in The Washington Post, President Thomas Bailey and Thomas Brock, Director of the Community College Research Center, outline why modest federal investment would go a long way toward helping community college students to complete their studies and enter the workforce

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