The School Law Institute at Columbia University is a national education program available for graduate credit, on a non-credit basis, and in some states for continuing education credits. In 2018, it will take place in air-conditioned space at Columbia Law School for one week between July 9 and 13.
Now in its 30th year, originally at Harvard and now at Columbia, the Institute will explore significant recent developments in education law and their impact on policy and practice at the federal, state, district, and school levels. Our objective is to provide aspiring, new, and career educators, policy analysts and policy makers, researchers, charter-school professionals (administrators, teachers, and board members), attorneys, advocates, and others with knowledge and skills they need to advance their most important educational priorities and minimize legal problems. The Institute has consistently received high praise from participants.
There is no better time to take part. In today’s polarized environment, almost every day brings important new developments on such critical issues as: (a) immigration law, policy and practice; (b) the Internet, social networks, and cyberbullying; (c) bullying and harassment based on race, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and sexual identity; (d) testing and accountability; (e) charter schools and voucher programs; (f) implicit bias and the school-to-prison pipeline: (g) the rights and needs of students with disabilities; (h) affirmative action; (i) ESSA; and (j) language policy and regulation. In sum, federal and state law, policy, and practice are rapidly changing in ways that deeply touch education policy and practice for educators, students, and communities. This is a good time to take stock and try to make sense of what’s happening.
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