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Second Language Acquisition

Doctoral Seminar

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Seminar Advisor

Dr. ZhaoHong Han

Professor of Language and Education; Chair, Department of Arts and Humanities; Director, Center for International Foreign Language Teacher Education (CIFLTE)

For more information, please click here

Dr. ZhaoHong Han is Professor of Language and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she teaches graduate courses in Applied Linguistics, TESOL, and foreign language instruction. Her research interests are broadly in second language learnability, second language teachability, and their interface. Her work on fossilization, corrective feedback, second language thinking for speaking (Han & Cadierno, 2010), second language reading and vocabulary development, second language reading instruction, and second language ab initio input processing has appeared in a variety of international journals and books.

Dr. Han is the recipient of the 2003 International TESOL Heinle and Heinle Distinguished Research Award, and a repeated recipient of the Teachers College, Columbia University Outstanding Teacher Award.

Dr.Han currently serves on the editorial boards of Applied Linguistics (Oxford; also representative of the American Association for Applied Linguistics), GRETA Journal (Spain), Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics (VIAL, Spain), Foreign Language Teaching Theory and Practice (China), Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics (China), and Second Language Acquisition of Chinese (Mouton de Gruyter). She frequently consults to universities and school districts on research and teacher development grants and second language programs, curricula, and materials.

Dr. Han has lived and taught in China, Italy, Norway, United Kingdom (Scotland, England), Japan, and Spain.

