The TCCRISLS Program | Teachers College Columbia University

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Teachers College Columbia University Roundtable in Second Language Studies

Roundtable in Second Language Studies (TCCRISLS)

Teachers College Columbia University

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The TCCRISLS Program

TCCRISLS 2014 featured four types of presentations:

1. Theoretical approaches to L2 learning and assessment
2. Theoretical approaches to learning and assessment in the content areas (math, science)
3. Empirical studies on learning-oriented assessment in both areas
4. Technological innovations and other applications of LOA in learning or assessment contexts

TCCRISLS: Day 1 - Friday, Oct. 10, 2014

5:00 - 5:15

Opening Session

Welcome: James E. Purpura, Faculty Sponsor of TCCRISLS
Opening Words: Teachers College President Susan Fuhrman
Moderators: Sian Morgan, & Saerhim Oh, TCCRISLS Co-Chairs

5:15 - 6:00

Paper 1 Theoretical

Abstract: A Learning-oriented Assessment Approach to Understanding the Complexities of Classroom-based Language Assessment

James Purpura - Teachers College, Columbia University
Carolyn E. Turner - McGill University

6:00 - 6:45

Paper 2 Theoretical

Abstract: Learning from Feedback: Conception, Reception, and Consequences

Constant Leung - King's College, London

6:45 - 7:30

Paper 3 Application

Abstract: Using Cognitive Theory and Technology to Improve Reading Assessment

Tenaha O'Reilly - Educational Testing Service
John Sabatini - Educational Testing Service

TCCRISLS: Day 2 - Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014 MORNING SESSIONS

9:00 - 9:45

Paper 4 Theoretical

Abstract: Reading for Understanding: A Principled Approach to the Integration of Assessment and Instruction for Reading in the Disciplines

James Pellegrino - University of Illinois, Chicago
Susan Goldman - University of Illinois, Chicago

9:45 - 10:15

Paper 5 Empirical

Abstract: The Role of Language Learning Progressions in Formative Assessment for English Learners

Margaret Heritage - Univeristy of California, Los Angeles
Alison Bailey - Univeristy of California, Los Angeles

10:15 - 11:00

Paper 6 Application

Abstract: The Use of Scaffolding Strategies in the Assessment of English Learners

Mikyung Wolf - Educational Testing Service
Alexis Lopez - Educational Testing Service

11:20 - 12:05

Paper 7 Theoretical

Abstract: Dynamic Assessment and Mediated Learning: Toward a Content Theoretical Framework for Developmental L2 Education

Matthew E. Poehner - Pennsylvania State University

12:05 - 12:35

Paper 8 Empirical

Abstract: A Framework for Promoting Teacher Awareness of their CBA Practices and Learning-oriented Assessment

Kathryn Hill - La Trobe University, AU

12:35 - 1:00

Roundtable Discussion 1

TCCRISLS: Day 2 - Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014 AFTERNOON SESSIONS

2:00 - 2:45

Paper 9 Theoretical

Abstract: Developing a Validity Framework for Classroom-based Language Assessment

Howard Everson - City University of New York

2:45 - 3:15

Paper 10 Empirical

Abstract: A Theoretical Analysis Approach to AFL Pedagogical Materials Development in an L2 Classroom Setting

Christian Colby-Kelly - The Government of Canada

3:15 - 3:45

Paper 11 Empirical

Abstract: Using an Integrated Reading and Writing Task for Learning-oriented Assessment in an English for Academic Purpose Setting

Ah-Young Kim - Cornell University
Hyun Jung Kim - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

4:05 - 4:50

Paper 12 Theoretical

Abstract: Learning Oriented Assessment - A Systemic View from an Examination Provider

Nick Saville - Cambridge English Language Assessment
Angeliki Salamoura - Cambridge English Language Assessment

4:50 - 5:20

Paper 13 Theoretical

Abstract: How Aptitude-treatment-interaction Studies can Benefit Learning-oriented Assessment

Payman Vafaee - Univeristy of Maryland
Yuichi Suzuki - Univeristy of Maryland
Eric Pelzl - Univeristy of Maryland

5:20 - 6:05

Paper 14 Application

Abstract: Affordances and Constraints of Technology-enhanced Tools for Learning-oriented Assessment in Second Language Learning

Lee B. Abraham - Columbia University
Paul Stengel - Columbia University
Steve Welsh - Columbia University 

6:05 - 6:30

Roundtable Discussion 2

TCCRISLS: Day 3 - Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014 MORNING SESSIONS

9:00 - 9:45

Paper 15 Theoretical

Abstract: Applying a Concept Model of Learning-oriented Language Assessment to a Large-scale Speaking Test

Liz Hamp-Lyons - University of Bedfordshire, UK
Tony Green - University of Bedfordshire, UK

9:45 - 10:15

Paper 16 Empirical

Abstract: Unplanned LOA in EFL Classrooms: Findings from an Empirical Study

Dina Tsagari - University of Cyprus

10:15 - 10:45

Paper 17 Empirical

Abstract: Automated Writing Evaluation for Formative Assessment: Investigating Accuracy and Efficiency as Part of Argument-based Validation

Jim Ranalli - Iowa State University
Stephanie Link - Iowa State University
Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen - Iowa State University

11:05 - 11:50

Paper 18 Theoretical

Abstract: The Role of Learning Progressions to Support the Development and Use of Mathematics Formative Assessment Tasks

Caroline Wylie - Educational Testing Services

11:50 - 12:20

Paper 19 Empirical

Abstract: The Role of Automatic Writing Assessment in Providing Diagnostic Feedback to Learners

Ardeshir Geranpayeh - Cambridge English Language Assessment 
Gad Lim - Cambridge English Language Assessment

12:20 - 12:40

Discussant 1

John Norris - Georgetown University

12:40 - 1:00

Discussant 2

Tim McNamara - University of Melbourne

Watch Closing Remarks