Downloads | Teachers College Columbia University

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Background Data and General Effects

Presentation: "Developmental Education Outcomes" (Thomas Bailey)

Presentation: "Does Remediation Work for All Students? How the Effects of Postsecondary Remedial and Developmental Courses Vary by Level of Academic Preparation" (Bridget Terry Long and Angela Boatman)

Presentation: "The Role of State Policy in Improving Outcomes" (Michael Collins)


Assessment and Placement

Presentation: "Assessing Developmental Assessment in Community Colleges: A Review of the Literature" (Katherine Hughes and Judith Scott-Clayton)

Presentation: "Best Practices in Setting Cut-Scores in Postsecondary Education" (Deanna Morgan)

Presentation: "One-Shot Deal: Students’ Perceptions of Assessment and Course Placement at the California Community Colleges" (Andrea Venezia, Kathy Bracco and Thad Nodine)

Presentation: "Replacing Remediation with Readiness" (David Conley)


Developmental Education Models

Presentation: "Building Foundations for Student Readiness: A Review of Rigorous Research and Promising Trends in Developmental Education" (Elizabeth Zachry and Emily Schneider)

Presentation: "Developmental Summer Bridge Programs: Implementation and Early Evidence From A Random Assignment Study " (Heather Wathington)

Presentation: "Learning Communities for Students in Developmental Education: Early Impact Findings from Three Colleges" (Mary Visher)

Presentation: "Video-based Supplemental Instruction" (Glen Jacobs and Kim Wilcox)

Presentation: "Washington State's Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST)" (Davis Jenkins)


Pedagogy and Classroom Strategies

Presentation: "Pedagogy and Classroom Strategies: Overview" (Nikki Edgecombe)

Presentation: "The Quandaries of Basic Skills: Views from the Classroom" (Norton Grubb)

Presentation:"Improving Developmental Mathematics Education in Community Colleges: A Prospectus and Early Status Report on the Statway Initiative" (Uri Treisman and Jenna Cullinane)

Presentation: "Contextualized Reading-Writing Intervention Study" (Dolores Perin)

Breakout Session: BC3: Contextualized Reading-Writing Intervention Study (Negar Farakish and Dolores Perin)

Webinar Downloads

NCPR hosted a web conference on December 15, 2010 that created an opportunity for participants to continue discussion that arose at the conference. » More Information » View Recording