Background Data and General Effects
Presentation: "Developmental Education Outcomes" (Thomas Bailey)
"Developmental Education Outcomes" (Thomas Bailey)
Student Progression Through Developmental Sequences in Community Colleges [Brief Report] (Thomas Bailey, Dong Wook Jeong, and Sung-Woo Cho)
Rethinking Developmental Education in Community College [Brief Report] (Thomas Bailey)
Challenge and Opportunity: Rethinking the Role and Function of Developmental Education in Community College [Working Paper] (Thomas Bailey)
Presentation: "Does Remediation Work for All Students? How the Effects of Postsecondary Remedial and Developmental Courses Vary by Level of Academic Preparation" (Bridget Terry Long and Angela Boatman)
"Does Remediation Work for All Students? How the Effects of Postsecondary Remedial and Developmental Courses Vary by Level of Academic Preparation" (Bridget Terry Long and Angela Boatman)
Does Remediation Work for All Students? How the Effects of Postsecondary Remedial and Developmental Courses Vary by Level of Academic Preparation [Working Paper] (Bridget Terry Long and Angela Boatman)
Presentation: "The Role of State Policy in Improving Outcomes" (Michael Collins)
"The Role of State Policy in Improving Outcomes" (Michael Collins)
Setting up Success in Developmental Education: How State Policy Can Help Community Colleges Improve Student Outcomes [Policy Brief] (Michael Collins)
The Developmental Education Initiative: State Policy Framework & Strategy [Report] (Michael Collins)
Assessment and Placement
Presentation: "Assessing Developmental Assessment in Community Colleges: A Review of the Literature" (Katherine Hughes and Judith Scott-Clayton)
"Assessing Developmental Assessment in Community Colleges: A Review of the Literature" (Katherine Hughes and Judith Scott-Clayton)
Assessing Developmental Assessment in Community Colleges: A Review of the Literature [Working Paper] (Katherine Hughes and Judith Scott-Clayton)
Presentation: "Best Practices in Setting Cut-Scores in Postsecondary Education" (Deanna Morgan)
"Best Practices in Setting Cut-Scores in Postsecondary Education" (Deanna Morgan)
Best Practices for Setting Placement Cut Scores in Postsecondary Education [Working Paper] (Deanna Morgan)
Presentation: "One-Shot Deal: Students’ Perceptions of Assessment and Course Placement at the California Community Colleges" (Andrea Venezia, Kathy Bracco and Thad Nodine)
"One-Shot Deal: Students’ Perceptions of Assessment and Course Placement at the California Community Colleges" (Andrea Venezia, Kathy Bracco and Thad Nodine)
One-Shot Deal: Students’ Perceptions of Assessment and Course Placement at the California Community Colleges [Report] (Andrea Venezia, Kathy Bracco and Thad Nodine)
Presentation: "Replacing Remediation with Readiness" (David Conley)
"Replacing Remediation with Readiness" (David Conley)
Replacing Remediation with Readiness [Working Paper] (David T. Conley)
Developmental Education Models
Presentation: "Building Foundations for Student Readiness: A Review of Rigorous Research and Promising Trends in Developmental Education" (Elizabeth Zachry and Emily Schneider)
Building Foundations for Student Readiness A Review of Rigorous Research and Promising Trends in Developmental Education [Working Paper] (Elizabeth Zachry and Emily Schneider)
Presentation: "Developmental Summer Bridge Programs: Implementation and Early Evidence From A Random Assignment Study " (Heather Wathington)
Presentation: "Developmental Summer Bridge Programs: Implementation and Early Evidence From A Random Assignment Study " (Heather Wathington)
Presentation: "Learning Communities for Students in Developmental Education: Early Impact Findings from Three Colleges" (Mary Visher)
"Learning Communities for Students in Developmental Education: Early Impact Findings from Three Colleges" (Mary Visher)
Presentation: "Video-based Supplemental Instruction" (Glen Jacobs and Kim Wilcox)
"Video-based Supplemental Instruction" (Glen Jacobs and Kim Wilcox)
Video-based Supplemental Instruction as an Alternative to Traditional Developmental Courses [Working Paper] (F. Kim Wilcox and Glen Jacobs)
Presentation: "Washington State's Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST)" (Davis Jenkins)
"Washington State's Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST)" (Davis Jenkins)
How I-BEST Works: Findings from a Field Study of Washington
State’s Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training Program [Report] (John Wachen, Davis Jenkins and Michelle Van Noy)
Washington State’s Integrated Basic Education and Skills
Training Program (I-BEST): New Evidence of Effectiveness [Working Paper] (Matthew Zeidenberg, Sung-Woo Cho and Davis Jenkins)
Pedagogy and Classroom Strategies
Presentation: "Pedagogy and Classroom Strategies: Overview" (Nikki Edgecombe)
"Pedagogy and Classroom Strategies: Overview" (Nikki Edgecombe)
Presentation: "The Quandaries of Basic Skills: Views from the Classroom" (Norton Grubb)
"The Quandaries of Basic Skills: Views from the Classroom" (Norton Grubb)
Presentation:"Improving Developmental Mathematics Education in Community Colleges: A Prospectus and Early Status Report on the Statway Initiative" (Uri Treisman and Jenna Cullinane)
"Improving Developmental Mathematics Education in Community Colleges: A Prospectus and Early Status Report on the Statway Initiative" (Uri Treisman and Jenna Cullinane)
Presentation: "Contextualized Reading-Writing Intervention Study" (Dolores Perin)
A Contextualized Reading-Writing Intervention for Community College Students [Brief Report] (Dolores Perin and Rachel Hare)
Breakout Session: BC3: Contextualized Reading-Writing Intervention Study (Negar Farakish and Dolores Perin)
Contextualized Reading-Writing Intervention Study (Negar Farakish and Dolores Perin)
Webinar Downloads
NCPR hosted a web conference on December 15, 2010 that created an opportunity for participants to continue discussion that arose at the conference. » More Information » View Recording